Help me Sup Forums

Help me Sup Forums

So my sister is a fucking dumbass.

>her old iphone 5s breaks
>out of warranty
>decides to look for a used iphone 6s on craigslist
>finds one
>$400 64GB model
>goes to meet the guy in a McDonalds
>doesn't turn it on just hands over the money
>didn't let me know she was going to buy it, I could've gone with her make sure everything was legit
>get home
>iphone is fucking locked
>guy who sold it isn't answering back her texts
>she's crying in the other room atm
>earned that money working for animal shelter
Please help me Sup Forums, is there anyway to unlock an icload locked iphone?

Give it back Jamal

Give it back Jamal, etc.

Nice try DeShawn

Give it back Jamal

why do iphones break so fucking quick

call sombra for help

wtf are you guys talking about? My name isn't Jamal, it's Noah.

Return the mobile phone, De'Andre


There is no way.

So, Jamal, tell your sister Dequanshakiskaraowanada to give it back.

you have to go back

Top kek


This greentext seems too accurate for sandpeople.

Must be a nigger.

Fukken saved, gonna post this every time a nigger steals an iphone

saved because of Mugi

break it. dont be a faggot and hand it in.

Shaniqua pls


i love how you can find a thousand of scam "ICLOUD UNLOCK 200000$" site now on google.


>So my sister is a fucking dumbass.
She's a female, why are you surprised

5s is like 3 years old now.

Since you pretty much have a brick now, you could either nigger it and resell it or man up, use a hammer to release your pent up frustration in it, and throw it away

Do we look like Apple support? No we fucking don't. There's no way you're going to unlock it. We get these threads every fucking week. Your sister's tears aren't going to change anything. We're not hiding a magical unlock method from all of you dumbfucks that make these shit threads, there's just no fucking way to unlock it. Get that through your thick skull, you inane cunt. Now leave this board and never come back.

I hope my post becomes a copypaste that gets spammed at you stupid shitheads always trickling in from Sup Forums and Sup Forums.

Tell her to enjoy the Apple experience

>story to explain the situation
These niggers are evolving

holy shit thank you

>McDonald's has cameras
>file police report for scam
>request security footage from McDonald's for police report
>police have photo of scam artist and can arrest him if found

People are idiots if they don't do this