/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
MORE REFERENCE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master
IRC #ptg irc.rizon.net 6697/9999 SSL only


Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.'
>sanityawn/sleep/slept is a faggot
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.

Other urls found in this thread:


just moved, my up speed is 0.5mbps and i have no money for a seedbox what now?

shits gay yo.

>mfw no one posts in my piece of shit thread


go away OP


>using the...

You know what? I'm putting this meme to rest.


the only discord server about private trackers without danny in it (+ we ban excessive faggotry)

There's no anime, right?

no anime allowed (aka excessive weebfaggotry)

Is this the official /ptg/ discord server?

Dont join he will collect youre IP!

aren't vpns allowed on discord?

I don't believe danny bought his invite because he's not banned. so why was sleep being questioned in irc by sadistic? was it for spamming the forums?

We wont know untill the faggot (sainyawn) posts full conversation (he wont because he is guilty).

Discord channel owners can't see your IP anyway

>Jackie 2016 720p BluRay DD5.1 x264-TayTO
so TayTO encodes are tagged as HDB Internals on HDB but the above release is on PTP already but not HDB?

How exactly do you pronounce KaraGarga?


Kar-uh-gar-guh I think

stop shilling your shitty server

oh boy, you will never learn

you're right user, he will never learn.
not if all the responses are like yours.
TayTO's home is UHDBits, so they probably release there first.

Thats what they want you to believe in.

I'm the owner of a few Discord channels, the only people that will ever see your IP is Discord themselves.

What channels?

None that are public

Nice. Can you tell me themes of those channels?

I dunno user, are you 312c?


Definitely not! Im just a random /ptg/ loser.

fuck, I did a retarded thing.

searched for a certain tracker in the forum of one im on
found a thead with lots of people offering invites so I pm'd two of them asking for one. Thought it was just the same as any invites section that trackers often have
then I got to the end of the thread and noticed it was from 2009, had been closed to stop people "trading invites".
anyway today I check my account and got a 4 week warning for asking for invites?
I think that means freelech doesn't work anymore. Annoying.


stupid cunt

Bonus points

Why do people want to get into habits if they are already on PTP? In what ways is it better?


got in there last week. nothing impressive


>APL over user limit, yet only around 1/4th of the accounts are actually active
>leecher count keeps going down
Is it safe to say APL is pretty much dead? The only thing they had going for it was that people actually downloaded things, but they don't so much anymore.

So do people let their PTPaccounts rot or do they cross seed to both? Why isn't HDbits a complete replacement for PTP?

>Why isn't HDbits a complete replacement for PTP?
Because not every fucking movie was done in HD

For one thing, HDB users were among the first ones to join PTH back when it was first created.

Sites with very active development

1. RED
2. AB
3. ???

9999. Pedros

Don't listen to this asshole, anime will kill your social life, it will consume, ultimately destroying you. I quit the baseball team, I started losing sleep, I gained weight, I stopped growing. 5 years later and I've stopped watching anime, but the damage has been done.

>using PassThePoop instead of HDB+SDB

>using AB instead of BTN

I guess......
why don't they delete the thread though? it's years old. and it looks exactly like an invites thread.

Anime makes my life better currently. I watch moe-shit and it motivates me to work out! :)

This has to do with site development because?


He is encouraging people to waste their lives on anime by just mentioning that website.

yes, this is official

tbqh all the major development on Retarded has been from them playing catch-up with apooloo

Are you guys ready to trump all those non-checksummed rips? I have already 20 rips waiting to be uploaded.

>he actually uploads



thats photoshopped. Im Elite on Hydra.


I find this hard to believe


really makes u think

her profile is hidden




so like what does hydra do differently to anyone
what are their stats like

It's shit. Main points:
no required ratio
flac trumps lossy
no one uploads there


Daily reminder redacted is one massive circlejerk.

It warns for mixed content most likely because of user uploaded images on http-only hosts. Almost every tracker has this problem.
If you use uMatrix you can enforce strict https, but the browser will still complain.

How many of you didn’t change your passwords after Cloudbleed because you’re lazy fucks?

just change them, it takes 10 seconds.

>tfw my 10Gbps SSD seedbox jumps on a fresh freeleech torrent

I changed all 15 of my tracker passwords in a few minutes. Easy when you use Keepass.

I am not sure what private trackers are

You mean your shared 10Gbps SSD seedbox with another 20 users?


>he can't afford dedi

taxi back to apollo sir?

Just give it time there are like 250 people on there what do you expect?

qBittorrent on private trackers is ratio suicide

Nice comeback, but seriously redacted is one massive circlejerk and won't last as a private tracker. It's overrated so don't bother busting your ass trying to get in, it's not worth it.

>this triggers the banklets
i love that feel
it's just so cash, family

we solve crimes and find people here

Explain why please, that makes no sense.

c h r i s t i n e
f r a m e s t o r
r e m u x

>average of 3 uploads per person
nah he was right, it's shit

The fuck I look like a dev
Switch and you'll see your upload increase


pick one, nigger

kino = adjective
flicc = noun
Therefore one can describe a movie as a flicc (slang for film) and also describe it's quality (in terms of artistic merit) as kino (a film of high artistic merit)

So basically you have no idea what you are talking about.

OP, your autism is so thick, I can almost TASTE IT!

>tfw retard and everyone hates you

lurk Sup Forums more, cuck
your meme game is too frail

fuck off and watch the flicccc dickhead

I know qBit underreports seeds and peers and wasn't giving me fuck all up despite fine tuning everything

So staff lurk on the thread to ban people? Someone forgot to take their medicine today, paranoid schizophrenia is a hell of an illness.

Okay fair enough, but I'm not switching. It was a nightmare going from utorrent to qbittorrent.