When your 26 , newly divorced , lost everything except what you truly love and are living with your parents in shame....
When your 26 , newly divorced , lost everything except what you truly love and are living with your parents in shame....
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I know that feel man. Got divorced 2 years ago late 20's. It'll get better!
Is that your "battle station"? Looks disgusting. No wonder you got divorced. Why have the desktop so close to your face? So fucking stupid.
So your a failure, maybe stop doing stupid shit like vaping and buying shitty gaming headsets and think things through.
I think you lost your glasses as well because this is Sup Forums not reddit.
I just don't understand, she loved cooking, I love computers. I would cook with her any moment she would ask. Yet I had built her a nice pc and she refused to even try, just stuck her her 2011 macbook ... Told me I love my tech more than our marriage. Both worked decent jobs... what went wrong?
kill yourself. seems like the perfect time.
He probably got divorced because he uses that awful uni-ball pen (vision elite).
At least OP knows the different between your and you're
>getting married before 35
why did you marry in the first place faggot?
I know , definitely going to wait a loooong time before I invest my time and earnings into another...
Or may try dating a guy, guys understand each other... Is hetero sex really what binds people? Or do I just have shit luck with woman?
Fell in love and though I "owed" her a good life
B-But I make enough money to buy whatever the fuck I want...
>no mattress covers
>Steam controller
>bag of chips and empty glass right next to a vape
>vape batteries charging underneath an open book
>so sweaty you need a fan on your desk
>blueprint mouse pads
>bulky gamer headset
>LED gamer shit on top of and inside your computer
>shoes just lying around under the desk
>plastic classroom chair
>that external cord management
I hope this is bait, I would've divorced you too
>using interior lights when its sunny outside
Jesus, get out more.
Yea being depressed an living in a room that you shared bunk beds with your little brother as kids..some fucks have begun to fall out the window... Gamer shit? This is a workstation. I do game also but who the fuck doesn't.
I get out...
>falling for the marriage meme at that age
Honestly I blame your older brother(s) if you one/any or your father for letting you make such a stupid decision. People at that age can't be expected to really know better.
99% of women in our current western society have zero idea what they want in life at any age, let alone that young.
You don't start to understand the true nature of women until you're about 25 or so and I'm guessing you were married by then.
Have you considered not looking homeless?
>already divorced
fuck, man... I'm 26 and I've been with my wife for 8 years now
how did you fuck up this badly?
>Fell in love and though I "owed" her a good life
storytime pls
if i encountered you in the desert i would mentally prep myself to draw my firearm
I have this chair
Great, now you just need to come out.
Who is that person in the .gif?
*Whip lashing sound*
>trips checked
Shouldn't have skipped leg day, friend.
*stomach rolls undulate softly in the distance, emitting a faint flapping sound*
Did your wife approve of this post, user?
her son did
Be prepped for a heartbreaking divorce where your wife takes literally half of all your assets in 4-6 years, buddy. Unless she's a subhuman (and judging by the fact you're on Sup Forums, she is) you're almost inevitably going that way. Really even if she isn't there's a substantial chance for it to crumble.
you're a fag bill
>attention whoring on Sup Forums
now I have seen everything
>being this mad
who hurt you?
closet homo detected
Now post your ex-wife. Censor her eyes if you want.
I can literally not imagine that SOMETHING like you got married.
It's literally not worth it to invest in relationships in the current year of our Lord Trump. I'd posit, anecdotally, that half of all women are baby dumpsters at our age, and that is for the most part the good ones, then there are the crazy bitches, the degenerates, the liars and the swine, the dumbasses and finally the 1% of decent single women. When and if you do find one, marriage only acts to inflame any issues so you're better off just being partners.
And to expound on 'the good ones' I mean the genetically suitable mates with reasonable intellects and halfheartedly stable, which is basically why some of them were knocked up. Then there are the dumbcunts who simply didn't understand the consequences of getting and remaining knocked up in their early age and are now, effectively, worthless single mother baby dumpsters collecting welfare and cock.
I've watched dozens of relationships fail, it's pretty evident that unless special circumstances exist in a relationship that they almost inevitably end up in failure, especially when initiated from a young age. There are too many variables and compromises to be made in general life that the expectation of keeping a partner, especially in modern society is a delusion. Even in a relationship it's deluded.
man you have a really shitty outlook, you must be a real loser who is surrounded by other losers
Sorry bout your life senpai.
>I would cook with her any moment she would ask
be proactive you beta faggot cukold
what happened with divorce user cmon spill the beans.
samae al-hayed
notorious madman
>Gamer shit? This is a workstation
Or I understand the fundamentals of relationships and the risk/reward involved in their pursuit? Quit projecting, maybe?
>Be prepped for a heartbreaking divorce where your wife takes literally half of all your assets in 4-6 years, buddy. Unless she's a subhuman (and judging by the fact you're on Sup Forums, she is) you're almost inevitably going that way. Really even if she isn't there's a substantial chance for it to crumble.
>Quit projecting, maybe?
chuckled, nice one m8
do you hate women now OP?
not the same user, but are you just trolling or are you genuinely denying reality?
are you aware that near half of all marriages in the US will end in divorce nowadays?
do you not realize that this is a 50/50 chance that you will either have a happy life, or end in heartbreaking and bitter divorce that requires you to give out alimony and everything you own?
I know you will likely think I'm bitter because of what I wrote above, but I'm not - I've actually not married at all or even been in a relationship for years now. I'm overly cautious because of the times we live in, its a necessity now
You're only fooling yourself if you think the classic boy meets girl and they both ride off into the sunset story is still something that occurs nowadays
Into the trash it goes.
>are you just trolling or are you genuinely denying reality?
are you legitimately mentally ill? I guarantee that you're some kind of fat, disgusting loser or you're mentally ill or you have some other massive character flaw
>are you aware that near half of all marriages in the US will end in divorce nowadays?
in other news, the sky is blue, niggers have an average IQ of 85, and OP is a faggot
I think she was seeing Tyrone on the side, bro.
Would you believe that I've stayed single AND virgin up to my current age of 37 precisely because of the scenario that happened to you?
Women are evil, man. And the delusion of equality between the sexes was the worst thing to hit the western world. Women don't want equality, they want your shit, and to push us down. One will never respect you, if you don't put her to her place. Which is precisely the thing that has been made impossible with written laws, giving them too much power to wreck a guy completely.
>getting married
That is a risk I refuse to ever take. Yeah I'm 32 years old and single but I have a well paying job great friends and interesting hobbies. I would never want to loose all of that due to a nasty divorce where my (hypothetical) wife gets absolutely everything and ruining my life forever.
Keep your sanity or what's left of it intact and don't take that chance.
>Would you believe that I've stayed single AND virgin up to my current age of 37 precisely because of the scenario that happened to you?
>tfw can't tell if this post is satire
you notice all that ad hominem?
I am not saying anything along the lines of "hurr all women are bad", but this is also not something that is opinionated - its completely true
entering a marriage in our modern society is something that should be done after quite a bit of consideration, you definitely don't just jump in and hope for the best - that is what half of the people in the country do
oh and btw, what I mean by it is completely true, I am referring to how half the marriages will end in divorce
>you notice all that ad hominem?
>I am not saying anything along the lines of "hurr all women are bad", but this is also not something that is opinionated - its completely true
Man, I can't tell if you're just baiting or not. Everything you post is fucking stupid. You make all sorts of retarded logical errors all over the place and then have the nerve to cite ad hom when I call you a loser. Firstly, your character is directly relevant here, so it's not an ad hom even if I wanted it to be more than an insult (which I didn't). Secondly, you are a total idiot. Take a stats class jesus christ dude
mfw this will be me if i lose my girlfriend I've had since the summer after high school. I don't think I know how to socialize with females because I make fart jokes and scream faggot at shit with my girlfriend.
also lmao virgin even after being married? lmaooo wtf!
bad dick can't compensate for all of that
>You're only fooling yourself if you think the classic boy meets girl and they both ride off into the sunset story is still something that occurs nowadays
That's exactly what happened in my case, though. You sound like an escaped /r9k/ poster.
I'm the real deal brother.
No, I mean I've never even been married. Nor in any serious relationships.
just hide their posts desu these retards are hopeless
>newly divorced
>mfw this will be me if i lose my girlfriend I've had since the summer after high school. I don't think I know how to socialize with females because I make fart jokes and scream faggot at shit with my girlfriend.
you sound really young
you are 37 all hope is lost my dude. I'd say you are about ready to blossom into your final form: wraith.
again, was referring to how the marriages will end in divorce
I've met nice women, and I've also met whores. Just as how there are nice guys, and there are tools.
if you'll read the estimate, the 50 percent is more of an estimate, but it is still the estimate that sociologists/demographers agree upon
you have a 50/50 chance of making it in marriage
fugg, meant to write second link rather than estimate the first time
I am relative to the 37 y/o. But I am a senior in college.
>you have a 50/50 chance of making it in marriage
Wrong—that is a total average. Group A may have an 80% chance of success, group B may have a 2% chance, group C may have... etc. You sound like a delusional 15-year-old. Stop lying to yourself about why you don't have a good relationship and start bettering yourself you little cunt/manchild.
this is why i come to Sup Forums to read some faggots blog and autists posting marriage statistics to justify to themselves why they're still virgins
awww, is that your childhood bunk bed?
how sweet!
If 50% of marriages end in divorce, and marriages are 50% men and 50% women, what are the odds that your partner is shit and not to be trusted?
Spoiler: it is not 50%.
>implying men and women are equal
>implying the person you're responding to isn't too retarded for any sort of nuance regardless
Are you me?
>Start dating current gf in highschool when she was 16
>take her virginity
>still with her at 31
>she has never been with another man
>she cant have kids
>no plans to get married
>can pretty much do whatever I want
>not tied down with shitty kids
>she cant take half of my shit if she decides to leave
I won the life lottery.
Denial is an effective coping strategy, it doesn't do anything to remove the numbers game you're playing.
>Razer keyboard
>Razer mouse
>That piece of shit laptop
>Owning a headset
>That disgusting case with retard LEDs
>A fucking vape
Your wife was right to leave you
>the numbers game
See you autist
Did you even bother to read the graph? Marriage lasts beyond ten years. Despite that gaping hole you still have a realistic failure rate of 20%-31% according to that, which is quite fucking close to 1/3. If I handed you a match and told you you had a 30% chance to burn down your house, killing your dog, wife and destroying all your material possessions would you even consider lighting it?
I'm 33, never been married but am in a relationship with a girl for around 5 yrs now. She ain't a gold digger thank god and we get along well. We have stuff in common so we can do things together and not be all "I hate this, or let's do this instead" type thing. But I've got friends who've been married at 21 or so and regretted it later. By then though there were kids involved so yeah they paid out the ass in child support payments and whatnot.
>wasted the best years of your life fucking one woman
Epic win friendo!
>Did you even bother to read the graph? Marriage lasts beyond ten years. Despite that gaping hole
Yeah, your unfalsifiable and unsourced bullshit really convinced me that the 80% stable group is indistinguishable from the 20% stable group after 10 years purely because there's no data beyond that point. Yep. We can't extrapolate or anything—that would be unreasonable.
>Despite that gaping hole you still have a realistic failure rate of 20%-31% according to that, which is quite fucking close to 1/3
Again, this is an average with no distinction between groups, which was the point of posting that graph in the first place. Also, it's pretty funny how you went from 50/50 based on popsci bullshit to 1/3 after just seeing this graph. You don't appear to understand statistics whatsoever. My guess is that you're not only ugly but that you're of mediocre intelligence, too. You are a deeply flawed individual and you're doing everything within your power (which isn't much) to rationalize your failings.
You're inferior.
why is math so hard?
>gets defensive knowing he's playing a numbers game that's constantly evolving worsening odds for him
>projects his lack of control onto me
>attacks my anonymous character as an aggressive posturing tactic to further his defense
>calls me inferior
>doesn't address any of the rebuttals
>just posts memes and emotive language
>too stupid for basic discussion anyway
anyway there's no other reason to stay in this thread than to give you attention so i'm out, enjoy your life you sad, pathetic sack of shit
>whine on Sup Forums about how your wife divorced you for Tyrone
>vehemently defend marriage and women afterwards
I addressed your circular rebuttals already, dipshit. You're not a special snowflake, certainly not as special as you'd like to think. Definitely not special enough to award you the status of the outlier you delude yourself into thinking you are.
>get's mad
>leaves after losing
Means I didn't have to waste my time any money dating multiple women, got ass on a consistent basis, and had a stable, stress-free life.
>case on desk
>no mat?
>disgusting pink
It's hard to find a good woman. They exist, but they're like the rarest pepes.
>believing op's "wife" existed at one point
Graph clearly shows that the odds of marriage succeeding correlate inversely with the number of non-marital sexual partners. What are you on about?
go back to Sup Forums
What mousepad is that? I like it.
This. Fuck marriage.
I want to be like you...
Post your edc
>interesting hobbies
>shitposting on Sup Forums
>getting married in the west
You have only yourself to blame for making such a stupid decision