What do women think of technology? It's a pretty broad question

What do women think of technology? It's a pretty broad question

For example, when they look at shit such as thinkpads, mechanical keyboards, and chinkphones, do they subconsciously have their beta senses tingled?

They think "ew nerd".
That's the single biggest reason why women don't want to go into tech. Women are too vain and only care about what people think of them.


they anything that doesn't provide them ego validation or emotional excitement
if you had a machine that sang em praise and told em dramatic stories they'd stare at it all day and not budge

Why are you treating woman like they're some kind of fucking extraterrestrials? It's this kind of thinking that will get you 0 pussy, fucboi.

Who gives a fuck what they think about tech, you want their pussy not their insipid opinions on things they largely don't understand like you do, right?

Depends on the woman.

Are you possibly implying the majority of men is different?

>software Development
>pays better than most jobs.
>don't have to spend a bazillion years in school
>don't have to be a genius to learn it
>teeming with jobs - don't have to be in the same frat as the President's son to even get an interview (*ahem* law & finance *ahem*)
>92% male
Explain this then.

Women will fuck you if you use a pink dong as a hat if you're an alpha male. They literally don't give a shit about anything else. You are not an alpha male because you had an iphone, you got an iphone because you an alpha male and you don't need to not be stupid so you get an iphone anyway because it won't affect you that you are stupid at technology.

>What do women think of technology? It's a pretty broad question
>Do women think?
>A pretty broad.

Does nobody else see this?!?

Wouldn't be looking at anyone like that, if I looked like miss horseface nosejob on the right there.

Depends on the person really. For example, people on Sup Forums like technology more than the average person does

except when you get raped working for uber

>mfw majority of men are software devs


Don't care as long as they get shit done.

women dont think and they dont think about technology either. the only thing they do is gravitate towards things that bring them attention or social status.

t. virgins

mind blown

>What do women think of technology? It's a pretty broad question
I see what you did there. ;)

My girlfriend is having thinkpad so depends.If you are not a beta she would not care at all and be intrested in that.

Almost forgot to fap to her today.

What would women fuck?

Chad with a Chinkphone?


Neckbeard with an iPhone?


who cares?

Who fucking cares.

thinkpads and cheap android phones, yea probably, unless they themselves use those because they had an edgy boyfriend that converted them. But a mechanical keyboard that isn't some flashy gaymer crap is functional and aesthetically pleasing, I don't get the hate

>all those faggots thinking women won't fuck them because they own a Thinkpad and an Android phone

No, you retarded motherfucker. Women won't fuck you because you're a massive beta bitch for even asking "should I buy this or will women think bad about it".
An uncucked male doesn't give a fuck about what people think. Do whatever feels good at the moment / whatever the fuck you want. See: and .

I have an old Thinkpad, but I got it before I got on Sup Forums. I just wanted cheapo fasto from Newegg. It's not impressive, but it gets the job done. I wouldn't judge a guy based on whether he has the nice phone or a bad one or something like that. Unless it's like a $$$ solid gold kind of phone.

Now, if you're *obsessed* about old tech, if dusty old crappy obsolete things is your passion in life, I dunno... Pretty weird if you ask me.

You have a guinea pig on your head.

>The last past
Need more sentences

At least 90% or more of women are too concerned with what they look like before they leave the house to even think about anything else so you think they care in the slightest about what something can do if it doesn't look flashy?

>It's a pretty broad question
>broad question

I see what you did there.