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Technology #591
Now that the dust has settled, was C64 the best 8 bit "personal" computer of all time?
So without memeing, what's the general verdict/consensus on the ryzen chips?
Where is your God now AMD fanboys?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Where were you when Dell reinvented the ThinkPad?
Who is right?
Alternative to twitter
/hpg/ headphone general
Without a shadow of doubt the Zen microarchitecture is the big winner here...
Autismo Thread
Firefox versions
I thought Ryzen was meant to be good for games
Total games benchmark
Ryzen poor gaming performance at 1080 explained
How does that make any sense?
Install Windows 7 SP1
Why are Americans so anti-education?
Ryzen Reviews
AMD R7 1800x *OR* i7 6900k
Brace yourselves for impact. Bulldozer 2.0 confirmed
/sqt/ - small qeueries thread
Remember when I told you AMD was not gonna deliver because they never do, they always disappoint?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Anyone here still own a GTX 970? Are you happy with it?
Those axes
So you think you're hot stuff?
Dropped and broke their AM4 test rig
Xfce or unity?
How do I know if all pins are making contact?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
With the release of Ryzen imminent...
Get excited over all the Ryzen hype
Tfw I failed my exam in Databases
Integrated Graphics vs APU's
Are you a brainlet Sup Forums?!!!
Trump FCC Boss Calls Net Neutrality 'A Mistake'
Day 1 "true" Ryzen benchmarks might not happen...
Black guy wants all matte black Apple products
Put computer into sleep mode
Is there a way to speed up my pc without using a ssd drive?
Problem with etecting SSD. Both bios and windows not detecting it
If youre under the age of 35 programming/web dev/comp sci are horrible career paths...
No screenfetch thread
Jewtel finally cutting cpu prices
Anyone awake? I need some help...
So post your UMPC or shitty old hardware motherfucker. Lets get this started!!!
Literally just one update in 3 months
Ryzen 1700X early deliveries show Jewtel BTFO
Ryzen already out in some parts of the world yet these niggers have STILL not released any reviews?
Regardless of which side we root for...
Dumbphone general
Give me one (1) reason to choose gnu/linux over macOS, from a purely software perspective
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Google Pixel:
Rap Song Writing Neural Network
Why does the "Hackintosh is so hard its undoable and unusable" meme still exist?!!
Tfw spent £250 on RX 480 last month and now can find 1070s for around £300
Tech Support
There is absolutely no usage case scenario in 2017 where you need more than a 750W power supply
Ok Sup Forums - What is going on with linux and gaming?
How come even the times AMD has vastly superior GPUs to Nvidia, they still sell less?
Desktop thread
What does Sup Forums think is the best video format?
Can I have a browser has tree-style tabs and neither takes a gigabyte per tab nor freezes your youtube when you refresh...
Install KDE Neon
I'm looking to buy a new gaming router, which one will give me the most fps in-game?
Yo Sup Forums I've saved up about $4000 for a fucking epic PC build, no expenses spared
The great debate
AMD Ryzen 7 1700 OCed To 4.0GHz On Stock Air Cooler & Benchmarked
Why is Windows so expensive?
ITT-we discuss why it's bad to solder the IHS to the die
Bjarne tragically dies, and he's named YOU as his successor to dictate the direction, implementation...
Stop right there, you look suspicious
What does Sup Forums do with their old deprecate tech?
Can your text editor do THIS?
Who else hyped for this technolo/g/y ??
Why are ssd so expensive?
What's the most you've spent on a single software? What's the total you've spent on all software?
Are you a functional programmer?
10 cents of metal
Tfw found a mbp sitting on a pile of trash
Soldered CPU, gold plating and silicone protection for components
Want to build a gaming mac
What's better, and why, Ubuntu or Manjaro? Let's talk only about these distros pls
is down
What do you think of women in Sup Forumsayming and technology? Bad or good?
Tfw CS is a meme
/sqt/ Stupid Question Thread
Macbook pro confirmed gimmick
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why are all monitors garbage?
Twitter will start banning people for
Opinions on the AMD conference?
AMD RX 500 Series to launch in April - REBRANDED RX 400
Battlestation Thread /bst/
/csg/ - chink shit general
/psg/ - pink shit general
I'm starting to like Chrome more than Firefox
Office 2010 runs in ReactOS now!
Want to plug something to my PC
/wt/ watch thread
Okay so I got a question about monitor tech...
We told ya
/mpv/ - most valuable player
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
How exactly does the mouse interact with the monitor?
AMD doesn't fuck around with TIM garbage
Ryzen processors are SOLDERED
Ryzen - Gaming Benchmarks
Buying AMD is basically admitting you're poor
I'm still confused about the overclocking on these things so lets make this thread for other people like me to clear...
NASA uses Ubuntu...
2k computer
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Image generation from text
What's the point if using uTorrent when Qbittorent exists?
Should I get a Windows Phone?
Getting a computer science degree VS teaching your self how to code and theory
Tomorrow i'm considering installing my first Linux distro (granted, i installed Mint way...
I'm gonna buy a new HDD and install windows on it because my current HDD is a piece of shit
How's that job search going, Sup Forums?
Web Assembly has reached the browser preview milestone...
Is this good, plus a GTX 1080ti
As a programmer/gamer should i get the 1700 or just get the i5-7500
Name ONE (1) game that actually uses more than 4 cores
ITT: God tier applications
Press F to pay respects to all early 1080 adopters
Perfect IDEs do not exi-
Samsung Galaxy S8
Nihilism Edition
Germany runs Android
Screenfetch & vrms thread. go
Dropping my 4790k for 1800x
Is this worth it? Also, any better alternative?
Sup Forums approved youtube channels? My subscriptions fucking suck
Aliums land on Earth and demand to be shown 5 to 10 examples of mankind's technology and science...
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Appreciation Thread
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Why do AMD products always use so much more power than their competitors?
$2000 macbook
What's the thinkpad of programming languages?
Still the best phone on the market
Here's what I don't get. If AMD is so bad, why are they still in business...
Why aren't you uploading faggot?
Anyone know how to do this in a GNU/Linux computer?
This is what Bill Gates is spending his money on in Africa...
That asshole who picks an overlapping channel
Should I do it Sup Forums ?
Reasons to buy Ryzen instead of a cheaper, slightly better 7700K
Let's look at how much nvidia cards should realistically sell for if there was competition and retards didn't bend over...
I still use vga
Ryzen 1700 Csgo 1440p framerate - 220fps maxed/190 lowest fps
Install Unity 8
Install Ubuntu
Is there a mouse with a precision button?
What app do you use to browse Sup Forums on your smartphone?
What do you do on your thinkpads?
You've grown old. You were once on top of the world but now you see your limelight stolen by those younger...
I'm using Firefox and it seems to be a bloated cadaver. Where should I go now? I won't install chrome...
What is the difference between a 150$ Android smartphone and a 400$ one?
Untouched android
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Open web page
Is the Surface a meme?
What did Steve Jobs do?
How true is this?
AMD Ryzen 7 1800X Official Benchmarks Appear In Passmark Database
AMD, once again the poor choice
Even if the population of female programmers grows to match the population size of the male programmers...
Are we just going to gloss over the fact that Terry killed his bird?
AMD Ryzen launch plagued by hardware issues...
Why does Sup Forums support Nvidia while Sup Forums wanks over AMD graphics?
/hpg/ headphone general
Robots may soon replace most developers, programmers and computer scientists. That raises a few serious questions:
Porsche is releasing their first laptop
Are the ATH-M50X the Thinkpad of headphones?
Uber CEO BTFO by Uber driver
HN gets satirized, continues to be butthurt
Hey Sup Forums
/csg/ Chink Shit General
M.2 vs SATA SSD?
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Hey normy. i heard you bought a 1080 last week. nice! i wont help you install it like last time though
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with anonymity on the internet?!!
Windows 10 will soon block non-Store apps
Would like to be pointed in a general direction!
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Net Neutrality was a mistake
Trump signs laws to promote women in STEM
Russian guy murders his friend over argument about which graphics card is better: nVidia or AMD
You can only install software that Microsoft likes
I tried looking on google to no avail
I bought a 1080 last week
Can someone console me? I literally bought this build last month because I couldnt wait any longer
What's the most complex program you've ever written?
Attacks on Indian Developers in America
Our society created this building to house a company known for a harvestmoon clone minus the fun and creativity and...
IPC of Zen isn't even as good as Haswell
Name a better looking monitor. Protip: you can't
Vivaldi vs Iridium
*BSD is better than Linux
Well, what are your thoughts? Is this the end for Intel or AMD?
27 and freshman studying CS
What went wrong? Why did it fail so badly?
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
How wide do you like your indents?
NVIDIA GeForce GTX Gaming Celebration (1080ti Reveal)
How to break Windows 7
Can somebody explain like I'm brand new to programming how the keyword 'this' is implemented?
Is Sup Forums getting this technology?
X370 Boards
Hey Sup Forums, lets write a code
Is 2017 finally going to be AMD's year?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
I'm an 18 year old loser who has no idea what he wants to do with his life and i'll soon be going to college to learn...
Enter a password with a maximum of 15 characters
Sup Forums is finished!!!
Windows 7
Why do people like using their IRL names as their alias nowadays...
Give me a language
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Google announces 'YouTube TV'
Does Windows 7 have any advantages over Windows 10? I'm thinking about switching
So, what exactly can I do on Linux that I can't do on Windows?
Have you been pwned? Well, have you?
Sleeving is for real men
CS student in uni here, finally looking to install a linux distro on my pc laptop. What do you recommend?
Homescreen thread
How do we stop sexual harassment of digital search assistants?
What is the most convoluted way to write hello, world?
Post your gpus
Write good code or this thing will crawl in your bed
I have a sneaky suspicion that this thing will suck in practice
Stop calling the GNU operating system "Linux"
Vulkan was presented as the revolutionary multi-platform...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
The Sweet Spot CPU for AMD Ryzen
AMD ready to reveal vega at GDC
Sweden, yes
What's the most comfy Linux OS?
General upkeeep software
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Sony phones are still shit edition
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Terry A Davis
Got my hands on a Ryzen 1700 a few days early. You jelly, Sup Forums ?
Is Windows 8.1 THE last truly good, non-botnet OS ?
Share your speeds, state your country, and amount you pay for it
Uncucked languages
Hey guys what do you think of my highly optimized code :^)?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/wt/ watch thread
AMD Ryzen 7 1800X Official Benchmarks Appear In Passmark Database
Trips decides how the Amazon Server admin will have to kill himself
Phone Camera Rate Thread
What is the framerate of the real world?
Is Nvidia, dare I say it, finished and bankrupt?
He watercools
Is the internet revolution overrated?
Is all the anti AMD shilling just shitposting or are some people actually serious...
Bitwig 2 has been released
I want to make android apps but i don't like java
Hey Sup Forums
Will Sup Forums be buying the Gtx 1080 TI?
Event driven programming
RIP Amazon
Found an old corsair h60 without the fan on an old core2duo pc
Matlab Appreciation thread
Pls redpill me on Solus
AMD Presents Capsaicin & Cream at GDC 2017
Mint vs Xubuntu
Foreign software engineer is given a test to prove he’s an engineer
Resolution creep
"Zen a nightmare" "Hope i'm just unlucky" "Unstable"
What went wrong?
What's the best video course on Dr. Racket?
Terminal, Monospace Font, & Shell Preference
Can anyone explain why you would buy Ryzen when the i7-7700K exists?
We put a man on the moon using less than a TI82 calculator
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Never put Pajeet in charge
If Linux gets overly popular, and it won't be l33t to use it anymore cause every housewife uses it...
What went wrong
Chrome material design
You're next
Literally another shoah
IOS darkmode when
Be american in 2017
Is this the best 480?
Hello Sup Forums
Why is it so freaking slooooowwwww?
Cpu temps above 80c under load
Hey guys, I mostly hang around /fit/, and this is my first time posting. I recently got a new laptop for school...
Why don't they just use the entire wafer for a 2000 core CPU?
Learn to Mutex bitch
How do I bypass this Sup Forums? My college have blocked Androids and iOS devices from accessing the network...
Why do the good die young?
Her palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
2 SSD's in 1 rig - useless?
Vivaldi advice
Raspberry Pi Zero W
Hello /biz/
Post your job and salary
No More Lighting
Lightning is Dead
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Mozilla kikes waste your money
Kan you kode yet, Sup Forums?
How come the "console killers" of 2013 like the Core i3 + 750 Ti or the A10-5800K & Radeon HD 7660D APU come to a crawl...
Blu ray drives on PC, is it worth?
Youtube is 12 years old
Is this the best android browser?
Why didn't The Woz take over apple after Steve Jobs die?
I want to report an ex-employer for using unlicensed windows, veeam, and vmware. How do I do this?
Anyone has any SERIOUS clue if the DDR4 prices are going to drop anytime soon ?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Mr Wu is Trending on Twitter Right Now
What does Sup Forums think about Plex?
Why isn't there a Free Hardware Foundation Sup Forums?
Razer Blade Stealth
The biggest regret of my life is not buying/mining Bitcoin in 2011/2012 because I though is was worthless
What Software do You Use for Writing Serious Shit?
Tfw fell for the 16GiB RAM meme
Post your first self-bought build
Let's see those shit stations
C/C++ IDEs
This looks sexy as fuck. Will it be the first phone to outsell the iCrap...
Hey, I just bought two GTX 1080s, did I mess up considering Ryzen is coming out?
3d is future they said
What's the last thing you torrented or are torrenting?
Why are Indians so smart when it comes to science and technology?
/tosg/ - TempleOS General
Let me ask you a question Sup Forums
New face of Sup Forums?
Psion - Gemini
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/hpg/ headphone general
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Normie pays me 100 dollars to clean the malware on his computer(acts like it was a big problems)
Try Firefox
Desktop bread
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Ok time for summary:
Why did the Ipod become such a meme being an overpriced mediocre mp3 player...
Y do u still use uber?
Drunken eBay purchases
Being Embedded Software Engineer in 2017
How do you find out what the differences are between various FreeSD snapshot versions? for example:
Why is Ryzen gaming performance so bad?
Post your Cinebench scores, Sup Forums
RIP in peace, MPC-HC
Nokia 3310: Useless in North America
Will my PC run Mass Effect Andromeda maxed settings 1080p?
Best dankpad
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
If we ignore concerns about electricity consumption, which light bulbs are the best for your health?
CRT Elite
OOP constructors
Will be good?
Hypothetically speaking, how would one go about destroying this evil company...
R8 my new memechanical
Building a new PC
Java Thread
Heh robots wont take your job within the next 10 years
Good alternative to PHP ? I fucking hate that shit. Is flask any good ?
Thye age old question
Is it worth it? Should I go for it? It's used
Looking for dumb phone recommendations. Something small, durable, can call/text, not too expensive...
/wt/ watch thread
When your 26 , newly divorced , lost everything except what you truly love and are living with your parents in shame...
/AMD vs. Intel/ The containment thread #1
Old tech general
Hardcoded advertising in youtube CDN
Tfw bought stocks at $10
Cybersecurity ebook Coolection
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Ryzen crashes at 4.1GHz OC
Who is the Sup Forums equivalent?
Are there any devices that aren't a smartphone but have all the functions of a smart phone (except the phone part)?
Programming where to start ??
What is the best possible build for a 1000$ pc right now?
Boston dynamics at it again
I'm looking for the best laptop for writing. I'm an author...
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
Be Mozilla
B-but ryzen has issues with ddr4 and cant run high freq ram
Rate my setup Sup Forums
Every day until you stop memeing about Windows 10 telemetry
Web bloat
ISHYGDDT: Buying chinkshit with backdoors
You literally can't make this shit up
Classic Shell on Windows 10
Sup Sup Forums i just purchased the CAT S60 phone and its pretty dope. it has a thermal imaging camera
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
I'm on arch
Finally the pricing is right where it needs to be
The feature is disabled by default
Now that the death of intel is on the horyzen is Nvidia next in line?
He doesn't use Muji pens
Unknown MAC address shows up in your router network
Buy a MacBook they said, high quality they said
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Serious question here
So now that it's been confirmed ryzen has better ipc and runs cooler than kaby lake for less than half the price...
What do women think of technology? It's a pretty broad question
See Manjaro screenshots often on here
Using refurbished SSDs
What do i do if the g900 feels uncomforable?
Screen fetch!
Hey Sup Forums, this is my phone's current state, i need help unlocking it so i can save all my files...
Now that the dust has settled
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Hmm What did AMD mean by this?
I thought linux was supposed to be secure
Utter bullshit that the recent single-thread benchmark was not averages...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
McAfee came with PC, Sup Forums, should I uninstall it? Also, antivirus general
If I lay here
Pick my full stack option
I am planning to start learning C. But there's seems to be quite a few derivatives (C++, C#...
Honest thoughts on High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), also known as H.265 and MPEG-H Part 2?
Daily reminder that macOS is the best Operating System in 2017 for general tasks and use for 99% of human beings on...
Why doesn't exit usb port like Phone Jack ?
Is Paul /ourguy/?
What to put on my flash drive?
Best IRC program for windows?
Find a flaw
/spg/ - Smartphone General - MWC 2017 edition part 2
So this just popped up while browsing on some random site (game modding site)
Just ordered this
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
What did Elon mean by this
OC Zen leak
I don't know what to program in C for practice
What photo viewers does Sup Forums use?
This Indian software developer
The year is 2010
Why doesn't Intel enter the GPU market, and why doesn't Nvidia enter the CPU market?
Learning web development
How to get banned from Sup Forums?
Guy discovers 0-day exploit in IE and Edge
Wattman for Ryzen CPUs
Any other Aus anons here getting their NBN shut off from 2300 to 0600?
Who here is waiting for Ryzen II on AM4+?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
My friend is upgrading his rig and I said he would let me buy his old parts...
Visual Studio is best IDE you can get for free, prove me wrong, protip you can't
Client asked for the vector file and I provided them with the .ai and the PDF but they're still not satisfied...
Le I only need 100% multiprocessing le meme
Nokia 3310 2017
Reviews show the performance is good
Jesus Christ, how can anyone support this company?
Ylyl start
This is my wife, please say something nice about her
/tosg/ - TempleOS General: Bird is kill edition
ITT: Interfaces that lasted the test of time
When will captchas die?
Now that the dust has settled, what are your thoughts on Tek Syndicate/CritTV?
Anyone else think Zen/Vega APUs are going to completely kill Intel's low end?
Does Sup Forums use bsd?
Will project neon finally make windows /a e s t h e t i c/?
He calls his PC 'rig'
His CPU doesn't have Netflix 4k
*poos on ur freedom*
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Why would anyone use a console when a computer gives better performance and graphics and you could just plug in a...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
How do we solve the problem with industrial stuff relying on old technology?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Holy shit. HP is based
Convince me not to buy a new x1 carbon, Sup Forums
Tfw hackathon
Time is wrong on linux install
Why does everyone consider the best language that currently exists a meme?
I am PNG Smaller, post a PNG and I'll losslessly make it smaller
Let's make some pictures with Linus in them, Sup Forums!
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Turn on laptop
Good sites that no longer exist. GO!!
Encrypted password storage. Any of you use it? Things like PasswordSafe
Buy AMD Ryzen CPU
Painted my Dell Dimension 3000 Case :3
He doesn't have gaming LAN on his motherboard
I can see connections being blocked by Peerblock but I can't see them on my torrent client
/wt/ watch thread
You poorfags are getting the computer user equivalent of heart disease from your unhealthy computer choices
Remember when the entire internet, even normie internet rose up against SOPA and its censorship bullshit...
Go programming language
What programming language should i learn next after python?
Best Blogging Engine/CMS
Meme tech phrases
What is your honest opinion on opensuse?
Programming assignment is due next week
Name One Flaw
Is there a point of SLI anymore? Games barely support it anymore and when they do it barely justifies the cost
Should hardware manufacturers be banned from supplying governments with processing power...
New pix2pix thread
Microsoft fails to patch yet another vulnerability for 90 days
Current state of SJWfox
Windows Phone 1% market share
Is it normal for ''''''''computer science'''''''(basic c++) courses to have picky bullshit style checkers?
Is Being a Software Dev Actually Shit?
His next device won't have USB-C
GNU plus Linox
File Encryption & Hidden Directories
We haven't had a game of bin/g/o in some time
I found a random USB drive on the ground a little bit ago. I know the huge security risk associated with plugging it in...
File managers
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Hey Sup Forums!
Help me Sup Forums
Hi Sup Forumsuys
Will Ryzen actually be good, or is it just a meme
You will never be as good as me
Unused ram is wasted ram
Install Unity 8
Skype is shit
I dont want to build my own PC...
I love it, but why aren't there arrays or switch statements?
Some japanese stream celeb wears a mocap suit and pretends to be an anime girl for millions of lonely men
What does Sup Forums think of Wayland? How is it compared to X?
What is the best browser for android?
Apple hate thread
Python IDE/debuger
Linus: Ryzen only has 24 lanes total pcie and 2400mhz ram
I came up with a genius idea
What should I abandon Python for?
Why linux people are so aggressive towards Windows users?
Import java.util.Scanner;
I want to make android apps and get rich
So now that ricen is coming out, will Intel lower the price of their current cpus?
And this is our son's room
I'm trying to make a chess game for 2 on visual studio but I don't get why min isn't defined
Now, this is officially a thing now it seems
What's the Sup Forums approved search engine?
Why everything GUI-related is so clunky on Linux?
Best Browser?
/ptg/ private trackers general
So why is Sup Forums mad about pajeets?
Samsung Livestream
DNS servers
Where do you store your FLACs?
Well, yet another AMD processor release thats dead on arrival
I have one of these
/guts/ thread
Show me yours, Sup Forums
Why does nobody make phones with physhical keyboard? If Nokia just made Nokia E71 with LTE, Wi-Fi and better camera...
Hackintosh wooo
His place isn't this NUCLEAR
Could you run modern 3D games on a core i3 6100 or should i spend some more shekels and get a core i5?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How would one approach brutes forcing a code lock like this?
Is this the Sup Forums phone of the year?
Yfw the state of Sup Forums in literally 4 days
High end motherboards thread?
ITT: Post god tier domain names
/cyb/ - The Cyberpunk General
Whats the point of ultra quiet meme coolers when the gpu is going to be the loudest part of the system under any real...
That feel when you get a big new hard drive
Emacs footpedals
Going to uni soon - will need laptop - help Sup Forums
/wt/ watch thread
Well, /g?/
Why didn't people like gnome 3? I just switched from a tiling WM and think it's comfy as fuck
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Who needs Chrome if you have Edge, right?
Who else /cheapcans/ here?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Microsoft Research developing an AI to put coders out of a job
Why are people still buying electic cars?? I cars on ethanol are so much cleaner...
Real benchmarks released
Is mozilla even trying? What the fuck lol
Why does this shit exist? Why has the internet gone to shit...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Use email
Literally the best client you can get
Okay Sup Forums i want your expert opinion on this matter
KDE Plasma vs. Xfce
Which distro should should I install?
LG G6 Livestream
Hey guys, my 1800x is causing some stuttering on windows 7 but on 8.1 and 10 its working alright, whats the issue?
Where were you when linux was kill?
Lossless audio download from youtube
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Hey Sup Forums
/bst/ - battlestation thread
It's out
Not using Vega
Post you're CPU history!
RIP in peace Pajeets
/nsc/ - netsec general
Linux Desktop
SD cards
I don't get how open source is safe and secure
First SHA-1 collision in history
I'm worried about Terry, why isn't he streaming?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why does Sup Forums idealize crazy people like RMS and Terry Davis instead of technologists who are truly revolutionary...
Why do loudspeakers even exist? No one wants to listen to your shitty music
T H I C C™
Is ryzen going to have these fucking nigger pins?
Still have a lot to learn about computers
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Why do all the babbys here talk shit about Apple?
PC Cases
Ai that turns line drawing into pictures
Sup Forums aprooved ringtones?
Does speeding save time?
Wtf I hate linux now
Why does China and some African countries block Google and Facebook in their country?
Be finnish
Arch users in a nutshell
Can i write an operating system in java?
Nothing to hide, nothing to fear
I want to play retro games on an raspberry pi
What does Sup Forums think about macOS?
Tell me, without memeing, the easiest way to become employable in computer science
I sure hope you hit the Safely Remove button before you disconnect your hardware, Sup Forums
I keep missing the Terry live streams lately and it's driving me nuts
Why is Apple such a feminist company now...
What programming language did you start out with? What language do you recommend people start out with...
C vs C++
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
AMD is and always has been an off brand "babby's first gayman PC build" chip maker for 14 year olds who still think...
Would he have used Gnu/Linux?
Buyers remorse thread
Official death of AMD thread
Post the mouse you're currently using Sup Forums
Password management
You will regret every day you didn't invest in bitcoins
Is intel finished?
And so it begins....the price war has begun
His computer username is his full IRL name
OpenSUSE: the best linux distro (desktop) ever
All Apple products launched in 2016 had more negative coverage than ever
Having a laptop bigger than 13" in 2017
Daily reminder that Linux gaming is basically Tux Racer and most Windows games made prior to 1998
/pcbg/ -- PC Building General
Ryzen 6c CPU's
Node.js or Laravel?
Shaving Thread
I still use core2duo and i give a shit
So my mostly tech illiterate parents have friends that are using this with third party add-ons for TV (the big thing...
User here that hasnt looked into laptops in 6-7 years thinking of buying a new one...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
What would a decent Sup Forums redesign look like?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Sup Sup Forums
Real programmers thread
Anyone here work for Amazon?
What is the most fedora-tier programming/scripting language?
What kind of monitor cable would I need for this? I'm computer illiterate
720 vs 1080p
Why does Sup Forums hates it?
Show your dock thread
Want a job in IT and invest in my future
How do I make Windows 7 look decent?
Firefox status: KEKED
Does Sup Forums even program when drunk?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is port forwarding a meme?
Are these the core advantages of Tor over VPN?
Do Debian devs hate Linus?
DO YOU EVEN Sup Forums?
Screenfetch thread
Is there anything better for a Java programmer that I'm not aware of?
Redpill me on DuckDuckGo. Is it what it claims to be?
Why can't iPhone stop burning?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Carl Sagan Explains Entropy
What happened to Sup Forums? :'^(
Can this work?
He don't own a dual socket momyboard
That guy from that company
How do we stop Google?
/wt/ watch thread
It's just as easy to spy on a Linux user as it is on a Windows 10 user
Ive tried ALL stable flavors and i still cant find one that isnt lacking on something...
Modded Thinkpads are back
What's the most comfy linux distro and why is it Arch?
Hello. So my case is quiet unique. After I dumped my ex, she has been contacting me in numerous ways...
Qbittorrent continually crashes and has to be restarted
1800x or 1700X
Mac Vs. Windows
Auto/oneclick overclocking to 4.4
Haha, oh wow
Almost 10 years old cpu having a better OC than Ryzen
What's the best "just werks" distro?
Own a meme domain for my website that sometimes gets posted here by others
Why is this allowed?
Try to vacuum my ThinkPad of all the dust
Starter Kits
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
So, Sup Forums
This qt comes in to your office and asks for a million dollars for her tech startup
Sup Forums data collection
Why has germany become the most relevant country in terms of IT?
Are there any reliable gaming benchmarks that pit the Ryzen lineup vs an OCd 7700k?
Total Download Size: 256.71 MiB
I quit my cubicle CRUD codemonkey position yesterday to start as junior dev at a video game company for 10K less
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
/spg/ - Smartphone General - MWC 2017 edition
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Attempt to use Android Studio
The password problem
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...