What can we do to reclaim finnish culture and stop the younger generation from thinking they wuz vikings?

What can we do to reclaim finnish culture and stop the younger generation from thinking they wuz vikings?

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Hit them in the face.

But at least part of your heritage is viking due to intermixing.

praise Ukko



no shit

teach them that they were mongols instead
video related

also start hunting swedes as a national sport



Every. Time.

There was no "Finns", FFS.

What do you mean
Finn is a modern term for the inhabitants of Finland, aka hämäläiset tribes

Recover the Ancient Finnish Khanate with help of Pekka Eric Khan from the True Finns
Praise Tengri and Ukko Perkele while enriching us with more menes

t. Knower

PS. Great picture first OP, but needs more praising of Tengri and less Oden
Just a protip in the sense of profit

>There was no "Finns", FFS.
what the fuck are you smoking faggot?

PPS. It's true

It's the joke that he is a "clueless finnish pagan" praising scandinavian god even though finnic peoples had their own gods

ps. finnic people don't praise tengri

this is accurate

but why is it wrong to be interested in norse mythology?

top fucking kek you self-hating shit

eastern finn mongol spotted

I don't have a problem with it, but praising gods outside your "own" culture is kind of frowned upon

Get the fuck out of Finland with your cuck genes

t. Turanian

>unironically praising gods in 2016

>t. Truanian


Tavastians/hämäläiset are just one tribe.

you fuck off back to lapland or central asia buddy
slanty eyes don't belong here

Do not get deceived by the lies of the Svecoman, brother.

Shut the fuck up, Cai-Göran.

kill yourself fennoswede faggot
t. other

Does having Swedish eyes help you see the black/arab cock pounding your wifes/mothers pussy better?

They have found those "Ukko's hammers" in Finland though.

They were basically the dominant finnic tribe in finland, ostrobothnians are just northern tavastians who had a matriarchal society, which is why they were called Kvens by the scandinavians, which gave the name to Kainuu.
Savonians were their own tribe like Karelians, but Varsinais-Suomalaiset were basically swedes.

I made that pic a while ago :D
Is it a proper meme on Sup Forums?

It's your kind that doesn't belong here, Cai-Göran. Cuckoldry is in your genes as attested by this , you're even proud of it. You and your cuck brethren will be driven into the sea.

I don't get the pic, please explain why the "Of the belt of Väinämöinen" is connected to Orion and so on?


>I made that pic a while ago :D
Is it a proper meme on Sup Forums?
I've forced it sometimes :D
t. other



Savonians are 60% Hämäläinens, 10% Samis and 30% Karelians.

Get off my soil, cuck.

>I've forced it sometimes :D
Blody gud job män :DDD

>muh soil
>got conquered and was swedish for 600 years
if anything we should still own it

>Won't defend Österland after 600 years of taxes
>we should still own it
Ayyyyy lämäö

And how do you know these percentages?
Savonians are 10x more inbred than anyone else anyway

So hurris literally out-viking skandis? Damn son

An you fucking lost it :D:D:DD: HAHAHAHAHA NOOBS

Not that I expect anything more from a Fennoswede. You parallel niggers intellectually, after all.

You mean finn, Per-Sven

Their expansionist lifestyle probably makes them more diverse than western Finns who never moved more than 10 km from their farm.

I read it from somewhere but they have lots of I Y-DNA which the Hämäläinens brought to premises.

post nationalist finnish grill

It's tike the world knew. The truth about the great Finno-Korean Hyperwar must be made known to the public. The crimes of the Hwan Empire and the Wewuz mercenaries must be known in the minds of modern men, lest modern Finland forget it's origins and forever lose their locked psychokinetic powers.

Say what, Sven?

Vitun hintti. Sää oot niin vitun amatööri ruottalaisten triggeröinnissä. Painu nyt vittuun juntti.

We /ancient finnology/ now?



>grey wolves

Absolutely disgusting. A club of morons.

I have nothing against Turks but Grey Wolves need to be purged.

ainaki se triggeröi sut homo :DD
t. eri

>implying Anatolian Turks are Turkic


No they have very little I1 being 80% N1c but yeah sure they got it from someone western I guess.

hey shut the fuck up. if we didnt kill the commies than we would be part of CCCP so fuck off.


No vittu älä muuta. Just tollaset vaahtosuu juntit pilaa diipeimmillä leveleillä liikkuvat ruottalaisten triggeröinnit.

I had a source for it but I can't find it anymore. I'll post it to /mämmi/ if I can find it.


kek, saved


Jos et, /mämmi/ on ihan tarpeeks karu paskamyrsky ilman että siä ruvetaan viä haploautisteileen

No ei sitten :D

Painu sinä ny vittuun ulisemasta :D mee vaikka postaa animee vittu.
Anna ihmisten saatana keskustella vitun kehitysvammanen.

>Runsaimmat arkeologiset löydöt tunnetaan nykyisen Mikkelin alueelta vuosien 800–1150 tienoilta. Tuolloin alueella on elänyt alkuperäisen kantaväestön lisäksi eri puolilta tullutta, pääasiassa kuitenkin hämäläistä väestöä. Maata viljelevien uudisasukkaiden ja pääasiassa ehkä kalastuksella eläneen, lappalaisiksi kutsutun kantaväestön kohtaamisista on muistumia kansanperinteessä. Lappalaisten kerrotaan vetäytyneen syrjään suomalaisasutuksen tieltä. Luultavasti kantaväestöä myös sulautui uuteen väestöön.
>Vuodet 950–1300 olivat karjalaisvaikutuksen aikaa, jonka yksityiskohdista tutkijat eivät ole päässeet täyteen yksimielisyyteen. Laatokalta ja Karjalankannakselta oli hyvät kulkuyhteydet Saimaalle. Tuona aikana Savo karjalaistui merkittävissä määrin niin väestöllisesti kuin kulttuurillisestikin.
>Savolainen kansa rakentuu siis kolmesta ”kerroksesta”: kantaväestöstä (”lappalaisia”), hämäläisistä ja karjalaisista.
Onhan tästä muuten ihan wikissäkin, mutta muistelisin lukeneeni jonkun autistisen haplopaperinkin tästä.


It's no surprise southern Finland is the whitest place in the world, but they certainly weren't VIKANGZ, they only share the same lineage

Northern Sami mutts need to be purged and their nomadic savage culture need to be destroyed though

En ees oo animehomo, mutta jos me ruvetaan muinaissuomalaisteleen /mämmi/s niin meillä ei oo enään mitään syytä pitää näitä lankoja

no uliuli vittu
painu sitte helvettiin täältä :D

savo on siis hämäläisen herrarodun maita
mä tykkään näistä langoista vitun pässi, siks juuri en halua että näitä sotketaan mämmin kakkapostuksella

Syytän savolaisia 80% siitä "Finnish heritage disease" paskasta.

no luitko AP?
aika serious discussions meno

Ton perusteellahan ne on juurikin multikulttuurinen rotu, jossa geenit ovat sekoittuneet.

>savo on siis hämäläisen herrarodun maita
Niiin... Hämäläiset, Karjalaiset ja Saamelaiset ne kai on kombona joka puolella suomea eri suhteilla.


It's Tavastians in English, fucktard.

Swedish cuck.

Nope. It just rolls better off the tongue in English, like Karelians and Savonians.

That's true and also we can't just use Hämäläinen and Hämäläiset because they follow Finnish language rules which are alien to English.
If we really want to use Häme- then it's Hämeish, Hämelander, Hämeian or something like that t. asburger triggered.

>Kuvassa 2 läskiä, kuvassa lisäksi ainakin 8 muuta ei-läskiä.

>I made that pic a while ago :D
So you're the retard behind this who makes us look misinformed.

Based on an article in the Tiede-lehti, it's a fact

Ik maan, I am quite an uli pro myself, SUOMI ON PARAS :---D

You'll cowards don't even praise Tengri - PEKKA ERIC KHAN

Finns are Mongols from Central Asia not "Vikings"

Yeah except Aryans are Indians.

I petition to rename "Soldiers of Odin" into "Soldiers of Tengri"


Netvink'd t. Fobba

what is this meme? do you really think you were not VIKANGZ? what the fuck were you then? what is this "muh true scottsman" oops, i mean "muh true finnish culture"? praising JEESUS :DDD?

Venäjän aroilla asui skyyttejä jotka myös kutsuivat itseään arjalaisiksi. Ossetialaiset jotka ovat ainakin kielellisesti skyyttiläistä alkuperää kutsuvat itseään ironeiksi.

JUST LARPing dear macaco

t. Täby

Meh, it should be a Fingol marrying a Swedish princess and the offspring becoming the first Yngling king of Sweden. I hate it when memes are wildly inaccurate like that.

This thread is not KC TIRE enough

We need more assburgers

I summon the spirit of Krautchan incarnated itself in this ITT thread

Not enough mongols


With North Pole Ripped in Pars KC is the most assburger and KC tier place in existence now :DDD

Oh hey Finn bros, does anybody have that vid where some Finns are singing some mongolian thing, and there's a white naked man parkouring in the forest, while some stoned finns sit in the sauna and play a guitar thing?



t. I NEVER lurked Satuinnainen - Teemu

N-no. You must have had a wild dream he...he..

Pmt imhotep

Menes must be done rite


I unironically enjoyed it