Winston uses Arch Linux

> Winston uses Arch Linux

What's your excuse now, user?

I'm not a nigger



Pretty sure he used arch.

if you're going to post video games, at least post ones that aren't utter shit

>What's your excuse now, user?
Winston uses Arch Linux

Kek you can't play any blizzards games on linux ;)

I don't have gorilion hours time to configure that shit

Only an ape would use arch linux

Have an upvote.

It's playing World of Warcraft just fine.

Beat me to it.

That is why evolved from primates, to use Windows.

Natively? No. Just face it, blizzard is against Linux. They could port hearthstone to it in less than a day but they refuse to. This is why I'll never buy their products, which have gone shit in the last 8 years anyway.

Blizzard bans you for playing wow under wine


>playing on original servers
Even if you don't want to waste 20 minutes of your life making your own offline server you can still join a private one. Blizzard can't do shit about you using wine then.

more or less
the way wine runs win32 software is more or less the same as how windows nt runs win32 software
and there's a native implementation of directx9 in linux, too
this isn't /official/, nor /supported/, but it's more or less native

Doesn't wine have shittier performance though?

not necessarily
there's probably more things that run slower than otherwise, though there's a lot of variables to consider, some of which aren't caused by wine

for example, the native directx9 isn't available for the proprietary drivers, which are currently the fastest graphics drivers
so you're either using slower free drivers with the faster native dx9 support
or faster drivers but with slower dx9>opengl translation
there is some cases where using native dx9 outweighs using the proprietary driver, and vice versa

Yeah, just what I want on my machine. A way for malicious code meant for Windows to run on my system. This sounds fantastic.

my name is not harambe.

Good, I hope it stays that way. I started using Loonixes to get away from the cancer that is the video game community.

>Not enjoying vidya because of some stupid allegiance to an OS made by literal neckbeards

suck my fucking dick you fucking retard

Winston is also a big ape.

It was a poorly set automatic anti cheat software misinterpreting wine. It was fixed already.

>"enjoying" videogames because of some stupid allegiance to an OS made by neckbeards and pajeets together
There are only a few games worth playing that are windows exclusive anyway.

I can see it now

You went to 5x more shittier communty instead. Loser spergs

That's clearly antegros