If Linux gets overly popular, and it won't be l33t to use it anymore cause every housewife uses it, what will be your operational system of choice? FreeBSD? HaikuOS? Something else?
If Linux gets overly popular, and it won't be l33t to use it anymore cause every housewife uses it...
Probably continue to use Linux since I'm not an insecure autist who bases his everyday choices off of the opinions of others
anyone who only uses GNU/Linux cause it's "l33t" switches back to Windows after a week.
FreeBSD is the next big OS.
Don't go to school tomorrow Sup Forums you're alright.
The big boys play with Illumos distros now.
Windows 7 like always.
That won't happen though
Mainly because windows isn't a pos
It already is that popular if you count Android as Linux.
But I won't do that.
I am talking about GNU/Linux desktops
Is it another Linux distro?
No, it has a convoluted past but it's Sun Solaris at heart. Its the UNIX everyone played on in the 90's and is seeing a new surge now that samsung bought the company that supports it. I think the license is FSF approved, not sure since I don't really care.
bsd or own complied linux
I hope it doesn't start exploding out of a sudden. I know this joke is not funny but I wasn't able to come up with a better one. Plus, I despide Samsung.
Not him, but the point stands.
Android is massively popular and I continue using it. Even if GNU/Linux becomes popular, I'll continue using it unless a better alternative appears.
English as a second language?
No. Just ADHD as fuck. Countless spelling mistakes I cannot be bothered with.
Yeah. I don't think a normie housewife needs a desktop computer if her phone does everything.
windows is shit, so who cares
>posting on Sup Forums in 2017
>not an insecure tech hipster
Plan 9 of course
Tru tru
>I'm not an insecure autist who bases his everyday choices off of the opinions of others
>probably installed linux because Sup Forums told him to
the irony is baffling
Housewives would use Kali
I'd continue using GNU/Linux.
OpenBSD master race.
By the time that happens Temple OS and React OS will be fully functional, so I guess I'll go with either of those.
Use linux because it works.
It's hip to be square.
BSD is garbage.
Redox OS