Hello /biz/

Hello /biz/,

I have an idea for a website with paid membership for some tutorial videos I want to make. The membership fee would be something like 9,99$ a month (for competitive purposes, and the target of the website is mainly youngsters who don't have a lot of money), but then a question came to my mind. I don't know any prices on bandwidth, would it be competitive having someone paying that amount of money and viewing a lot of videos?

Also, the videos have to be on my own server and not on a third party one, unless there is a service that allows download protection.


you could use something like vimeo to host the video ( setting a password to view) or youtube by setting the video to private. Otherwise it really depends, most VPS hosts will provide quite a large amount of data for cheap. If you want your own servers in a data center then prices can really vary, you'd have to decice on a location and look for options in that area

adding to that, if you want to use a VPS for hosting , your problem wouldn't be bandwitdh it would be disk size

Thanks, man.

Well, the problem is that I don't want to put videos on youtube for instance because I'm sure some fucker will download the videos with some third party program, and put them online.

OP here. There will not be too many videos. Rough estimate, it would probably be 100 videos, 150 max, with 10/15 minutes each. They would be 1080p, not 4k or anything.

You will still run into that problem with people doing it from your site, most of the plugins you get for chrome/firefox can download any media on a website. So there might not be much of a difference, with vimeo/youtube you can hide videos from the public so it stops the issue of anyone finding them

It wouldn't really be a problem hosting that many videos of most vps providers. do you how you want to host your servers?

If you gain any populairty it will happen regardless. You can't stop it.

When I played poker, there was a site (i think its the biggest one in the market) called runitonce in which the videos are protected. You can't download them, not even with browser plugins or anything, but I'm a tech ignorant, I admit.

If you still have a login to that try using GetThemAll a plugin for chrome and see if it works. it may not, but i'd be interested to know how they are doing it.

lol, it worked. god damn, how stupid I am. Guess there is no way to escape from people downloading the videos. Then, probably the best option is to put on vimeo or youtube

They could just use a screen recording tool.

haha good to know :)
Yep seems that way. Have you decided how you're going to make the website?

I don't know much about websites, my guess is to hire some guy on the internet to setup a basic website with memberships, and i make the videos at home. It would be cool to also have a web forum where people could discuss between them and would be free access. I have to think about it. Also, my idea would be to offer one video as a sample.

Btw, thank you for the help! Cheers

lol fucking loser

>muah copyright

if you start your shitty ass website im going to get a membership. Download all your videos and distribute them everywhere and charge back the $9.99.

Gl catching me faggot : ^)

What will your website have that Lynda, Skillshare etc don't already?

You'd need a few different things to start off,
A designer, Web Developer, and somewhere to host the site ( or someone to do it for you). And you should register any domain names you like or want right away on something like godaddy.

you can find people to do this on freelancing websites ( just google freelance)


it's a very niche thing, also, not in English.

thank you, fella. I'm always reading here on Sup Forums that Indians do those kinds of things really cheaply, so maybe i will try them lol

I'm not really on here, but I could answer most questions you have about your site, so ask away

Do you think its possible to do a website like I described (membership, with lists of videos made by me and a web forum) for something like 500$? Or am i being a cheap bastard?

Do you know someone who could design the website for you? If so you might be lucky enough to find someone to make the site for that price. but not sure you'll be able to get someone to design and make it.

you'll also have to pay for monthly hosting for the website , using a VPS this can be as cheap as $5-50 ( look at digital ocean, linode , amazon )

this might be a random hunch, but you sound aussie. if so, I would do the job for $500 - but I can't design.. so you'd need to find someone else to do that

i'm about to go to bed but if you want to contact me email lachlan.jamesy at gmail

i'm a Portuguese fella, but i'll keep your contact :)