Just ordered this
What does Sup Forums think of bulb technology?
Just ordered this
What does Sup Forums think of bulb technology?
Other urls found in this thread:
Not even joking
can it run Doom?
propietary expensive crap that won't last a year or two
would be great if it worked but eh
>spelling error on the fucking box
What spelling error?
colour has a u in it
i came here to post this FUCK
>app to control lights
>they know now where every single light is in your house
>easier to circle around you
>possible voice recording devices and cameras inside lightbulbs
enjoy your botnet faggot
Not in America silly Briton
Why did you order that?
Why didn't you just get regular LED bulbs sans botnet?
you should get meds for your paranoid schizophrenia
He's right you know
i like my appliances just do one thing and do it right
While your fears are in theory reasonable, in this case it would be very, very easy to spot/notice with a basic knowledge about the technology and protocols involved.
Also, afaik they work in your local network without any internet connenction.
Proprietary as in? It's a light bulb, are you going to manufacture your own and demand their blueprints?
Their firmware is proprietary, that's right. However, as far as control goes, the API is open and you can control them solely with self-written programs, no internet connection required.
Maybe you can even flash them with an own firmware? Dunno if that exists yet. However, there are other (cheaper) manufacturers for similar products.
>Not in America silly Briton
There's French on the packaging so I assume it's either for the Canadian market or for the European. In both cases the AE spelling doesn't make much sense.
>IoT lightbulbs
what a time to be alive
though I saw chargeable lightbulbs that can be turned on when power shortage occurs, those are probably cool
>having your lights connect to the internet and fucking report on your habits and shit
>Philips Hue LED smart lights hacked, home blacked out by security researcher
enjoy scriptkiddies switching your lights off unexpectedly
i have this
pretty sweet to turn down the lights from the pc when watching a movie,
red lighting in bedroom for sex time,
also you can use it as a wake up light in Sleep As Android
How are led fluorescent tube replacements?
Enjoy your never-patched IoT software that puts your whole network at risk.
They're pretty cool actually.
>not getting the Sony one that doubles as a speaker too
stuff made for the us often has French on it because the Canadian market is considered a branch of the American one by 95% of non-canadian companies
The tech has gotten a lot better. LEDs offer the actual light quality of incandescents although some bulb shapes can be weird. Cree is cheaper but Philips provides better bulbs. Everything Costco sells in this department (e.g. Feit electrical) is garbage. Specialty bulbs e.g. vanities for bathrooms are still really expensive. Older dimmer switches often need to be changed as there will still be some light on the lowest setting if they leak a small amount of current when off, and on the lower end on of dimming some bulbs will flicker depending on the bulb and dimmer.
>a network of private computers infected with malicious software and controlled as a group without the owners' knowledge, e.g., to send spam messages.
Oh yeah my ceiling is gonna attack the Scientology website
It depends on the consumer good. Package food labeling laws vary, but with Video games nowadays, particularly from Nintendo, they'll have US-EN/CA-FR/MX-ES on it.
A lot of packaged hardware shit I buy from Costco nowadays in New York has both English and French on it.
I really wish I was this autistic
can they be used as black lights?
The climb in IoT attacks are surely just coincidences!
Meh.. I ordered 3 different brands and kept only the magic light. The phillips was not very bright and the features were greatly lacking. Magic light is superior.
Yeah because there's not like armies of easily hackable smart lights and shit attacking banks every other day...Oh wait
What's the best rgb bulb then? I'd like to get a few to put one in every room and maybe one on the living room.
lifx or Philips hue gen3 like in OP
Enlighten me: how would my hypothetical zigbee-capable bulb attack anything? In the worst case it could trigger its hub/bridge to issue an arbitrary HTTP request (so it's the hub, not the IoT device itself). However, this implies my hypothetical hub has a internet connection (which it doesn't need).
Don't get my wrong, what you depict exists. However, we are not talking about WiFi-capable and WiFi-connection-requiring IoT devices here so their problems don't apply.
it's cool. use one in conjunction with my alarm to wake up.
can get expensive fast though.
firmware in the bulbs gets updated
>not even a graphene bulb
I have the hue bulbs in my studio, absolutely essential to be able to adjust the light temp to check color accuracy of my work.
>when Russian hackers dim the lights in your house
solid kek
more like bulbnet
Lame ass bitch
Hue is dope as fuck.
>Hey Siri, turn on my bedroom lights
>Hey Siri, it's movie time
>>TV turns on, blinds close, and lights dim
>not suitable for enclosed fixtures
Once again Sup Forums buys inferior technology to fulfill their consumerist desires.
>Hey Siri, record my void and send it the NSA upon request
Already got you tbqh famalam
> talking about invisible voice and video recording devices
yes, this is the definition of paranoid schizophrenia senpai.
Is there florescent tube shaped lights like this?
tfw you dim the lights pink and your bae does a lap dance
Am I doing it right?
nice to be able to change the color of my lights from my apple watch using siri
also smart outlets
hey siri turn on the tv
>meanwhile Sup Forums is over here with their shitty $200 thinkpads ricing their arch bullshit and thinking they're about tech
>tfw you dim the lights Green(r) when you turn on your Razer(tm) Gaming(c) computer with an Nvidia(c) 1080(r)(tm) GPU(c)
Good name
ok, but it's true, though
Price kills it.
I mean, it's cool, and I'd love to have it, but it's the absolute last thing on my "I want nice things" list. To replace the lights in my house would cost $2500. I'd rather spend that money on something else.
You can't be this washed. Stupid cia nigger cattle
are you literally 15?
I stockpiled enough incandescent bulbs to last about 8 more years.
At that point, I'm hoping they have a fix for all the current problems with LED bulbs:
* I need a minimum of 1600 lumens in the A19 form factor (not A21) with NO collar.
* I need a vast improvement in how pleasant the light is. I want it to look as nice as the old Reveal incandescent bulbs did. (That's quite a technical challenge, because LEDs only generate a small number of frequencies; whereas glowing tungsten generated a broad, well-balanced spectrum.)
* I need to see the price drop to about $10.
At the rate things are going, I think they can get all three accomplished by 8 years from now. Fortunately, there's some good competition going on (GE vs Cree vs Philips vs Sylvania, etc.).
>le rgb on everything meme
Are you new here?
been on Sup Forums since Sup Forums was guro
been on Sup Forums since its inception
protip: my question was rhetorical; I know that poster is 15 years old or some kind of manchild
>Sup Forums during the middle of a workday
incan Reveal looks like shit as does its spectrum. You'd be just fine with LED if you weren't poor.
Now if you preferred regular incans, you'd have a point.
I can verify this. I live near Las Vegas, but a surprising percentage of durable goods in the stores have labeling in both English and French.
Even if it has French, the English is usually AE (in other words it would be spelled "color".)
So it looks like the Canadian and US labeling is pretty much merged together: US spelling, but with French added for the Quebec market; so Canadian English speakers just need to deal with US spelling.
>incan Reveal looks like shit as does its spectrum.
Personal preference. I hate the yellow tinge of regular incandescent. Reveal incandescent gets rid of that excess yellow. I've seen spectrum graphs of Reveal incandescent, and they are indeed better balanced than regular.
How many times a day do you type FAKE NEWS
The hue lights can be set to any white temp.
underrated post
>Canada is considered american
It IS in fucking America, you mongoloid.
thats basically what the mirari botnet did, it infected a bunch of internet of things devices (such as these smart lightbulbs) and used them to make massive DDoS attacks
look up mirai botnet. Used shitty unpatched internet of things devices to launch some of the biggest DDoS attacks seen
>doesnt work with some devices because there is no universal standard for this stuff
yeah, i'm not falling for that marketing bullshit
you can get a xiaomi rgb for ~18 bucks
Finally, a chance to post this.
how long have you waited for this day?
l e l
Not as much waited as it sat in my Sup Forums folder for the past three or four years.
one thing they dont tell you is most of these smart bulbs use PWM to simulate dimming. it means these bulbs turn on and off at 60hz.
its almost as bad as some fluorescent tubes that a lot of people have sensitivity to, and its the reason BENQ came out with flicker-free led monitors
I mean really most light bulb sockets can easily support up to 100W. Not hard for them to add in a 5W SoC in each of these bulbs to actually have a botnet.
so enjoy the headaches
The botnet isn't supposed to be in the bulbs themselves, but in the hub thing that they're connected to.
I have no idea if it's actually true, but that's what I've read.
>>doesnt work with some devices because there is no universal standard for this stuff
PWM dimming at low frequencies should be avoided. its very likely bad for your health
heres a vid of a bunch of led bulbs, notice a lot of them have really strong flickering
I got a coloured one and two white ones. Pretty comfy tbqh.
The light is nice and you can program them to turn on/off at given times