/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
IRC #ptg irc.rizon.net 6697/9999 SSL only
MORE REFERENCE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master

check /r/trackers

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.

Other urls found in this thread:


The fucking logo got me

Lotsa tpg users today.
Lets keep it clean bois

Anyone got recent seedbox info, comparisons

Where are the news???

>>> NEWS reddit.com/r/truetrackers/

tfw more moderators than posts

thanks doc.

Anybody run a seedbox on their thinkpad? Im thinking of setting one up instead of a rasberri pi

General reminder that you can post and archive important stuff and news on /r/truetrackers

I highly recommend truetrackers. They take you're security seriously. All usernames are anonymous!

>tfw a mod throws a tantrum and posts about standing down because he wasn'r given full permissions

why haven't APO auto-pruned the 10k users that haven't logged in for 3 months?

That subreddit is literal dogshit.

They don't have the permission to run scripts on their server.

They desperately need to look like somebody gives a fuck about their curry tracker.

fuck off dany. nobodys gonna post on your shitty subreddit.

you = tolet water



isn't it 6 months before you get disabled?

what tracker is this?


any good trackers for white supremacists?



I wish

/hyr/ is going to be recruiting soon


Whats your point?

I WANT ALL /TPG/ers to leave. NOW


is this on [redacted]?



that's a pretty good song dany

I hope dany gets disabled on all his tracker accounts

thanks danny

im a good puppy

try to get on torrentleech.org, they have guides for that sort of thing


>tfw farming for good music on Sup Forums to snatch
The only good song in weeks.

Yeah they're pretty good, I've had all their stuff for a while

>no vocals

pick one

So you're saying acoustics (for example) aren't good? Get the fuck out of here dude, go back to Sup Forums and bitch and whine about bands with 5 subs on Youtube

i dunno who posted that homeshake fresh air album, but that was some good shit

Homeshake was comfy and sounded nice but I felt that I don't typically repeatedly listen to super comfy stuff.

Not much different from these threads then.

Inspect Element

these threads are comedy gold, nig

Try Mono and Yndi Halda, danny.

we should start our own tracker

Jesus this Sup Forumsfag has godly taste in music.

can we use comic sans as the font?

Want some ratio on RED?




I didn't. I would link the page but it doesn't have any snatches yet.

the fuck is that

you click on this, I will mark your account. Thats a promise

hi nala


Not a large sample size, but from a sample of three consecutive tracks I got and two more that I liked and this one from browsing around this artist's tracks a bit more.


I go to /ptg/ for the music, not for the tracker talk

TLD for Switzerland

> switzerland

you probably mean .CHina

Since we're posting good music

user, where is that Pet Sounds album?

You're a fucking retard


i need the full set owo


I aint clicking that shit. The official link is redacted.me. Dont know why the Chinese want to steal redacted accounts

Not them

anything special on e****?

Is there any way I can add files from my watch folder in a paused state? Autotools doesn't seem to be adding them if I untick "start downloads automatically"

if you edit your rtorrent.rc you can have a watch folder add them in a stopped state. (load.normal), I am not sure if paused is possible

Stopped is fine, thanks

not really, no

FLAC is available, take it now, you'll get Gigs

What is it? I don't wanna log in on my phone.

don't fall for the trap user. I am currently warned for 6 months for clicking alink from here

>warned for 6 months

lucky. I got disabled and a message to go to irc

I originally got a PM asking why I decided to check out this album, I told them it was recommended by /ptg/, I got off with a warning. I'm sure if you lie or just ignore their PM you will get dsiabled

fuck my life

guess i need a taxi to xanax

>takes a thinkpad theme image
What kind of special moron are you OP?

if you check the upper left corner,you can see who the moron is

What's the difference between Exigo and Pedro's in the end?

you can buy your way into Pedros. Can't buy your way into Exigo.

The only way to get on Exigo (other than to know someone) is to upload on Pedros

Who is neo?
I've been on /ptg/ 4 years, idk who that tard is.

I've heard the community on Exigo is dead

not the file dummy, the image itself

holy fuck it's the new ed sheeran album

Jesus Christ...


>tfw I removed Sheeran from my autodl filters
What's a song for this feel?



Definition of a ratio cuck.

>Uploaded: 3.820 PB
>Downloaded: 59.959 TB

It's probably an autoupload bot user and it auto downloads to keep stuff seeded from other users.
user, you really are naive.

or more likely a ratio cheater

>implying thats not ratio cuckery
Thats not a bot btw. Talked to him on IRC

Nah, flashing doesn't work that well on AR.