Which modern race most closely resembles ancient Romans? Italians...

Which modern race most closely resembles ancient Romans? Italians? It's funny that ya'll were overpowered by Germanics' brute force and strength.

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>which modern race
the human race?

humans are a species, not a race

>the year is 3016

>Which modern race most closely resembles the french? germans? It's funny that ya'll were overpowered by arabs' brute force and strength.

>tfw you may get to see this post somewhere on the internet in your lifespan



actual romans

italians are literally 99% romans
butthurt poltards made their mission to deny this while foaming at the mouth

Isn't Rome full of blacks now?

nah, ur teuton scum now

Worse, it's full of "Romans"

Give me dat source nigga


Well, there is nation, which call itsself Roma. ;)

According to Butthurt snowniggers they were pure aryans because their aryan meme doesn't work if they admit their ancestors lived in mud huts.

Look at there statues
They have normal sized noses (cancels out frogs and Italians)
And curly hair
Thus British people or North Africans

Romanians? They literally have Roman in their country name.

you mean pepe?

they're slavy

Hesse has a lot of girls like top girl wouldn't you say?

>look at their statues for a realistic representation of what they looked like and not an ideal for which they strived for

ptolemly wouldnt have been happy to see that the statue looked nothing like him though

Never mind all the foreign armies marching across or stronger peoples settling in Italy, the Roman Empire had a policy of relocating poor Romans to farmland in the provinces while inviting in craftsmen, soldiers and rich people from all across the empire to live in Rome. The people who populated Rome by the fall of the western Roman Empire weren't even the same as the Romans of the republican era and modern Italians are hardly going to be more like the ancient Romans than the old Romans were.

Well, you can find roman resembling people probably in Italy more than everywhere else.
Of course people move, change, so you can find a lot of Italians whose look was not common in ancient Italy, you know, all those rapebabies memes, still the ethnic core is the same as 2000 years ago.

how come do they always look like this then

That's a nice drawing, i can't draw for shit so i'll have to use a real picture



Memes are tracking reality or the other way around?

wait, an Italian is the mayor of London? PASTA'D

That was the Greeks

tell me about italian women



Actually Brazil.
Romans were mixed as fuck, probably even more than we are.

>The mixed character of the population of the capital is attested
I)y many ancient authors. We can hardly imagine the extent of the
admixture; only Constantinople, the most cosmopolitan city of the
world, can give us an idea of it. CICERO calls Rome a city created
by the confluence of the nations, four centuries later the emperor
CONSTANTIUS wondered at the haste with which all the peoples flowed
together to Rome. LUCAN, the poet and friend of NERO, says that
Rome was populated not by its own citizens but by the scum of the
world. The Oriental element seems to have been very conspicuous.
A famous passage in JUVEXAL states that the poet cannot like this
Graecised Rome, but th& the least part of the scum is composed of
Greeks: the Syrian Oroiites has flowed into the Tiber, with foreign
languages and foreign manners.

But if you are talking about the original romans, pure blood romans, then italians

The Japanese


Iberian OFC.
at some point 70% of the roman army was made of iberians.
We and ethnic italians have basically the same ancestors .
We just live in a different peninsula .