Which one Sup Forums?
The great debate
16:9 is the standard, so it will always be the most practical and least masochistic
>t. neo/g/
>t. edgy hipster
>not 9:6
16:10 because it is very close to the golden ratio
4:3 is masterrace, fight me niggers
Golden ratio?
I guess I'll google it to see what you're talking about, never heard a goldenratio about monitor aspect ratios
Nature has spoken
is it good for tablets too
Depends. For laptop definitely 3:2
16:10 for fucking life.
21:9 for desktop and 3:2 for laptop and tablet.
Yes, the Nexus 7 2013 has it (1920x1200) and I love it.
The golden ratio applies to everything you uneducated nigger. That's why it's called "golden", it's so good that applying it to anything makes anything look good.
16:9 for anything at 1440 or higher resolution.
3:2 or 16:10 for tablet. doesn't matter
Why aren't these numbers factorised properly?
16:10 -> 8:5
21:9 -> 7:3
683:384 -> 683:(3)2^7
>fucking 9:6
On desktop ultrawides are popular because they are have satisfactory height/vertical pixels, so more in the sides is welcome for workspace, movie size and peripheral vision in games.
On laptops and tablets it's the complete opposite. All the highend products, Apple laptops/tablets, Surface Pro, etc. are 16:10, 4:3 or 3:2.
If viewing port feels limited, a streched out image is super annoying compared to a more square one. I miss my 16:10 laptop
8:5 > 16:10
16:10 is 3:2
3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 16
2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10
you need to ask yourself the question "how do you find the scale factor of the area of two different figures?"
lets say you have a figure: 1x1
and another: 4x4
the area of the first is 1, the area of the next is 16
the scale factor is 4, but the ratio of the two figures is 4^2: 16
so, in aspect >>>ratio
American detected
Go back to the slums Poojeet
16:9 is the compromise ratio aka the cuck ratio
vertical 16:9 (9:16) is goat
it's like the entire internet was made for this configuration but it was kept a secret to prevent normies from being comfy
keep it secret, keep it safe
Smaller number = better
Monitor dimensions only describe side length in relation to each other, not a scale factor, consider a 16:9 25" monitor and a 16:10 19" monitor
So in aspect, 16:10 and 8:5 are identical, why use the bigger numbers?
21:9 is the only answer.
16:10 good for tablets?
16:16 is superior
Do you happen to be a trumpkin?
16:10 for laptops
3:2 for (((tablets)))
The golden ratio is bullshit pseudoscience.
4:10 PM
Most whites voted for Trump. It should also be noted most people with disposable incomes and higher education levels also voted for Trump. Piecing it all together most who voted democrat were a minority (niggers and spics) and in general a lower class generally poor citizens. The facts are kind of scary. Funny though when you think of all the projecting done to make it appear that the other side is a bunch of hillbillies or racist rednecks when it's actually themselves.
Either 16:10 or 5:4.
2:3 is for photography.
Woah, you really wrote an essay over there, what's wrong? Dropped out of school because the school had jews and niggers?
Golden ratio is bullshit.
>not 8:5
makes my blood boil
You're as retarded and as delusional as people who believe Einstein failed math. You just want to believe that it's true to feel less miserable.
5:4 Master Race you jews
16:9 or 4:3
16:9 for larger screens to have split screen multitasking and media
4:3 for smaller devices for using in portrait mode or for smaller monitors
3:2 is a good compromise for laptops but it's not really good at anything in particular