>nonfree.pizza is down
is down
Other urls found in this thread:
>disconnect server computer for not even 5 minutes to move it somewhere else in the room
>someone still managed to check the site in that tiny window and make a kneejerk thread
Why even are you checking it, there's nothing new on it.
if you don't renew the domain I'm gonna be upset
Now you've caught a glimpse of how bad the autism plague on this website truly is.
Who knew, domain rentin' isn't free after all.
the site may be better, but the domain isn't quite as memetic
I probably will, but at the moment $60 is a bit.
But it works so well anyway!!!
I Ain't Clicking That Shit, Nigga
zeniea.com is better desu desu senpai
>you're a mod
You're easily the biggest fucking faggot on this board, and I wear knee highs and get fucked in the ass. Go away.
rood... ;(
I want weebs to fucking D I E
anime website
Who fucking cares. Kill yourself.
Weaboos who post with tripcodes and dream of getting fucked in the ass by Jamal while wearing thigh-highs aren't the same as anime enthusiasts.
>SSL cert is only valid for actre.com.au
what did he mean by this
Leave it to you to come back to shill some shitty alternate imageboard where you can post your awful fucking Debian screenshots. Just end it all man.
You're just jealous your desktop doesn't look like this. Literal perfection...........
I wish I could punch you in the face over the internet
I love it, fuck.
I wish you would contract AIDS and herpes from anal rape.
not gonna lie senpai. Catgirls excluded thats pretty neat, you deserve more credit than these memers give you.
I wish the same, that's actually my fetish
This desu senpai
That did he mean by this?
How much does hosting cost you?
Free software is literally an SJW movement. Prove me wrong.
>Taking MSNBC/CNN/FOX seriously
Yeah, I get all my news from Breitbart and the Alex Jones Show now.
Grow the fuck up.
I'll pay for some of that, stick a paypal link up on the site.
>Trusting news sources that lied about the Iraq War and actively colluded with the Clinton Campaign
>Not watching Styx
Good goy
>inb4 source
>Taking Brietbart and Alex Jones seriously
They're just entertainment really
Hosting is the cost of electricity and internet to my house (this thread is because I physically moved the server and someone happened to notice the 5 minute downtime)
Does that require nonfree javascript to donate to/receive donations?
Hi, Sup Forums.
That's a pretty cute Awoo~ senpai. The MAGA is the icing on the cake.
anime website
>he doesn't purchase the water filters
>he actually allows the government to put chemicals in his water that turn the fricking frogs gay
>Does that require nonfree javascript to donate to/receive donations?
when does it expire?
it does, but damn I don't remember seeing JS on any serious site in human readable format:
Around the 27th of this month, if I remember correctly. I bought the name a year ago when I was in better shape financially.
I'm not sure I want to ask for donations or anything, unless I put literally anything else on there instead of a meme webm.
Is that required, though? Does it appear to still function with javascript disabled?
just tested it in icecat, with reactos' homepage. Clicking on the donate button after specifying the amount took me to paypal, but only to be greeted with a white page and "error - return to merchant" in the title
>tfw the botnet doesn't want reactos to succeed
Pretty rude desu
Thanks!! I removed the maga Awoos from the site a week ago tho since he's been elected for a few months now.
anime website
Thank you for testing it. It seems at the moment that bitcoin might be the only ethical, botnet-free way for me to ask for donations, if I do at all. I'd need to give the site more than what it has right now before I'd be comfortable with it.
cute awoos
why are her tits by her stomach