Phone Camera Rate Thread

Difficulty level: high

Fuck your shitty ass daylight shots that even a $100 chinkphone can do well, let's see how your phone cameras perform in low light situations.

Don't forget to state your phone model in your post.
And don't forget to comment on the quality of other anons cameras.

Naturally, I'll start.
>Zuk Z2 Pro

And another sample from the Z2 Pro.

Looks nice user.


Dont have any night photos

Which phone?

Where is that?

>no one but op posting low light shots
Just how shit are your cameras?

What do you want us to say? It looks like shit.
I have an Alcatel POP 4 that cost me $50AUD and it takes better night shots than that.
You Gearbest representatives need to fuck off or at least stay in your /csg/ containment thread.

They all look like shit

cash me outside

phone cameras can never have good low light performance because

tiny but high pixel density sensor
no tripod so forced to use iso boost to get that 1/30-1/60s shot


Meh. My sony cybershot can do better than this.

I don't see you posting.

>high density
Define high, because so far only Sony has stupid high 21MP cameras. Zuk z2 pro is 13MP and Galaxy s7 is only 12MP.

really low light. phone 1: xperia xz, superior auto, 8mp 4:3

phone 2: iphone 6s, auto, 12mp

phone 3: xperia z5, superior auto, 8mp

LG v20
Room is lit from the stairway light. You couldn't read easily its pretty much dark
Iso of 200 with a 1.3 second exposure

Is it just me or does the iPhone look slightly better?

How come the sony cameras have a lower MP count?


All of these are better than the Zuk Z2 by far.

They'd better, they cost 5x as much as the Zuk Z2.
Would be quite concerning if a $180 phone could match a $800 phone.

Samsung Galaxy Core Prime
5MP Camera

It's terrible in low light, and most pictures are blurry. I can't wait to buy a proper mirrorless camera.

Just goes to show that zuk z2 is shit.

>comparing a $160 phone to $700 phones
Are you okay?

LG V10. Lowest light picture I have.

That's surprisingly decent for low light, especially considering it's a chinkphone and not a Samsung S7 or iPhone 7 plus.

>getting this assblasted because your phones have inferior camera performance than OPs phone

iPhone 7 plus

I don't have night photos just got this phone a few days ago but still posting for the fuck of it.

oh and it's compressed. Original picture is 8.42MB. As is pic related. Same phone. Using Lightroom for Android

Xiaomi note 3 pro. Low-light is pretty terrible, I'm really impressed by OPs photo.

I can't wait to own a g5 plus it's going to BTFO so many phones

Does the redmi have manual camera controls?

RN3P has a pretty shitty cam in general.

I'll receive my Axon7 in 1-2h, which replaces the RN3P I threw into the bathtub last december.

It's said to have excellent daylight quality, rivaling apple and samsung flagships, but horrible low-light performance, although recent updates appear to have helped.

So I'm excited to see how it will perform

Have this really fucking awful shot taken by my Nexus5x

Ayy, Maquarie Park. I work near there.

Macquarie Park, NSW

> t. works around the corner from there

OP, we should meet up one day and touch dicks.

I'll touch your dick as well, don't worry.

Nice. It's been a while

The Sony one isn't really 21 megapixels.

Keyboard light only

Huawei Mate 9

Exposure 0.6
Aperture 2.2
Focal Length 4.0 mm
ISO Speed 1000
Flash No Flash

Then what's the real resolution?

>fucking awesome phone
>camera is absolute shit at anything more than 100iso and even then it's a shit

Looks like a painting lol

I don't have any low light pictures to add, but here's my bunny.

Also, Moto droid, 21MP

I will say it's pretty trashy.

Xperia Z1

Another Zuk Z2 Pro here.

Nice shot op. Could pass as a wallpaper imo.

Xiaomi Redmi 7 Pro

Photo taken in 2021

ive limited the sonys mp to 8 cause the only other 4:3 option is 20+MP, which is retarded.

yeah, the iphones does look better, and it uses a sony sensor. gg sony, your camera software, as always, needs work.

Wow for such an expensive and heavily shilled phone (especially for its photo quality) this one looks mediocre at best... My old HTC one S did better than this in normal light.

if the sonys weren't so expensive to the point where it is cheaper for me to buy a iphone I'd get one.

nexus 6p barcelona beach




those are very good for a phone. but considering the price of the phone, they should be good.

well yeah, but all expensive phones are, that's the point of this thread.

nexus 6p has decent lowlight for a phone because of the larger sensor size.

*not all expensive phones

cameras, are to me, the most important component of any smartphone, not often we are able to find real camera shots from the phone, I think these threads are extremely useful, and when you start comparing camera samples, you start wondering why some phones have such shitty cameras. And how some really cheap phones are not that bad at all. But with the camera component not being more than $30 retail, why are so many phones still being made with such shitty cameras??

Quick snap I took the other day.

Samsung Note 4

Note 4

good thing is that they drop in price pretty fast, unlike iphones. got my xz for $420 new, which was cheaper than my used 64gb 6s

The problem with these threads in the past has been that everyone just posts great looking daylight macro shots which even a $50 phone can make look nice. That's why I like this thread in particular, we can see how the cameras for different phones perform in more difficult conditions.

Huawei P9
Low light performance is pretty shit on it.
Tho this pic was taken in pitch black 5 in the morning. Only light sources are the ones you see in the distance.


>galaxy s6

What the fuck is going on here?

iPhone 6s+
Corrected Rotation


Bow down, mongrels, it's still the best camera sensor and lens assembly to this day.

Lol, I give up, Apple sucks.
Get rid of EXIF rotation, rotate it via Preview, still somehow fucks it up.

That's actually pretty fucking good. All lot of cameras just turns the horizon into a blob when taking sunset pics.

Using HDR really helps.

Lmao rotation.
Still, that's a pretty nice image for a night shot.

Must be really aggressive HDR.
Heres one taken by my iPhone 6s+

I fucking swear if it fucks up rotation on this one...

You people need to learn how to hold a camera/smartphone/whatever and take more stable fucking pics, my god the blurriness most of you add because of not taking your meds to combat your jitters is atrocious.

Try to focus on the sun so HDR brightens the scene instead of dimming the sun.
Usually works better imo.


taken with an S7
pretty grainy but good enough

Another S7 shot. The photo turned out way brighter than the actual scene so I was pretty impressed.


>Compare phone cameras
>Using pictures one a website with file limits

What's the point if you have to downsize or compress the picture to upload it here?

>compress or downsize

That looks identical to my room, do you live in this complex?

This ain't 21 bitch it's 22.

Show us hot Spanish chicks

Does anyone find that Open Camera applies an excessive sharpening filter to the pictures? Can it even be modified?

honestly I see way more hot girls here in Orlando everyday than I saw in Spain, not even meming

Idk but I really love how clouds look when you apply DRO

>touch dicks

typical faggot behaviour from people on the wrong side of sydney.

>Galaxy Note 5
It's okay. Looks better if I fiddle around in Pro mode, but I'm not that great at taking pictures.

Random shot from Cuba I did this January
>LG V20

Why are all autistralians faggots?

We should just round up all of the world's faggots, send them to autistralia, and then nuke them all at once.

The image in shrinked
HDR on

>Moto E 2015

nexus 5

You gotta clean the camera glass with circular movements to avoid those lines in the lights

Nexus 5

another one, these are actually very good for a 2013 smartphone that was considered to have a shit camera

Are camera apps a meme or do they actually help? Aside from the free ones like lightroom is spending $ on them worth?

Thanks for the tip