Perfect IDEs do not exi-
Perfect IDEs do not exi-
Worst IDE ever.
Sorry, my bad, I thought that was xCode.
Xamarin? Don't you mean VS for Mac?
>using an IDE
so this is Sup Forums now huh
>le hackable text editor stuffed with le plug-ins is a viable replacement for a full-fledged IDE meme
You were almost funny
I can't even read your post, what the fuck
>get paid to program
>use whatever IDE seems nice for whatever I have to use at the moment
>mostly like all of them even if none of them are perfect
nice memes you dumb teenagers
This post is hate speech
>chrome tabs
>made by a traitor
Use textwrangler faggot.
>using itunes as an ide
>software development
>not posting Eclipse
Xamarin nearly drove me to suicide once. True story.
>meme arrowing eclipse
it's perfectly fine for java
JetBrains > whatever meme you fell for.
KDevelop exists.
kdevelop is great, but holy fuck that syntax highlighting is bad.
A rainbow of colors, different colors for each variable, different colors for the declaration and using of the variable.
I mean, I am all for using syntax highlighting, but holy shit this is bad.
What you need in syntax highlighting is a visual aid to spot when you make typos.
Like = instead of ==, separate local, private and public variables etc and highlight keywords.