Why is Windows so expensive?
Why is Windows so expensive?
>Windows 10
>Paying to be the product
The linux shills made it that expensive so the poor windows users have to switch to their subpar OS.
The subjective theory of value is the primary foundation.
From there, executive decisions made in the context of pleasing investors (shareholders, managers, sales department heads) evolve into a clusterfuck of sociological breakdown.
And how much is a copy of macOS that I can download and install on my XPS13?
>he does it for free
It's 2017 and Freedom is easy to obtain with almost 0 cost in usability. why do this
Its also a """service"""" which might add to the cost if you want to go with that reasoning.
I think its a fair price for software you use for everything.
I find the price of office more shocking.
But you dont need to use either. I use free software for business and it just works.
Because monopolies suck
Why does a 3 year AutoCAD subscription cost $3,780 when the OS it requires only costs $120?
Who the fuck is paying for cad software?
Less demand
You can buy a key for $20 off kinguin.
>Paying for Windows
Because I want to play video games.
> use for everything.
I am literally only going to use this PoS operating system as a steam hypervisor. Nothing more. I doubt I will even surf on it. Turn on Big Picture, forget about everything else.
Like, fuck. Seriously how uncommon can my specific use case be? Mustards drone on about cheap PC gaming then along comes Microsoft charging $120 for an OS that doesn't even have a proper start button. It doesn't even have repositories ffs. Like, how long is this licence even going to last for?
pathetic poorfag detected
It is expensive relative to what the product offers. $120 isn't much at all, but no one with money wastes money like that, that's why they have money, you troglodyte.
>inb4 guvmints are to blame
lel, tards
I don't think anyone actually pays full price
>download windows 10 ISO from Microsoft's website
>Burn to USB
>Buy cheap windows 10 product key for like $10 online
You could buy OSX for $25 when Apple had it on a disc. Which was worth it if you where hackintoshing. What is even worst is that fact Home edition of windows 10 doesn't allow you to control updates, so in essence you have to shell out over $200 for Windows that actually allows you to have some control over what happens to it. If windows was $25 bucks for home and $50 for pro it might actually be worth it for most people
All you have to do is use macOS in a VM ... download macOS for free from the appstore and you are good to go.
Lots of hackintosh tutorials out there. XPS 13 should be compatible tbqh.
Using a hackingtosh aswell. Best thing i ever did. Fuck Windows. macOS is superior in every aspect and its FREE.
You can even use iCloud and shit .. all for free cause Apple doesnt care about hackingtosh users and they probably enjoy the meme as much as we do.
You're doing it wrong. It goes like this:
>install win7 oem version
>windows loader it
>upgrade to 10 for free
because they got you by the balls because you're too much of a numale cuck to use GAHNOO SLASH LEENUX and too poor to afford a $1400 macbook
have fun with your "definitely not a virus, trust me I'm a dolphin.exe" windows cracks though.
the government is partially to blame for allowing publicly funded education to use and teach the use of nonfree systems such as wintel
do you mean the free handicap upgrade?
What, you don't want to pay to have your computer record everything you do, send that data to Microsoft and have them send you targeted ads everywhere in your OS? What are you, a communist?
Just a meager $2500 in hardware costs
$120 sounds really cheap for an operating system that will last you for life
Yup. Also, I got the option to upgrade to 10 when I took the windows update to sp1 last night. I didn't choose it, I just updated to sp1 because I want to see if 7 actually has any problems on kaby lake/z270. I don't think it does.
Government wants you to make money to tax you. they don't care about your education. Windows is the most common tool you'll use to make money
When I build my next pc I'm going to try to get the educational edition. I tried scamming my way into a local community college but they didnt fall for it.
If they didn't care about Hackintosh users there wouldn't be so much bullshit involved in get iMessage and Facetime to work
They're probably pretty used to it. You might look into win10 enterprise ltsd or something like that, comes without all the nasties so you can use it for hospital equipment without it deciding to update itself in the middle of a surgery for example.
but that's not the problem here, the problem comes from the (few) companies that produce and sell these chips... they collude and price-fix them.
oh wait, nvm... wrong thread, I was thinking about SSDs, lel
yeah, you are 100% right, BUT... microsoft is the corruptor here, they buy politicians and stuff. it's a well known fact, btw
You're welcome
How do they get these? I've heard they get banned.
I have no idea. They have buyers warranty for an extra $5 if you're skeptical. They also offer other Windows keys if you want cheaper ones
Is Win 7 OA transferable?
I think once or twice if i remember correctly
>win7 oem image: free
>daz loader: free
>win10 update: free
>using your new legit win10 key during a clean install: free (and optional)
you fucking mong
>Why is Windows so expensive?
How many other things in your life can you pay $120 for and use 24/7 and never really have to pay another penny of cash for?
$120 as a one time expense for so much potential is a drop in the proverbial fucking bucket. And please, I don't consider Windows 10 as something worth even a penny, and you can still get it for free if you're paying attention.
OP: get the fuck out.
Holy fuck thanks user
>win10 update: free
Haven't they discontinued those?
sorta but you can do a install is you tell them you're disabled/handicapped. Theres a specific page on their site you can do it through
Don't have anything at all plugged into your mobo when you install 7. Kaby no likey. Literally unplug your keyboard and mouse after inputting your name/system name/system time. GPU too, your mobo should have a monitor, an optical drive with your install disc (fuck you Sup Forums we DO still need them) and the drive you're installing to. Nothing else.
>install disc
I thought i was getting installation media
> buy a Windows 10 Pro key for $8.00 on a famous shitty selling website from my third world country
> Activate it on phone with the official Macroshaft assistant
> Windows is activated
> Literally no keygen, nothing, original .iso and a clean install for just US 8.00.
Feels good to be master race.
I have a key if you want it.
>He paid for Windows 10
whats your favorite pc game kiddo?
Gib. Pls
First post that replys gets a bizspark win 10 enterprize key. Put disposable email.
What's your favorite special olympics event, retard?
If you aren't joking I would like a link to that website please.
>t. poorfag
>[email protected]
ok you got it
Fucking msdn is slow wait a minute or 2
Isn't there a donkey somewhere that you should be fucking?
Fuck. I wish global rules allowed GET threads, do we could roll
If i post it here it will probably get banned by MS. They have trolls lurking here.
Fucking hell why is is slow. Microsoft cunts. I will send it
Ill put a disposable email. [email protected]
It just werks, you will probably need to use a translator though.
Luckily its a bit close to beaner spanish, so i can get the jist of it
Fuck you microsoft. Fucking faggots. The one time I try send a fucking key and its slows down. Fucking retards msdn.microsoft.com
Thanks man, appreciate it from a burger.
Idk I got mine for free :^)
Enjoy your identity theft.
I'm still waiting user ;.;
Private Trackers bro sooo no viruses plus the intricate innovation that is Common Sense 2017
I will send it br bro. Fucking microsoft faggots are down the one fucking time i need a key. Expect an email from @protonmail check msdn and see its down.
ya ok kid.
Not valid? N's arent vaild letters in a product code
Fuck this bullshit. I'll just pay the $120 dollars.
user just pay $30 for it. Or do it free, for a little bit of a hassle
Thanks bro, but where did you get the key?
>not using WINE
Dumb game poster
This, the hassle is worth it. I've daz loader'd 7 a dozen times, works every time. The only indication they know is the kb971033 update is unchecked by default in windows update. I've never seen a paid-for windows 7 update screen though, so it may be unchecked by default for everyone.
Just get this here:
I just checked right now, and it's retail (fpp)
Mfw i have to try every fucking letter in place of the letter that isnt valid
Is the Daz loader malware?
Wrangling you, moron.
the original isnt but all the reuploads are full of adware and malware
Why tho, like what would would happen if you didn't unplug them?
but vulkan is better
>if you're skeptical of a scam give them more money
What does that mean?
enjoy being an unpaid beta tester for red hat
With all the tracking and making YOU the product you shouldn't be afraid to activate it with KMSPico (although I got all my licenses through DreamSpark).
What does fpp mean? It means it's not the OEM Windows which doesn't allow you to change hardware. On the fpp you can change computers as long as you uninstall it from the previous ones.
Get it off mydigitallife forums. Got Ultimate w7 working that way.
artificial inflation to counter piracy. When you buy a windows license, you are ALSO paying for the dozen pajeets who stole it