Is this good, plus a GTX 1080ti
Is this good, plus a GTX 1080ti
I was going to give advice, but not now since you're probably going to be using the computer to spread racist memes.
You need a cpu cooler.
Also, Ryzen.
delete your image, the Sup Forums mods are redditcucks and ban people for "racism" now
Shut up everyone is racist to an extend
No one wants your opinion anyway nigger
I updated it here. give me a quick rundown on it
Fuck off.
>wasting money in jewtel
You're retarded
No it isn't and fuck off back to Sweden you faggot.
wait for benchmarks of ryzen processors vs your own. it's hard to tell you if your build is good without knowing what you're planning to do with it. why do you want/need a 6850k? what kind of applications will you be using?
Wait for what? To confirm that it is another bulldozer?
Everyone knows you're not actually buying this retard.
this: I don't get the point of x99 plarform now when 2 days away from Ryzen reveal.
Prices of everything are likelly to go down next week.
>that spelling
Racists confirmed high school drop outs.
>muh quad chans
>muh lanes
>Not 1700X
Fuck off
>windowed case
underage pls go
why not 1800x?
Looks good. Good job on triggering all those AMD poorfags that shill for Ryzen when they can't even afford it.
Fuck off nigger he's buying the parts not stealing them
instal gentoo
Wait for ryzen
Retard alert
>AMD flopped once so it will flop always despite all facts pointing to the opposite
Prefect mate. Don't forget your copy of windows 10
Wait really, I can't say pajeet anymore?
Wtf is this Reddit, you fucking pussy
>People responding to this bait thread...
No one is stupid enough to buy an X99 now, even the Intel shills. They will wait for the price drop Ryzen will create.
Stop giving attention to needy people ffs.
kek, get cucked.
(You) have to go back.
Norway's prices are nuts.
I built a PC with 6600k and gtx 1070, with a 144Hz monitor, mechanical keyboard, good mouse, case and cooling and that thing ended up costing about 2,3k USD
Fucking crazy man.
>i7 6860K
>barely beats Ryzen priced at 500
Is that price in rupees?
not a seasonic :-/
Blue LEDs on your ram makes it go slower