Every thread deserves at least one reply.
Every post deserves at least one (You)
I never saw a change in policy from my ISP when this was enacted anyway.
>we will implement laws to help the customer
>nah fuck that, we will actually implement anti-consumer laws and called them net neutrality
youtube, only 5$ per day.
So is it safe to criticize trump and his pajeet nominee here or is that still grounds for calling me a ctr, shillery, plebbit, sjw scum?
take your politics to Sup Forums
>small and medium ISPs
Wait those things even exist in America? I thought it was only Verizon and Comcast.
They still lied about all of that shit before
>say they'll charge 99 a month
>it's actually 169 after hidden fees
>choosing an ISP
Comcast has a bunch of smaller companies which under 250000 consumers so this shit applies to them
Republicans, the heroes of the people.
Are republicans responsible for this?
I don't doubt it, but still.
Even "maverick" senators in the Republican party voted for like 90% of Trump's picks. So yeah, fuck all Republicans, always. Fuck many Democrats too, but at least there's something of worth there.
Wtf I hate drumpf now
Independent third party here. Just handing out some industry certified (You)s.
What does that have to do with the ISP thing?
And no, they suck equally. Only difference is that Repubs are bumbling retards who couldn't find their way out of a wet paper bag, while Dems are almost comically evil conniving backstabbers.
>they suck equally
This is objectively false.
>something of worth there.
Trash picking is shameful. Retain your dignity and disown both parties.They're both in suicide mode anyways.
Have you been in a coma for the past year and a half or something?
They Preemptively decided on their narrative that Hillary would be the candidate, completely shattering any semblance of democracy they had left. Not to mention the fact they they're in bed with the media that's supposed to give objective criticism to *both* parties.
And you still have yet to explain what this has to do with the ISP thing. Or are you just ringing the "Republicans dun it again" bell because it's convenient? Come back when you learn how to sound older than 14.
I guess making America great again doesn't include internets.
Dems are evil and mostly incompetent.
Republicans are evil and entirely incompetent.
Take your pick.
Have you been in a coma the last decades?
100% this.
Neither. Are we both hip to the fact that a shit sundae versus a shit sundae with sprinkles on top isn't a fucking choice?
Not the guy you replied to, but context is important.
it isn't the 90s anymore. The balance of power has shifted in favor of the democrats, and you'd have to be an idiot not to see that.
>republican president
>republican house
>republican senate
>republican nominee implements republican ideal
>"you just ringing the "Republicans dun it again" bell because it's convenient"
Come back when you learn how to sound older than 14.
Both republicans and democrats are killers, but democrats are worse.
Net neutrality was just a thing.
Osama bin Laden was a human being.
Power is the most irrelevant attribute in the Universe.
Parties don't matter they're all the same
We'll make Mexico pay for it.
Republicans were responsible for SOPA back in 2011. It doesn't fucking matter who's president you dolt.
So you're admitting that you didn't do any research and you're just assuming the republicans did it?
Also Hillary was against net neutrality IIRC.
Seriously kill yourself. I'm not picking favorites, you are. If the republicans actually did it, great; screw those crusty, wrinkly fucks.
Otherwise go shill elsewhere.
Republicans have no principles at all. They proved this without a doubt when they opposed Obamacare, the conservative answer to single-payer healthcare developed developed in Right-Wing think tanks and endorsed by conservative heavy-weighters, as well as with their record-breaking fillibustering under Obama.
Pure partisan hacks to the core and zealously loyal to corporations and the money they get from them.
>>nah fuck that, we will actually implement anti-consumer laws and called them net neutrality
>being required to give the proper details to customers is anti-consumer
wtf is in your head
Why would you think there would be anything in his head?
>voting Republican after 1970
I completely agree.
Though ultimately I don't see what bearing that has on how slimy and unprincipled democrats are.
(Islam is such a progressive and feminist ideology, right guise?)
>drumpftards WILL defend this
as much cognitive dissonance as the librul boogeymen
>the both parties are the same meme
>voting Democrat after Obama
>muh strawman
It's not a meme you dip, it's fact. Bipartisan politics are for sheep. Go shill on Sup Forums or whatever.
Which one?
So much truth in that cartoon. DC is a noise machine that exists only to distract us from the rich buying up more wealth. If you're a minority/special interest and think they care about any human life but their own, you are deluded.Citizens of this country all were given the same rights hundreds of years ago, regardless of any difference. Under constitutional law we are all equal and there is no room for discussion, yet these bastards refuse to acknowledge it.They instead pretend as though the issue was never addressed. Ultimately, it's not Cletus who is oppressing you, it's your fucking government pretending they need to meter out civil rights to everyone, when those rights were already granted. It's just that simple. The Constitution is your freedom, not some politician and his promises.
What exactly constitutes a drumpftard to you?
Someone who voted for him?
Someone who voted against him but doesn't constantly whine about him?
Personally, I voted for him. However, I wouldn't blindly defend anything he does if it's worthy of criticism. No one in this thread has answered the question of who is even responsible for this thing, so I don't even know who to be mad at.
It's fucking retarded and anti-consumer, anyone can see that. I don't know what that has to do with who I voted for though.
Both parties vote very differently in the house and senate and republicans have again and again voted en masse for anti-consumer bullshit and other bullshit that increases corruption on a federal level.
And what? I assume the Democrats vote out of the "goodness of their heart" for the well being of the people, and not to gain the blind popularity of minority groups who think the Dems are their buddies?
I always told people that they were coming for the internet
The result speaks for itself, regardless of ostensible nefarious motivations (if you can call representing your constituents as you imply nefarious), lol.
Fuck drumpf
And the definition for what a "right" even is is getting blurrier. The constitution doesn't say you can use whatever bathroom you want for the sake of playing into your delusions. These people are manufacturing problems. And wouldn't you know it, it's always the Democrats who swoop in to be the heroes and friends to these minorities (also securing their votes in the process, but that's irrelevant!).
Republicans aren't faultless in this practice either. John Republican for Senate couldn't care less about what your precious bible says as long as he plays into the bronze age delusions of the average American Christian.
>when you are so retarded you cant understand that more than one person exists on Sup Forums and so assume that every post is by the same guy
>when you are so retarded that you cherry pick a single line from a post and still end up looking like a retard ("It doesnt matter who runs the government, look at how the republicans passed SOPA even under Obama!", SOPA failed, maybe in your own words go do some research)
>when you are so retarded you use the "I don't believe it therefor nobody can" argument ("ur a shill xdd")
Sup Forums please fuck off and take your shitty reposted jpegs with you.
What's your point?
>retarded x 3
>go to Sup Forums
I think this is what a fedorameister would calla an ad hominem.
If you're honestly trying to argue that anyone in DC, Repub or Dem, *isn't* a slimy douchemonger, then I don't even know what to tell you.
I don't think you even read my post. It looks like you "cherry picked", as you said, the word "shill" and went from there. This entire thread has been derailed.
I said >If the republicans actually did it, great; screw those crusty, wrinkly fucks. Otherwise go shill elsewhere.
I asked for a source on the claim that republicans are responsible for the anti consumer ISP bullshit, and all you seem able to do is talk about how much you hate those damn republicans. Can you just stop sperging out and answer that simple question?
I didn't use the word
for the sake of easy dismissal, I used it because you're legitimately acting like one.
Omfg the tooth fairy did it who else you retard
Use your fucking brain maybe then you will know who is resposible for it
Hint: use google
So jews are no longer required to pretend they're not jews? What's the worst that could happen?
>"muh republicans rr evil muh dems r good"
Oh I see you forgot about the TPP which was even worse than SOPA. Guess who was supporting that.
(protip: it wasn't the Republicans)
trump doesn't understand how bad indians are for IT but he will learn...
Trump uses a Mac. Discuss.
>Hint: use google
nah im good
Libertarian party isn't the same.
That's not how products you have to buy work.
he didn't actually touch it and looks ambushed as if someone slipped him a mac quickly to take a photo (probably tim cook) so your claim is false
Maybe some nerds will make a new medium again in a few years that we can enjoy for a while till it gets ruined by normalfags.
Where does he think that was built?
The HTTP is antiquated anyway.
The Internet should travel through radio waves.
>I don't know what that has to do with who I voted for though
We know you don't, and that's the problem.
What I meant was you shouldn't assume I'll automatically be okay with everything someone does just because I voted for them.
Trump designated pajeet now regulates the internet
Why did you give me a (You)?
I didn't even mention anything Sup Forums related.
Well thanks anyway I guess
characterizing "the left" with an image like this is like saying "the right" is full of toothless sister-fucking hillbillies
they're both charicatures and neither is representative of party constituency. there's so much real shit to be up in arms about (like the very topic of this thread) but our political discourse has become people bickering over fantastical world-views with weak ties to reality.
pretty damn frustrating
the democrats dont hold that power, they only mimic it to leech from it. the people hold it, but they are largely misinformed and misdirected. Democrats that vote for Corporate Candidates, republicans that vote against their own well being. make people feel alone and they are powerless to the weak that seek to control them.
It's getting much worse now with Tom Perez as DNC chair.
I shit you not, a revolution is inevitable in the States.
Is it?
it kinda needs to happen. If Tom is head there will be no change, no fight. Republicans will do whatever their donors want and Dems will hold the door. I feel bad for all the people in the midwest that voted for trump out of economic desperation, cause they are about to get screwed even harder. the establishment dem voters need to understand what Bernie supporters saw during the primary, and the republican voters are getting their wake up call now. this game can only be played for so long.
Can you please tell me a rational argument against TPP please? I'm genuinely curious as to why people dislike(d) it.
Child slavery being a-ok (for Malaysia at least if I recall correctly). Then there's the suprenational court thing which enables corporations to sue nations.
You know, little things.
Child slavery isn't fair because it would exist outside of TPP, which calls for an end to it (without actually specifying how member nations should end it).
Supernational court is a fair complaint, however I would counter by saying that corporations already had the power to sue nations and under the system set up by the TPP it would regulate and standardize it to a degree.
However, neither of those negatively affect the United States and especially not the midwestern voters that hated TPP so much for no reason.
>however I would counter
sup reddit
Can you remind me how things get better after the 2015 policy?
the point of the policy was literly that nothing changes for the worse
Sounds like a big deal
Funny how this guy shills Trump so hard now.
Trump isnt a career republican or democratix politicia
Drink bleach, shit for brains.
Bernout detected. Sorry your commie Jew didn't win. Better luck next time.
welcome to Sup Forums. you may find it a bit different from Sup Forums. for example, being 3edgy5me is frowned upon as being emblematic of immaturity.
>it isn't the 90s anymore
>Regulation melting away
>Stock market soaring
>All these tears
Bye bye net neutrality, we hardly knew ya!