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First for English is Germanic

Tredde foar Fryslân!

Guten Abend :)


Are us English speakers many only to use Theedish (Germanic) words or not?

Germanasambandið hvenær?

Good afternoon

maar dit dan?

No just speak English.

Also related:

Old English.


Dat wurdt wurdearre

England and Lowland Scotland ought to be dark red

>dvw Kales nu een migrantenjungle is


Just for you

>allowing the eternal Anglo to poison the Union

Frisian, yes.
West-Frisian, to be precise.

Also Ireland, Wales and Highland Scotland
The Celtic legacy is all but dead, the British Isles have become the English Isles


Anglos are what you get when you combine Jewish-like shrewedness with Germanic work ethic

The results are awesome to behold

paki isles would be more accurate


>Work ethic
Rök míma vinur minn

Det finns väl inga nordgermaner här som ens seriöst tänker tanken på att vara knähunden till tyskarna, eller?

(Western) Ireland, Wales, and the Highlands are the ONLY places in the British Isles where Celtic speak is alive.

Too late.
This is my family now.

>That blue dotting and colored parts of Finland's coastline
Fuck you.

>>Work ethic

Goede miem, maar in de echte wereld zullen Duitsers onze slaaf/kannonenvoer zijn.

>Isle of Man
>Outer Hebrides
Granted, the first two are pretty much resurrected memes.

Not linguistically. You and I and the Low Germans and Franconian (Dutch, Flemish, etc) are all Ingaevonic

even there it's on life support except in remote regions of western Ireland with a lot of people who speak limited Gaelic/Irish and everyone speaks English

>Det finns väl inga nordgermaner här som ens seriöst tänker tanken på att vara knähunden till tyskarna, eller?

Nei takk.

Her bið feoh læne,
her bið freond læne,
her bið mon læne,
her bið mæg læne,
eal þis eorþan gesteal
idel weorþeð.

(Here bideth money, finitely,
here bideth friend, finitely,
here bideth man, finitely,
here bideth kinsman, finitely;
all this world's foundation
becomes idle.)

I was just memeing, because the Frisian of today is heavily influenced by Dutch and German.
I'm not even Frisian, I'm Low Saxon, I just lived in Frisia.

>hann vill ekki móður Merkel sem eilífan foringja

Is the place between Nederfranksich and Nedersaksisch uninhabited?

Ik heb een kaartje gemaakt waarop staat wie welkom is in deze draden. Mis ik een land?


I wish standard German took more from Low German than High German, it's so much easier to understand.

>in de echte wereld zullen Duitsers onze slaaf/kannonenvoer zijn.
Habe ich da gerade richtig gelesen? Komm zur Grenze und ich haue Dir ein paar in die Fresse, Käsekopp.

No, it used to be a sea until the '80s, so no dialect.


>móður Merkel

>dfn ingen nasjonalistisk Voe jv

Lämna oss ifred, vi vill inget med er kontinentalla skithög

it is the newest part of the netherlands. It was poldered out just some decades ago. It doesn't have any dialects associated with it historically (hence it is not colored in) , but in practice most people speak a hollandish dialect close to amsterdams.

>2 new posts
No. It doesn't have a native dialect, because they are polders (reclaimed land). They were made only in the last century.


Germanics are inferior to Mongolian bulls. All Aryan wombs are destined to impregnation by Turanian seed.

t. Abdul

easy man, if you could read you could see that this is a map of who is welcome in this thread.

t.urk Mehmet who wants one single country for his cousins to rape

That is, in the Flevopolder and somewhat in the Wieringermeer.
The Noordoostpolder mostly speaks Low Saxon Dutch, because many of the farmers and original settlers there came from Overijssel, Drenthe, Urk and Frisia (Stellingwerven).

Maar waar is RIJSEL?

Shoo shoo, back to /Uralic/

We're no Sweden.

Frans-Vlaanderen is welkom, ook al spreken ze grappig.
Ook zou Orcadië ingekleurd moeten zijn oetz.

Make me.

oei kanker. Daar spreken ze naar mijn weten alleen geen nederlands meer. Als ik dat meetellen zou, zou ik ook pruissen moeten toevoegen

Low German sounds pretty retarded. I most certainly wouldn't want to change the dialect around here in any way.

There are literally two american red cups in this picture.

Eesti is, in fact, Nordic and Germanic

>american drinking cups


There are no saunas or energy drinks here.


Also nobody wears shoes inside in Sweden unlike in America

>Ekki notandi besta ríkjasamband

Gebied ten noorden van Duinkerke spreekt nog Vlaams.


Well Austria has always been full of High Germans, Low German there would be out of place. Maybe Standard German is just a linguistic anthropological aberration.

>light hair and eyes equates to germanic
kys retard


Where can I get some of these fries I keep on hearing about?

(Nur ein Witz, Brudis.)

Lol it is meant as a map of who is welcome in our threads. If i had colored in prussia we would get a ton of polish shitposters. Same goes for finland, estland etc.


Alstublieft dikkerd

>[X] phenotype is [Y] culture
Go away

Whatever you say, Sven.

anyone got any flag ideas for our GOAT rikjasamband?

You've not even touched the surface of what our language has to offer m8:

I actually encountered a guy who spoke like that during my draft

And that's just off the charts and barely recognizable as German

And yet you are following our footsteps Pekka, btw we are sending some more ferries with refugees next week, great that you can take care of them for us

I personally don't like east-Austrian habit to draw out vowels.
I'm always afraid the person I'm talking to is having a stroke.

That said, I don't like the gay undertone of low German either.

Something in the middle, like Hessian or Franconian sounds the most normal to me.


>those videos

Holy shit, I had no idea.

>gay undertone of low German

So I can order some fries using this? That's convenient!

>Alstublieft dikkerd
Das ist gar nicht nett, ich bin doch nicht dick!

Sup faggots

Just want to add, Berliners sound like they're talking with dicks stuck in their mouths.

>Niet dik

Es ist wahr, Brudi, ich gewichte etwa 110 pounds. Ich bin ein Stock!

Als je mee wilt doen in het germaanse draad moet je wel euro-eenheden gebruiken, begrepen?

>Niuwe Nederlands
>Nicht dick

You just keep telling yourself that, Cai-Göran Cuckmansson.

Englisch wird niemals germanisch sein mein nordischer Kollege.

Wer ist für die Wiederauferstehung einer Hanse-union?

Tut mir leid.. das ist etwa 50 kg. Nicht dick!
>dein Bild
Ha, du bist witzig ;)


bild relatiert: mein stadt, kampen

"High German" has nothing to do with Austrians. The "High German dialect" as standardized language comes from middle Germany from the region around Thuringia.


IJsselmuiden oetz

>Implicerend dat IJsselmuiden niet gewoon een uit de kluiten gewassen buitenwijk is