What's the most complex program you've ever written?

What's the most complex program you've ever written?

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Depends on your definition of complex.

I wrote console program for playing Sudoku in C. It even had a solver and could validate input.

The most intellectually challenging.

Depends on your definition of intellectually challenging.

I wrote fizzbuzz once, took like an hour

Caused the most frustration.

SHUMP for the TI83 calculator in assembly.

Wrote something in dragonspeak on Furcadia.

That's not necessarily intellectually challenging, but I can share my most frustrating

I was given one month to refactor our data forwarder to support a new data source, keep all of our existing features and clean up the code. Code was super old, new data source had many features that made it near impossible to use with our existing data sources and it was a huge undertaking given size of code base and differences in data source assumptions. Met the goals at the end, but the new data source ended up not being needed. Took another week to gut out code and take only a fraction of the refactor. Code base was also very old so refactor was a bitch and a half. So I basically wasted 5 weeks, but meh. life goes on

I had to write a program that helped provide inverse reactive current, for use in unilateral phase detractors, but would also be capable of automatically synchronizing cardinal grammeters.

>Memes and buzzwords
Look man, we know you don't know shit about programming, just shut up.

How to spot mental retardation

in english, please?

rpg game in c with ascii graphics

100,000 lines long, with comments
2d game in c# with all the bells and whistles

Genetically evolving sorting algorithms

i once needed to code a rocket locator based on when rocket knows where it is because it knows where it wasn't

u fukin w0t m8?

I wrote a code in python that would take basic tax info and provide a ruff number for fed and state tax

brainlet detected

A Quantum Monte Carlo simulation for the renormalization group flow of the superfluid order parameter of a q-state Potts model on a 2-dimensional honeycomb D6 lattice via directed DMRG as a function of q.

I once pinged an IP address. Shit was hardcore.

I wrote an approximater using Fourier analysis once.


A tag-based imageboard.

Depends on your definition of written.

I did a wave analysis tool with DFT

JPEG/MPEG compression.
For MPEG Extensive search in 64 px radius and encoding vectors right after frame. Pretty ez but ended up big.

What memes? Could you please list the buzzwords? Sorry I'm employed

Good for you sweetie.

Definitely writing a webgl game with a multiplayer component. Holy fuck, graphics programming makes me want to blow my brains out.

A java program that took in regular expressions, converted them to a DFA if possible, and draw the automaton in ascii.

which is probably why a lot of programmers use pre-built graphics engines

I just wanted to do it to say I did. Afterwards I now appreciate the intense autism that must've been required in the beginning of 3d graphics.



He helped make a turbo encabulator

Was it shimmie?

A compiler. Complex enough for you?

Never heard of it.


In our first year of physics undergrad we had to develop a program that would model light passing through an array of lenses and mirrors to hit a detector. Wasn't too complex but looked cool. I still don't know to this day how it automatically took chromatic abherration into account

refactor our data forwarder to support a new data source
Not what refactoring is

An indoor navigation system based on WiFi intensities, I guess. But it didn't really work well because in the worst case it takes 12 seconds to do a single measurement of wireless intensity with a normal android device

bitplane parser

You do know Sup Forums doesn't actually code, right?

IrDA driver.

connect it to a database and it analyzes the entire thing for data correlation (regardless of what the data actually is)

im not even a programmer by trade, im a data analyst

did you know that more people are born named isaac on wednesday than any other day of the week?

Finite Element modeller for structural glass..... In excel.

Stay mad.

You see? This is what Sup Forums has become, 90% of the answers are shitposting because 90% OF the fucks lurking this board LITERALLY CANNOT PROGRAM god fucking dam

Webcrawler that searches for cars as soon as local ad appears. Didnt make 1 dollar oit of it

This is
>Sup Forums - Technology
>Sup Forums - Programming

Wrote a custom convolution processor for FPGA. Currently writing a fairly complex system intended to embody a culture of live neurons in a simulated robot.

had to write a driver for my raspberry pi controlled turbo encabulator


Hello world
I have wasted my highschool time with learning programming and then at university everything went okay until the last two years of the education. After that I had a paus from 2011 till now with doing nothing, not even looking at books or anything. So I am supposed to be "good" in the eyes of companies. However I am not, so I am never getting a job within the field I "devoted" myself to.

i made a simple proportion calculator in C but it was like
printf format is a/b = c/x
printf program finds x
enter a
enter b
enter c
then it calculated x


clustered security camera program that videos and sends data to all the other cameras in the building and they all store each other's data in case anything happens to 1 it has to happen to all of them or the footage is still safe
no single failure point

Had to add a feature to a organization internal spaghettiprogram written with nothing but no-convention everything-inlined PHP.

A custom version of FFT.

Ended up being the Slowest Fourier Transform ever.

hello world

A parallelized version Newmark-beta method solver to accelerate iteration cycles of highly time critical non-linear structural mechanical finite element analyses

Pretty saddo

Something hilariously mundane.
A converter between HTML and CALS tables with some special constraints for the lines.

A "simmulated annealing" algorithm with my own hash function.

I know that feel, bro..

>build a huge ass databases system
>complex data modell
>differnt XML parsers (DOM and SAX modell)
>made my own customized sorting algorithm
>mad data processing
>proud as fuck when system is finally finished
>best project so far
>"user, Mgmt said we won't maintain this system any longer because reasons."
>"D-did I something wrong?"
>"No, you did a great job! We just don't need it anymore.."
>2 years development for nothing

I was told to write a better ultra key for "greenscreening" as a favor.

Because the retarded producer interviewed a white guy on a white background, and wanted the white background gone.

I had no idea where to even start, googled adobe plugin tutorials, video editing libraries, and then just made slow progress (planning to make a key that just cuts out any non changing pixels and tries to guess if its outside the head, as the guy had black hair). As I hoped, he eventually got tired and hired an actual video guy to manually mask the interviewee for an hour and I was no longer needed.

a deep neural netqwork

>develop a program
>don't know how it works
uh huh

I wrote a program that plays (simulates) Magic: The Gathering. It only plays Legacy Charbelcher, but it has first-turn "win" rate of about 35%. It learns from which moves lead to a win/loss, and favors the better options.

Would share source, but it's in embarrassingly-written Java, and I haven't finished the Lisp rewrite.

Probably a driver for De Morgan pressurization controller, the old VX4 series used those.

isnt legacy belcher a turn 1 or stall deck?
burn is another deck that could have a relatively high winrate without a lot of decision making, I think.

some retarded fucking anonymous invite only board written in plain php. in hindsight it was terrible but I was proud of it (still kinda am). we even had a small community going but I forgot to pay my webserver one day and now everyone is gone.
rip keyboard/jerryboard

I'm currently creating a complex program in C that forks 4 child processes to read 4 different files, find prime numbers in those files, then write those numbers into 1 resulting file. Then the parent process reads that result file, removes any duplicate numbers, then sorts that array of numbers back into that file. I am using a merge sort.

Mind sharing your code? I'm trying to set up my own turbo encabulator, but all the existing drivers are shit.

More of a turn-1-or-lose deck. Burn was a contender, but I actually played Belcher, so I favored optimizing for it.

I wrote a loan calculator which created loan schedules and a ledger

Wrote a web interface for an internal network

My two top spots are probably taken by an ARM7TDMI emulator (was working on a full GBA emulator, but got burned out after doing just the CPU), and probably a PDF parser used for some security stuff. The ARM emulator was the much larger of the two projects, though.

I'm working on a JVM now, which will probably be a fair bit more complex than the ARM emulator, but at the moment it can only disassemble class files, not run anything.

Backup and integrity checker.
I even did a multiprocessor version that was 4 seconds faster on a 4 hours job. Turns out I/O really is the bottleneck.

Well, learning lessons like that *is* a good outcome of the project, even if the thing didn't work as intended.

fizzbuzz in Lua!

one liner fizzbuzz in shellscript

The hardest to write was either my n queens problem solver, or my arbitrary precision calculator. The calculator could add, subtract, multiply and divide arbitrary precision floating point numbers in any base between 2 and 36. Looking back, both of those programs were really inefficient.

Not a programmer but I once had to modify a small C source so it waited until program is run and only then patched it's memory.
It was a fucking torture.
I could not even compile it from the original source.
wchar? tchar? How about "gofuckyourselfchar"?

Sounds efficient

well yeah, the fact that Sup Forums is a bunch of windows stans should tip anyone off that Sup Forums is for Sup Forumsaymen

A metabolic optimization and simulation tool for my academy for the purpose of mathematically modeling and optimizing the metabolic fluxes in single-cell microorganisms and altering their genetic structure to genetically engineer those microorganisms to more efficiently produce consumer fuels.

I am proud of my work and have won awards.

a video card driver for loonix

Python, an assembler.
C, pieces of a microkernel.
Java, a rhythm vidya.
Verilog, a pipelined processor.

Miles to kmh converter.


Ugh. This one time I had to optimize this legacy code for what was supposed to be a critical system that was written in fucking COBOL. About a month's worth of work with a deadline in 10 days. I wound up getting side tracked because I was convinced my meth dealer was actually a 14 year old with sharpie-tattoos selling me his crushed up ADD medication (had been up for 3 days at that point) and started trying to prove it in Coq. I'm not exactly sure what all the bullshit I wrote exactly PROVED, but I DID manage to get it to extract to Haskell and, well, it doesn't crash. I, however, did crash, and the last few days before the deadline were just a blur of furious futa masturbation and huge screaming matches with my roommate/landlord (mom, whatever). Wound up just submitting the Haskell code and nobody has brought it up, since. The light rail system that the code was for hasn't crashed yet, so I guess everything's hunky dory

>hahaha let's make up a bunch of tech words it's so random and funny xd. I fucking love science!

Not bad.

PHP and JS - huge application that deals with transmissions from private jets and manages accounting etc
ARM64 assembly - a game using serial console
C - An asynchronous multithreaded websocket server
i need practice

i had to write a program that enfluences triverlious contraprators with turbo regard to quaslinative congruencies, i was like waaat, but then i realised i just have to defradify concurrent protoholsters of factorised quinters, which led to confusion with my collegue, but i explained him it's essential to comply with connorative mechanics of degluent flows in murixive kokots, the way it enables them to foster the apparent disconrives with Compton's Third and crystalised radiations of dexterious manfolds. he wanted to write this crap in PHP but i explained to him that if we use Haskell, we can do it in like 3,000 lines of code or even less. after fixing for fragmentative monads, we were able to finally relaunch the complexive contstructor with optimised quasi-correlive algorithms.


OP was talking about COMPLEX algorithms.
We did this in our 2nd course in CS ...

Some dumb smartphone app that I have to fix today. Fuck my life.

sorry i am still in kindergarten

It's alright
I can teach you alot of things that adults know little girl

Windows 10


>haha I've spent so much time masturbating to anime and arguing with fat tripfags on Sup Forums that I don't ever laugh anymore

getting python to use firefox cookies.