Tfw power outage for hours now, Thinkpad just ran out of charge and phone is dying

>tfw power outage for hours now, Thinkpad just ran out of charge and phone is dying

>not having your own generator

Californian rain?

Good luck OP, be sure to set a dark theme to save those last few electrons.


>he doesn't have a milsurp diesel generator


>not having 10 fully charged batteries and an arsenal of power blocks to keep you going for days


Kill yourself, third world scum.

Minnesota doesn't have this problem.

well, stay strong, you have about 30ish hours to go

Dont waste your battery on Sup Forums dipshit, what if you desperately need an ambulance or some shit, what then?

>pass since this year

But why?

I...I hit the wrong button again.

just go to mcdonalds idiot

Fuck you, i laughed so hard my girlfriend woke up.

>not running your generating inside


>Sup Forums
>going outside
good one

That's when I'd read books on e-ink, or even dead tree.

Time to get the generator out of storage, eh?

Keeps the frdge and freezer running too.

Why don't we have this problem?

Want to get coffee some time?

godspeed user