Apparently, no one is aware that Apple's Siri means crab in portuguese

apparently, no one is aware that Apple's Siri means crab in portuguese.

Evidently, no one gives a shit

Siri is my kawaii little crab!

Ask Siri if she bubbles at the mouth in a form of anger

what this guy said. nobody's aware because even for trivia this is pretty meh.

Why don't we have crab robots Sup Forums?

Crabs are cool!

When I was drunk I asked her to call 911 to see what would happen. She said I can't do that.

Thank god.


lol that was an epic story! when this subreddit gets upvoting i'm definitely going to upvote you

EDIT: Thanks for the gold!

Wait, wait, wait. Does this mean Siri has crabs? I might need to make a few calls. Wait, does that infect me more?

Brazilian here, you are half-right Op, siris are actually cousins to crabs, the main difference being that siri's last legs have a bigger resemblance to swimming fins, which allows for better underwater maneuverability.
I did say if you half right though, and that's because, while in portuguese we have completelly different names for them, in english siris are actually know as "swimming crabs", because of the same fins i mentioned.

It's also worth mentioning that Apple's Siri is pronouced "Síri" while swimming crabs are called "Sirí", with emphasis on the last i, not the first.

Yeah, and closely related "shiri" means ass in Japanese. What's your point?

haha epic epic !!!! upboat!!! GOLD !

It's a fucking name, you dolt.

apparently, no one is aware that crab means Krebs in germon and Krebs also means cancer in english.

I'm from Portugal and I never knew that
fucking Brazilians man

No wonder you didn't knew, user, the word came from the Tupi native language "si'ri", meaning "to slide" or "to walk backwards".

What's the difference between a crab and a robot? How do we make that distinction

>aquele sentimento quando nunca vou ter uma namoradinha tupi com sotaque brasileiro


one is composed of biological organisms while the other is not. Cyborg crabs would be hard to classify.