Anyone know how to do this in a GNU/Linux computer?

Anyone know how to do this in a GNU/Linux computer?

Other urls found in this thread:

>multiple gigabyte JPG files

Not suspicious whatsoever.

cat nigger.rar >> nigger.jpg

however Sup Forums detects these since long years

>being this retarded

You can hide shit without increase the file size by much

And how you take it out?
unrar x nigger.jpg??

that's the most convoluted way to hide your file I've heard of. just use some encrypted container dude.

It's not for hiding my stuff, it's for making a treasure hunt kind of game for next year freshman's at my collage


Works fine for zip:
> scrot a.jpg
> echo "Hello" > b.txt
> zip b.txt
adding: b.txt (stored 0%)
> cat a.jpg > c.jpg
> file c.jpg
c.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01, aspect ratio, density 1x1, segment length 16, baseline, precision 8, 1920x1080, frames 3
> unzip c.jpg -d d
Archive: c.jpg
warning [c.jpg]: 210455 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile
(attempting to process anyway)
extracting: d/b.txt

normies would not understand

Set up a separate /boot or /tmp partition. Then, when you need to hide something, unmount it.


My advice still applies. Who would think to unmount /boot and see what's on the root fs?

thank you senpai

The point is that i can give an image to every new student but not a boot partition to them.

Most decent uploading services check this type of thing and will deny or trim the data out.
Thats why when coding you take alredy done libraries instead of doing all from scrach for no reason.
ALso there was an exploit back in the old day where you could combine a jar and a gif gifjar, interesting days

as for how to make this in linux like they said to you

>cat >> file.jpg

Then to extract the data the simplest thing to do is to open nautilus change the file name frop jpg to .zip and double click

Or you could just encrypt it with 7zip and upload it to a free onedrive/dropbox account.

Doesn't work anymore.

you can use cat i.e. cat image.jpg rar.rar

>people actually manually hide passwords in an encrypted txt file
>people actually copying their passwords to the clipboard
>people actually not generating actual random password inputs

just fuck my shit up

I'm sure you're mom or your sister doesn't really know how computers work. So just create a encrypted container with an important sounding filename and just hide the file.


There are well known tools that will scan your computer for these hidden files.

>1TB on flikr but only pics and vid
>uploads intact vids and images, no encoding.
nigger.jpg cattle.rar niggercattle.jpg

Open it with winrar!

If you don't even know how to use cat, why the fuck would anyone want to learn forensics from you?

>implying I'm going to teach someone

>not using alternate data streams

That's old and no longer works.
Try this
convert audio.png rgb:audio.opus
png stores bytes losslessly, so you can quite easily feed it non-image data and extract it again unharmed.

And catchy.

well apparently flikr limits file-size to 200MB/pic
Thanks a lot OP, you cuck!


>convert /?
>Converts FAT to NTFS

please help


mv file.jpg .file.jpg

Literally undetectable

>being a wintoddler

That's just the thing. I don't want there to be an important sounding filename.

i had a flashback of another world

or you could use file permissions

>being a neckbeard
