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Previous thread: If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following: 0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine. 1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything. 2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac. 3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.
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What is your daily crap? Do you even know what yo use it for?
David Watson
I work in a web hosting company as a level 2 support monkey. I know how to get around our systems pretty well. We have cPanel servers as well as a shitty cloud. In addition to BASH, what are some other skills I should start touching up on to get to a system administrator level? While on the topic, what is some good literature to learn bash? Is classic shell scripting by O'Reilly good, or should I consider something else?
>tfw the first i chrooted into my encrypted system to kernel update
was pretty easy, not sure why i thought it wouldn't be maybe it was just since I never had to do that before.
Isaac Ortiz
this doesnt make much sense user
Connor Bailey
kernel update made my system not boot into the desktop but stall right before due to my graphics card.
had to use an arch linux image on a usb to boot up and get into my system to pacman -Syyu with a testing repo. then it worked.
Jordan Green
lmao, typical Arch. Gentoo doesn't have this problem
t. 4.10.1-gentoo
Ian Young
what can I say?
It was just that specific kernel not playing with my RX 480.
No harm done, and I learned something that might come in handy later on.
William Stewart
What kernel was it? I'm also using RX 480 but every recent kernel has just werked on Gentoo.
James Bennett
Don't know which one off the top of my head, would have to check and I'm not at home to check it on the machine.
Was just yesterday so unless it was updated since then, it is the current kernel on the non-testing repo.
Angel Reyes
Probably it's the Arch devs fucking shit up then. No surprise there
Christopher Torres
Eh installed this awhile back, very much a distrohopper, but it's worked out alright bar a few hiccups like this.
I'm just too easy perhaps, not too critical when it comes to things.
Never have distrohopped to gentoo though, never got memed into it. but have worked with the command line a fair amount, so I'll look into playing with it on a spare machine.
What is a simple alternative to Slackware that doesn't get bundled with systemd by default?
Jose Barnes
slackware doesn't come with systemd
Owen Howard
Have you tried looking in your preferred search engine?
Jackson Morgan
wrong thread?
Gabriel Young
Yeah, it definietely belongs to /sqt/
Gabriel Young
fuck off, this is friendly territory
Kevin Lee
how is that debian spinoff without the sunnyD?
Joseph Perez
Oh look, yet another baiting faggot. Get a trip so I can filter you next time
Hunter Gomez
still in beta after 3 years.
Cooper Clark
It's like people complaining about systemDicks are just a bunch of memespurting faggots too inept to figure out an alterantive and make it work
Carter Baker
I'm new to GNU Emacs mostly due to its excellent mode for ReStructuredText. No other editor matches it in that regard. Does anyone know how I can get a live HTML preview though? My LISP magic sucks
Austin Gray
You can just install sysvinit on regular Debian unstable
The Debian unstable installation on my desktop is over 5 years old and I simply never installed systemd. It just werks.
Henry Morales
>It just werks. until it doesn't. Many Debian devs that cared about init choice left. Those that remain won't be able to support non-systemd systems for long because systemd is so invasive.
btw, I use Gentoo with both OpenRC and systemd so I don't really care either way
Bentley Adams
I don't care much either. My laptop and multiple servers all run systemd. They just werk, too. It's all a lot of noise about nothing.
Noah Reed
How can i get the same font quality under GTK and Qt?
Isaiah Walker
>waste 5 hours trying to make a shitty script work >errors everywhere and shit is broken >use some random first result shit in a XP VM >work flawless out of the box
I'm done with this shit
I'm just done
Colton Mitchell
OpenSUSE or Fedora for my new XPS13? I want to give an RPM based distro a whirl since I've been using Debian for the past 6 years
John Rogers
keke, that's how it goes user. what was this so called shitty script supposed to do?
gun to my head, i would pick the bullet.
second I would pick opensuse tumbleweed.
Carson Price
Installed Ubuntu on harddrive, everything worked fine until I started working, downloading and multitasking, then system just stopped responding (although I heard Youtube audio cleary). I couldn't move, close, or minimize any windows and in the end had to reboot. Any solutions to this without the need of restarting every time this happens? Happen second time now
Andrew Walker
Theoretical question Sup Forums: Can Linux system get infected by a virus in Windows OS while dualbooting?
Jacob Myers
Of course.
Liam Reyes
By live you mean the output will change with every character opened?
Alexander Ortiz
I don't think Windings supports Linux file systems. On Linux side, you can mount the Windows partitions with noexec mount option
Christopher Miller
Once a second would be okay. I can do it with a shell script but built-in rendering would be nicer.
Jaxon Moore
>Once a second would be okay. I think you should get good at what you're trying to do.
Austin Davis
Jayden Wilson
Adjust fonts for GTK programs and make Qt programs use your GTK settings.
Sebastian Gomez
Michael Hughes
There's an article on the Arch Wiki. Search for "GTK Qt uniform look" or stumble upon the article from the GTK article.
Josiah Garcia
good luck removing libsystemd0 tho
Jacob Robinson
>chrooting with arch. I've been wondering lately if you can just boot your arch install medium and use the arch-root command. Not using arch now though.
Mason Perry
Hello /fglt/. I want to try out a Linux in a virtual machine and have determined from what little i could understand that Trisquel seems most desirable to me because of the looks, the specific pre installed software (Some of which I am familiar with) and freedoms it has. However my concern is how easy is it for a beginner to set up and use, and also is there any other distribution that has those factors i mentioned that I like, only better? I have no prior experience with Linux. My purpose for using it is to learn about Linux in general, its CLI and how to program using Emacs in language C.
Lincoln Kelly
Triquel is as easy as Ubuntu.
Adrian Rogers
Trisquel has no devs and using it is basically just a statement "hurr GNU durr". Just use Debian and don't add non-free repos if freedoms is what you want. Debian has thousands of devs.
Ian Morales
fuck off troll
Gabriel Lopez
Have you even checked Trisquel's development? Fuck, you GNU/Retards are so stupid
Jack Phillips
You will get absolutely zero (0) benefits from using Trisquel over *buntu (which Trisquel is based on) if you're going to use it in a VM.
The only difference between Trisquel and Ubuntu is the deblobbed kernel which doesn't fucking matter if you're not going to run in on actual hardware.
Stop being silly.
Jason Walker
>freedom and security isn't a benefit, instead use a distro made by microsoft partners which already comes with spyware see
Gabriel Allen
Quads tell the truth
Trisquel is almost as edgy as the BSDs
Christopher Murphy
following this guide to get wifi working on debian linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/iwlwifi/__v24.html i ignored everything under the section "Firmware" (it looked too complicated for me, and i got the feeling that it could be ignored, am i wrong?) except for the: # cp iwlwifi-*.ucode /lib/firmware
so i copied successfully this thing inside my /lib/firmware folder, but now how do i start it? i can't see the wirless interface with ifconfig, even after a reboot. thanks for any help
Alexander Johnson
only normal ubuntu comes with spyware not kubuntu xubuntu, etc
Hunter Hernandez
TWO fucking examples of freedoms you will utilize in a Virtual Machine that come with Trisquel that aren't available on fucking *buntu.
You fucking cocksucker. You say you're new but then you continue to sperg about things you have absolutely no fucking clue about.
I'm not the user who was asking, retard. Doesn't make vanilla Ubuntu better. Sure you can keep debian pretty much free, but if he wants to try Trisquel why not? Don't be a sperg.
Elijah Nelson
I said I am new. He however did not. This is my only post in this thread
Aiden Perry
>by microsoft partners Hope you're not using any sort of Linux then
Levi Long
>doesn't know where to extract firmware to. Debibabby detected
Xavier Sanders
i believe you need to be online to use apt-get, but i would like to do the installation offline. i have already successfully installed that same driver on the same machine with apt-get, but i wanted to learn the offline way using just the .tgz package
Christopher Price
get the .deb package and use dpkg to install it without using apt-get. this way you can update it properly with apt and remove it with apt.
Carter Rodriguez
How more or less difficult is Debian to use/set up compared to Trisquel?
Samuel King
How can I set sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade as a launcher in XFCE? I tried doing it with MenuLibre, but when I put in my password for sudo, the terminal window closes and nothing happens.
Dominic Martinez
You probably need to change the launcher command to open your terminal and pass the command to it. Or maybe something like sh -c "sudo apt..." I'm not exactly sure
Adam Brown
Can anyone in here running Wayland help me with setting monitor refresh rates?
I'm using Fedora 25 and picking a refresh rate higher than 60hz doesn't actually do anything, is this a known issue or is it supposed to work
Joseph Gonzalez
i didn't even know the .deb package existed. well it worked, thank you. i wonder why the .tgz packages are even around if using them is such a not-recommended thing to do
Levi Ward
What is the safest way to disconnect a USB HDD (bus powered) in Linux?
Is it unmount then hdparm -y?
Colton Bell
you could make a .desktop file at $HOME/.local/share/applications/ using below will hold the terminal open until you press (the read line part) I used kde application editor to make [Desktop Entry] Comment=You shouldn't actually do this Exec=bash -c "sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade; read line" GenericName=Wanna Fuggup your system? Icon=distributor-logo-debian Name=UpgradeMyShit NoDisplay=false Path[$e]= StartupNotify=true Terminal=1 TerminalOptions= Type=Application
>in Linux? unload the USB SCSI module
Jeremiah Cox
So I'm confused about WPA2. Whatever I read says It uses AES and CCMP interchangeably. Are these two different or the same.
Cooper Baker
How big is your desktop kernel? Got mine down to 4.5MB
Henry Ward
>using compressed kernels
Daniel Anderson
I want to try out a new WM, any suggestions?
Carson Smith
140 MB
Alexander Johnson
>making a pissing contest outta anything this system wont boot on anything except the intended hardware but has a few extra modules
Owen Wright
what's a desktop kernel
Adam Ward
Post your bar script and stuff please i love that look
Camden Butler
is there a guide somewhere to trimming down a distro to bare essentials ?
im running archbang on a 4g eee 701
also looking for something to view pdfs that has an index/pagefinder function, currently using feh and it sucks
Wyatt Wood
also how can i screenshot in arch? do i really need a dedicated program?
Connor Cook
import -window root scrot.png
Isaac Campbell
>do i really need a dedicated program yes, install scrot
Jeremiah Scott
use ffmpeg to look like l33th4x0r
William Martin
Let's discuss systemd.
Julian Anderson
It makes my computer work.
Gavin Wright
Arch is a stepping stone.
Wyatt Wilson
What are some cool terminal commands?
Josiah Hernandez
its awesomeWM
Thomas Hughes
back to page 1 with you
Jason Reyes
Liam James
How can I prevent stuttering in YouTube videos on Linux? I know for sure it's something about Linux and not the quality of my connection.
Daniel Phillips
Update your shit/use a different browser
Hudson Russell
Think Midori is worth a try?
Wyatt Stewart
Buggy piece of deprecated webkit shit
Robert Garcia
Firefox with Flash plays 100% of videos.
Logan Rivera
k Can't add the PPA anyway I'm using Firefox as it came with my distro, but it's giving me the stutters. I guess I'll update.