>Wasting time by not using Game Maker

>be 12
>"im gonna make video games when im older!"

>18+ years old
>Wasting time by using Game Maker

Why waste time coding low level shit when you could be actually making a game?

I don't think you're getting the point...

Unreal > Cryengine > Unity > > > GameMaker

Because making the next Undertale clone with nothing original is wasting time more than writing your own engine

Because as long as you have an original enough idea and proper/good graphic assets, a GameMaker game can be amazing (see Hyper Light Drifter or Undertale.)

The editor doesn't work very well under wine. Otherwise I would probably use it to throw together small 2d prototypes.

GameMaker still exists? I remember being 13 and being the only person who actually used the scripting language (GML) instead of using its astronomically shitty drag-and-drop events.

I still call my frames steps.

>be me, 2014
>parent of 4
>youngest two want to make vidya, follow in dad's footsteps from the 8 bit atari days
>youngest daughter discovers Game Maker Studio, shows brother
>both ask if I can buy it
>Buy Game Maker Studio standard, only about $30 and can install on 3 different machines.
>Kids have made shooters galore, no real coding necessary
>son adds request for RPG Maker, oblighe and buy it
>kids make vidya for themselves and are content with it.
>consider making vidya myself since it's so damned easy that a 10 and 12 year old with ZERO coding skills have made numerous bullet hell type shooters.

If you wanna make games the easy way, GMS is for you. Coding skills not necessary at all.

Want to make a game and going to use panda3d because of python support. Is panda3d bad?

I created my own game engine with pygame.

I used to love game maker when I was younger and the runner for studio is actually impressive. You can make a game and get it running on tons of platforms just like that.

However, I've gone back and tried to use it and GML is so fucking horrible it's not even funny. Plus the IDE is complete garbage.

Problem is when people try and sell those though, they are literally flash games and should be treated as such

>his career is making video games


At least we aren't bored to death by shitty SQL server garbage. And don't even get me started on PHP.

>they are literally flash games

If you seriously think programming consists of either making games or PHP+SQL, you have some serious issues going on.

What if you're too retarded to figure out how to do basic things like drawing sprites, playing sound, or making the game actually tick.
You know, engine stuff.

I own my own business. I just come here to make fun of 15 year olds with their rgb gaymur pc's and shitty ibm model m's. It's very easy and entertaining. I have alot of respect for competent programmers, I could never do that shit.

Please elaborate. I have no idea what else programming is good for.

Then you probably shouldn't be trying to make video games

oh yeah it also involves making games

which is actually enjoyable


What's wrong with a career in video game development? Video games are currently the fastest growing media market in the world.

Besides, it's a lifelong dream for many people to make video games. I don't see what's wrong with following such a creative endeavor.

Studio 2 seems pretty cool, I like the new workflow.

What's wrong with using an existing engine as a base? People of all skill levels do it all the time

Does anyone have any suggestions on 2D game engines/frameworks?

I've heard good things about LOVE, and I've also looked into libGDX, which seems to be more of just a framework.

I've also considered just learning openGL, and programming it directly in that, but I don't know whether the performance gains of doing it on a lower lever would be worth the increased difficulty of deploying to different platforms.

Stop liking things I don't like.

There are many better game engines with more features, more portability, and an ability to use languages that don't make you want to kill yourself. Why use Game Maker when Unity exists?

Because C# was designed by Satan.

>shit tier game dev studio
Godot > GM
UE4 > Unity
Face it, open source is better at engines.

>mfw having to spend my life with corporate drones like yourself

I actually really like GameMaker: Studio 2. Feels comfy as fuck. It's a straight improvement over the original Studio in every way.

My only problem remains that I don't like certain aspects of GML - mainly in that it tries to be like an object-oriented language but only half-assedly. You can't give objects their own methods like you can with classes in proper OO languages. The result is that you just have a bunch of scripts that aren't inherently connected to what they're supposed to be called by in any way.

Another thing that bothers me is that scripts sort of act like functions/methods in other languages, but the scoping is instance-wide instead of being local within the script. So you always have to take care to make sure that variable names inside scripts don't conflict with the names of data members in your objects, since it'll just end up overwriting them.

Other than that, it does basically everything that I want it to, so whatever.

>implying your game ideas are so unique and awesome that they can only be done with your special engine

Just what kind of gimmicky shit are you making?

Holy shit this actually happened to me

>I don't know how to use it
>It was designed by Satan

I work for a real game company and write engine code, so gimmicky shit you've played.

Iktf user

Man this shit brings me back. I remember spending hours sitting in front of my computer staring at GameMaker 7 trying to figure out how to do what I wanted to do in the drag-n-drop since coding and scripting seemed really really scary. Lol sprites didn't have transparency, the bottom-left most pixel determined the transparency color so you couldn't use it. Man what a simpler time.

Then 8 came out with all its cool template sprites, sounds, backgrounds etc. Then 8.1 which was even better. Then studio came out and it all went to shit.

>mfw using Unity and it is literally a pile

Seriously, this fucking shit crashes randomly on running the compiler. Then it fucking has no fail safe and you need to control alt delete if you do something stupid.

Case in point, recursively call a collider. Watch it shit the bed. Plus it uses a fucking diarrhea version of c#, like version 3-4. C# is up to 6.


>tfw this is still happening to me in university

>Unreal > Cryengine > Unity
absolutely retarded

>Don't like the approach Unity uses on most stuff but scripting with C# is comfy as fuck
>GML is alright but it uses its own retarded made up scripting language which is downright retarded most of the time, specially when it comes to "accessors"

GML is shit you can't even make an array concisely or declare functions, I'm taking a game dev class as a piss easy elective to satisfy some bs requirement for my degree

Who are you quoting?

>making games
>not writing shit enterprise software in a shitty oop language instead

Hey, you can make like 12 functions. As long as you want them to be called... what the fuck was it? "user1-12"? Man it's been soooo long.

Code your game from scratch in C, that's what I'm doing, using glfw and glew and openal.

If know lua or you are willing to learn a baby tier language yes.

The fixed the array syntax in the new version of Studio.

You can make functions (i.e. scripts), but it is a little cumbersome. You can declare scripts and pass arguments to them like you can with functions in procedural languages, but the scoping isn't limited to the script only.

GML is shit overall but at least it is piss easy

its going to take you 1000000000000 years but you'll learn a lot gl

yeah I figured out how to do the functions via scripts pretty quickly, its just dumb. They should have embedded lua or something instead of making their own bastard language

Here are the pros and cons of love imo:


can make your own engine from the ground up
way faster compared to similar things like pygame
built in box2d
great, closenit community
extremely easy multiplatform deployment
can scale to indie level development


can't compile games, so when you release everyone has access to your source code

community is a little small
no practical 3d
no gui based editing tools
no built in gui library
best gui library has been abandoned

godot will be > gm, when it's finished. its nowhere near usable for serious dev.

it's 2017. 3D is not gimmicky shit

you can wrap it into a exe if you want

It's not from scratch if you're using libraries, nigga

Use what you are good at. You can argue all you want but the engine isn't going to make the game good. It's all in execution. Tactics used in the successful releases were not anything groundbreaking. This board will most likely laugh at the idea of art over logic but if you want to stand out from the 2D ez-clones, execute fresh and appealing ideas and garb them with a style pleasing to the eyes. As long as it fucking works and looks/feels good, the only people that will scoff at it are the autistic retards who care about the process more than the product.

As much as I love and come on Sup Forums I'm not going to take the advice of a bunch of literal autists that unironically install fedora and arch linux on their 6 year old second hand chink pads in anything related to productivity aside from what's the latest meme supreme.

I'm using Unity :^)

Using libraries doesn't mean you aren't doing it from scratch, since nobody codes games in c without using libraries.