/hpg/ headphone general

>Headphone purchase advice

Please put some effort into your requests and questions.

If you dislike a suggestion, explain why and try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked.

>Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

google.co.uk/search?client=ms-android-oneplus&biw=360&bih=512&q=Sony mdr zx770bn&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwidw4DS-rfSAhVBDMAKHe0XBTIQBQgWKAA


How bad are semi-opens like the Superlux HD681EVO in public?
In places like public transport is the isolation shitty and will there be too much leakage in quiet spaces?

Still loving my Xiaomi Piston 3 headphones. Anything new I should buy as a backup?

Quick note that a mentally ill pajeet is constantly shilling SHP9500 headphones in /hpg/ that are complete garbage. If someone recommends you SHP9500, beware. These are mediocre headphones with no bass and they are of shoddy build quality.

I have a pair and they're good enough for gaming so I can hear what I'm actually saying

Are the Yamaha HS5W good speakers?


Never heard of this model. How much does it cost?

Is it better than Chinese ones?

but, under 100 dollarinos and without gayming aesthetics, they are good.


piston 3



Need some headphones I can take with me to school so I can block out noises while I study in between classes. Love my MDR-7506 but I can't take them because they're too bulky and they'd just make me look like a faggot. Tried to buy some cheap sony earbuds but the quality is too bad

$40 hard cap
Phone (Nexus5x)
>Type of headphone
>Comfort level
Very important! I have minor cauliflower ear which isn't visibly noticeable but makes in-ear headphones painful after a bit of time
>Sound signature
>Past headphones

Posted in a previous thread, following up a bit. I'm picking up the HD598s to replace some old A40s I'd been using for the better part of a decade. They'll be used solely in my computer, with no amp as I'm honestly tech-illiterate when it comes to that stuff and picked up what /hpg/ recommended.

How much of a quality difference am I likely to notice, assuming I have completely untrained ears? My current headphones are breaking down so I'm picking it up regardless, but I don't really know what to expect.

Phone/mobo/Fulla 2
>Type of headphone
Over ear
>Open or closed
Either, assuming open for sound quality.
>Comfort level
>Sound signature
>Past headphones
HD600, SHP9500, HD280, CAL

My neutraltism needs are met via 600's, just looking for something with a more "fun" sound signature for movies/gaymin.
Something easy to drive like the X2's would be cool, so I can walk around the house, but not a necessity.

Currently looking at the DT880/770 and X2's, anything else I should look into?

X2 definitely or the 770s if you want a really agressive V shape

Fuck off everyone knows that only the shills are figuring that out now

Look into EQing. Having more than one pair of headphones for the same purpose is silly.

But user, I do eq.
Isn't variety the spice of life?

Then why do you want another pair?

how can I use an Equalizer on PC?

Equalizer APO + Peace GUI if you're using Windows.

So I don't have to bother with eq.
Rather just have the sound I'm looking for out of the box.

Besides, I've had the 600's a little over a year, looking to mix things up, y'all don't enjoy experiencing different sound signatures from time to time?

>So I don't have to bother with eq.
You must be earning a lot if 30 minutes of your time is worth more than $300 to you.
>Rather just have the sound I'm looking for out of the box.
Did you try out DT 770, DT 880 and X2? How do you know it's the sound you're looking for?
>y'all don't enjoy experiencing different sound signatures from time to time?
No, I enjoy different music.

>waah these neutral headphones don't have enough bass for my nigger music so they're shit!!

>y'all don't enjoy experiencing different sound signatures from time to time?

That's just your internalizing of your subconscious dissatisfaction with dynamic drivers.

how did you combine all posts?

re: nwavguy/headfi, see Chapter 12:

Also, snapped headbands -> morons following "stretching guides"

>You must be earning a lot if 30 minutes of your time is worth more than $300 to you.
No neet life here, and tax returns.
>Did you try out DT 770, DT 880 and X2? How do you know it's the sound you're looking for?
I've only tried the 880's, but it was a decent time ago and there aren't any stores near me where I can try again.

I've also had cheap headphones with the V, and dug them (Takstar 2050), especially for gaymes.

These aren't headphones. They're IEMs -_-

DT770 aren't "fun". They're just bassy.

DT880 should actually be fun without being absolute garbage.

I guess I'll recommend the X2 then.

pls help

(((semi-open))) is just open
scroll down to isolation
don't fall for (((their))) marketing schemes

Big difference between neutral and extremely rolled off bass. Neutral is neutral all the way form 20 to 20k, not from 100 to 20k

The DT990 are the fun headphones. The 770s are bassy as fuck and the 880 is __/ shaped with that fucking colossal treble peak and neutral everything else.

ahh fuck
guess i'll have to get some closed ones after all


Is there a good budget close headphone with a detachable cable?

several! :)

Enlighten me then! :)


These are gr8 budget closed back headphones.

K52 (£39), K72 (£39) and K92 (£49)

I've owned both the 72's and 92's.

Lost the 72's on a whiskey rampage and replaced them with a new set of K92's since they were the same price new and sealed on eBay (£33).


NVX XPT100 ;)
Audio-Technica ATH-M40x =)
Status Audio CB-1 B)
M-Audio HDH50 x)

HD 598 Cs

but i said detachable cable :(
that's not really budget xP
>why are you so fucking cheap faggot fuck urself
i live in eastern europe
good headphones are very rery expensive here
i meant like 70 buckaroos tops

>i meant like 70 buckaroos tops

70 buckaroos tops
eastern europe
stolen iphone
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
>Sound signature

filled out the form 4u ;))

but how can i be sure the product is delivered in good condition and that it isn't all wrecked up and scarred and that it actually works?
i'm sorta new to the headphone buying business, you guys usually buy them used?
thanksies ;^3

Yeah I know. I was going to post this in the thread anyway. It was a coincidence that you were looking for cheap closed back headphones lol.

It says right there that it's just a 1/4 inch ding or scratch or something. No manual, but who gives a shit. They should work just fine.

>you guys usually buy them used?

No, but you're poor as shit. I got mine for $99 new. $66 is not a bad price for them at all.

lol, thanks i guess
you have opened a new window for me

DT 770 PRO - 80 OHM > all

Why are the HD668B not recommended anymore?

That's a screenshot from the archive you dum dum. He just searched whatever line it is that an user is forcing here?

Headphone advice appreciated:

I'd like :
> over ear
> wireless
> noise cancelling
> great sound, good bass
> around 150 pounds (175 Euro)

Thinking of going with these: google.co.uk/search?client=ms-android-oneplus&biw=360&bih=512&q=Sony mdr zx770bn&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwidw4DS-rfSAhVBDMAKHe0XBTIQBQgWKAA

>> wireless

Your post is inappropriate and you need to leave right now.

Might be because Samson SR850's got price dropped to $30 on Amazon and they have the same drivers



That's only in 'muriga though, right?

Don't mind me, just posting the world's best headphones.

How does the soundstage on the hd 598Cs compare to the hd 598, the Audio Technica ATH-A900X or other open headphones

Just checked real quick and confirmed for Murica, UK and Amazon.de

So with Apple pushing the "wireless only" meme, and Bluetooth being an outdated fossil, how can we get quality sounding wireless headphones that audiophiles will approve?

$150 (flexible)
>Type of headphone
Full Sized
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
Cozy, coziness comes before sound quality although that's still important
>Past headphones
40$ storeboughts, nothing particularly good


DT 770

Sound card, external dac, or just an amplifier for my pc? Currently using the mobo jack. No interference or anything its just too quiet for when I want to jam out.

Jack of all trades, master of none

They don't excell at anything and are just boring.

Get HD650 if you want not boring HD600.

Kek, they're even more boring. A complete snoozefest


You must be a masochist

Status CB-1/Somic MM185
M40X with HM5 Pads

>Type of headphone
>Comfort level
Honestly, I don't know, since I've only been using cheap 10-20€ headphones
>Sound signature
Don't know.
>Past headphones
Shitty headphones for 10-20€

Use the PC for music/movies,shows/games, in that order.

Open or closed back?
Over ear, on ear or in ear(rubber tip)/earbud (Older apple earphone style)?

The ones that have the better sound. I live alone, and I don't think I will have any disturbances. Could you give me some suggestions for both open and closed?

What's the difference between on ear and over ear?

My earbuds keeps losing bass and some volume in the right one, am I going deaf or my phone is breaking them?

>They don't excell at anything and are just boring.
They excel at accuracy, now go take your colored shit elsewhere, Jamal.

put it in your left ear and you'll know

AKG K612/DT 880/HD 600 - Neutral
DT 990 - V-Shaped
HD 598/Fidelio L2 - Warm
AKG K712/K7XX - Bassy
Fidelio L1 - Bassy/Dark
ATH-AD900X - Bright

DT 770/Custom One Pros - V-Shaped
Brainwavs HM5 - Neutral
ATH-A500Z - Bright

I personally don't remember of any Bassy/Warm headphones at the moment.

On ears are usually smaller, slimmer and low profile usualky meant for travel and sit on your ear. (Think of the $120ish Beats form factor).

Over ears go around and over your ear so the pad surrounds your ears. Usually a bit bulky and not as portable with the exception of some like Audio Technica's M Series, M50X's for example)

Been using AKG k240 studio for a little over 2 years now. I like the sound for the price I paid. The only thing lacking is the very weak bass sound. However, it's become extremely uncomfortable to wear them.
The ear pads are too shallow and press the drivers right against my ears. This makes them painful after periods of more than an hour. Does anybody have a recommendation on replacement ones? I've heard big thick pads can add a bit of bass sound so that might be a plus.
Either that or I might just craigslist off these cans and pick up a Senheisser 598c.

Give me a pair of earphones I can use without an equalizer

HM5 Hybrids


Those actually look excellent. A bit pricey for just ear pads, but I assume they're compatible with a wide range of cans, so I guess i could transfer them over if i decide to still upgrade later.

Thanks for the suggestions, could you explain what neutral/warm/bright/dark/v-shaped means?
Also, over ear headphones obviously for home use.

I have these on my k271, increased the low end a noticeable amount (to my ears), as they seal better than the stock pads, very comfortable too.

Also, most ear pads that are made for the DT 770/880/990 are known to fit on the k240/k271 series of headphones (and their variants).

I've got a pair of Sony's like that, they're fucking shit

Why are headphones cheaper in the USA? I'm a Brit & see people commenting all the time about great sub $100 headphones and here they cost around £130, I just can't justify paying that at times.

The only thing neutral are the mids. Bass and treble are recessed

You could always get cheap AKG Velours but they still are pretty shallow. HM5 Hybrids aren't actually too pricey. Alpha and ZMF pads are when they start getting pricey

No different than tht guy who kept /hpg/ would still say headsets are shit with the pic of a Audio Technica headset

>Autistic Screeching

~$60 and yes

>tfw can only hear up to about 17.5k and I'm only 20

I can only hear up to 16 now
I don't mind, the rest basically just hurts anyway

I've got a friend looking to get his first open cans for under $50 US.
He listens to a lot of metal and likes bass, so I recommended the ISK HF-2010.

This a good recommendation?

Why is the ATH-m50x so popular? I've seen a bunch of reviews shitting all over it. A few even said just get the cheaper m40x in the same product stack. One youtube review of the m40x was even titled "fuck the m50x even harder"
Some of the reviews I've seen say it's too bright, with some of the trebels being extremely harsh, to the point of discomfort after a while of listening.

I only recommend them when a person is looking for a headphone with their characteristics for under $100. I have a pair, and they sound great. I'm not sure what you mean by mediocre. They have a pretty neutral sound, with a less bass than many headphones, but more bass than some critically acclaimed open backs. Nothing to bitch about there really.

If you're looking for "fun" headphones that have an insane V shape response with fuck tons of bass, don't get them, but most of us aren't looking for that.

The build quality is okay. I've dropped mine a few times, and I always fear the worst, but they haven't broke yet. The plastic and materials feel great and solid in the hands, but the rotating joint where the cup connects to the rest of the headphones may be a weak point if the headphones take a good drop.