Jesus Christ, how can anyone support this company?

Jesus Christ, how can anyone support this company?

Other urls found in this thread:–Ribbentrop_Pact

It's not about support
It's about irrational attachment

>My CPU is the shitter and it's not AMD's fault

Low paid shill GTFO

I remember back in early 00s AMD being better than P4 and yet everyone had intel cpu in their pc. I didn't understand how lower clocked athlon could beat p4 and my parents fell for p4 meme.

i miss amd, had amd for years, had an original thunderbird 800mhz, all the athlons, phenoms etc but at the point where amd ran 125w and intel ran 80w with better performance was when i decided i wasnt dealing with that shit anymore

>too illiterate, can't read
Intel everyone

Because I'm Jewish and AMD fanboys make me scared. They're always blaming Intel's behavior on "kikes". They're always comparing Intel's reaction to Ryzen to how the Jews were afraid of the Nazis. Jews are the second most persecuted group on Sup Forums after Indians.

>shitposting on Sup Forums
There's a difference between real jews and (((jews)))

It's very similar to dumb* ball sports fans.
They root for "their" team, even though the players are swapped in and out all the time and the team often maintains little consistency other than the name and the logo. The fans don't care, as long as they get to ingest ethyl alcohol, get fat and yell at fans of the opposing team. Remember that 50% of the population is of below average intelligence.

* redundant

kys dirty kike

>i have never been to a sport game nor participated in any sport in my life
>I'm frustrated because I can't relate to my peers

I work out regularly.

Drinking ethanol and yelling at a TV, however, bears little resemblance with sports.

Is this another shoa??

I think I'll support Dr. Su over a grubby kike anyday

You guys don't even try to hide it. What's wrong with you? What did Jews ever do to you personally?

Nice try Rabbi

>i-it's intel's fault not amd's!!!111

it's amd's own fault they're in the predicament they are in now. no-one forced them to buy ati for 5 POINT 4 FUCKING BILLION DOLLARS. release a fucking cpu that needs to be water cooled, the 9590, lmao and also claim the fury x is an overclockers dream when it can't oc for shit.

stop blaming everyone but amd for their own problems

I guess this is Trump's America. You don't even have to attempt to rationalize your bigotry, just accuse people of being rabbis when you're pressed on it.

>guys, it doesn't matter that they literally broke the law!

>What did Jews ever do to you personally?

I never heard memes about jews when I was a kid and long before I did we were spending a weekend in our relative's countryhouse with mother and brother alone. Relatives asked us to take care of a boy for several days.
That boy has tricked me and my brother into doing what he wanted and also refused to eat soup which my mother cooked because of carrots (no he did not have allergy). Guess what his ethnicity was.


Again, long before memes. We were carrying a lengthy trip in a group of people using small bus and when we were returning home the bus was so packed that we needed to use floor for seating. Bus driver seated his son and placed a huge box with vegetables on the nearby seat. Guess what his ethnicity was.

>implying this is the change Trump brought

You could actually visit Sup Forums few years ago and pay respect to what he is doing for Israel now.

> no-one forced them to buy ati
> the company that kept them afloat during the recent years

Most of the world's wars

>a Jew not eating carrots is why I'm a nazi

I guess all white people are bad since I've interacted with a few that were annoying too.

B-but Intel are the g-good goy-I mean guys, right? Hail Trump, hail Intel!


it's more about "amd doesn't have fucking competent storage controllers"

It's the art of the deal man. You have to deal with the Jew, in order to trick the Jew.

>someone's hating Jews is why Trump is a nazi

>overrepresented jewish ownership of media, business, farma, porn does not exist

>>someone's hating Jews is why Trump is a nazi
I didn't call Trump a Nazi, I implied that this is the climate he has enabled. Trump isn't an anti semite, but many many followers of his are.

>it's another "BLACKED is a Jewish conspiracy" episode
Go see a psychologist.

>I didn't call Trump a Nazi,

I didn't say that I hate jews.

> Trump isn't an anti semite, but many many followers of his are.

Hillary is not antisemite but many of her followers are.

>Go see a psychologist.

Tells for cognitive dissonance.

>I didn't say that I hate jews.
But you responded to my post asking why you hate Jews with things Jews have done to you. What was I supposed to conclude? That you're a fervent Zionist and anti defamation league supporter?

>Hillary is not antisemite but many of her followers are.
The election is over, your can't deflect or create false equivalencies anymore. Trump is the President now. He REFUSED to mention the Jews on Holocaust remembrance day. He made Steve Bannon his chief adviser.

He said that in response to you bringing up Trump in the first place you narrow sighted fuck.

>He REFUSED to mention the Jews on Holocaust remembrance day
That's fake news and you know it.

>He REFUSED to mention the Jews on Holocaust remembrance day

You are so fucking stupid. It goes without saying at this point, who the fuck DOESN'T know that jews died in the holocaust? literally everybody fucking knows it by now

That would be like if trump went to a BLT convention and he said "I really love this sandwich" and then the news media said "Trump REFUSED to mention lettuce and tomato." no fucking shit you autist

>He said that in response to you bringing up Trump in the first place you narrow sighted fuck.
Because Trump is the President, he has real power over you and me. Hillary is irrelevant and soon to be in jail because she's an "enemy of the people" (Trump is even borrowing terminology from another famous anti semite, Joseph Stalin...) now.

>That's fake news and you know it.
Except it's not. Please show me where the word "Jews" is in the white house's statement.

The word holocaust is synonymous with jewish people at this point and crying crocodile tears because he didn't suck your dick and clean up afterwards too is ridiculous

Either way your opinion is useless considering donald trump has won numerous jewish awards and has a jewish daughter and jewish grandchilden. your opinion is shit

t. part of the 30% of jewish people who voted for trum, go be a libtard somewhere else

Is all Trump supporters have to defend themselves coming up with false equivalencies? The fact that Jews were the primary victims of the Holocaust, and the white house decided to ignore them because they thought mentioning the Jews took away attention from the non Jewish victims of the Holocaust, says a lot about the priorities of the white house.

As a black Jewish trans woman who voted for Trump, I couldn't agree more! Peach is xister!!

>But you responded to my post asking why you hate Jews with things Jews have done to you.

The part of your post which I quoted did not contain any mentions of hatred.

>What was I supposed to conclude?

You were supposed to conclude that people notice more things than just race.

>He REFUSED to mention the Jews on Holocaust remembrance day.

1) Holocaust is a jewish word. Mentioning jews is redundant.
2) There were other victims of WW2.

>He made Steve Bannon his chief adviser.

I cannot see a point.

No, we have common sense. The only thing you have to attack him with is autism. If you can't infer, you are down syndrome levels of retarded


Well let's see I was raised by a Jewish mother and a baptist father who later converted, had a bar mitzvah and went to an all jewish high school

But you're just another retarded stormnigger trying to give jews a bad name on the internet aren't you

Well for the last fifty years they've been trying to destroy white societies through mass migration and progressive politics. As they don't want a united nation of white people to exist anymore due to the Holocaust.

You could not be less chill could you man.

Realise that if you explained your hobby shitposting on Sup Forums to a sports fan they'd probably thinknit was pretty dumb.

Has nothing at all to do with Intel's illegal anti competitive business practices

>The part of your post which I quoted did not contain any mentions of hatred.
That part does not exist independently of the context in which it was said in.

>1) Holocaust is a jewish word. Mentioning jews is redundant.
No it's not, see pic.

>2) There were other victims of WW2.
Who were primarily Jewish. The holocaust would not have happened if not for the nazis persecuting the Jews.

>posts anime
>acuses other people of having mental problems

>hitler dubs
>accusing anyone else of being a stormn*gger

But Bibi is very pro Trump and an Israeli company offered to build Trump's wall. Some Jews are progressive, some are conservative. There's no conspiracy against white people though.

I am gonna get 7700K for 400 euros so I can support them. I dont even need new machine.

>da jews tryna keep da white man down

>That part does not exist independently of the context in which it was said in.

Yeah sure I should have iterated through all of your possible reactions before writing anything, silly me.

>Who were primarily Jewish. The holocaust would not have happened if not for the nazis persecuting the Jews.

Yyea, Hitler did not kill millions of russians as well.

90% of companies do shit like this. Are you really that thick you dont realise?

Were you born yesterday?

>accuses other people of having mental problems
>can't spell accuse
>Leftist trash who probably believes being a trans-gendered isn't a mental disorder.
>crops out definitions to fit his argument

Wrong file


Intel made deals with retailers ... ok they are allowed to do that?!


wow Intel enables an Intel Technology for their CPUS exlusively ... god forbid


like point 1 ... >coerced ... lol ... its a voluntary agreement between 2 parties. Salty AMD fags.


citation needed - heavily depends on laws - different for every individual company.

Whoever made that picture is an economic illiterate commie and should get shot.


You forgot point 5
>Criminal activity

Oh yeah it's alrighty then! How could I dare to think that having just one desktop CPU maker is bad? I must have not taken my pills 2day.

Friendly reminder that Intel didn't change anything in the compiler, they just explicitly stated that the compiler won't give AMD and VIA CPUs SSE in the documentation. This was enough to appease the FTC and the EU.

90% of monopolies do this.
Most companies do not. Lots of american companies do though, since American politicians are paid for.

>Yyea, Hitler did not kill millions of russians as well.
He did not round them up in camps on the basis of their race/religion. He killed them on the battlefield. Killing enemy combatants is far different from a moral perspective than killing innocent men, women and children.

You sound like a horrible person.

I've got a Jewish last name from my great, great grandpa, and come from the Midwest.

Never thought twice about it until I moved to the East Coast for college, and my professors and fellow students would treat me like shit after I told them I'm not Jewish.

At almost every new class, some *stein or *berg would introduce themselves, and look at me like I'm some sort of traitor when I tell them I'm not Jewish.

Almost makes me want to change my name, but soon I'll be away from this hellhole and back to a place where everyone thinks my name is just some "kraut-polock" hybrid, and the *bergs are all 6'4" and blond. Swedes are cool as fuck, and it's a shame what happened to their homeland thanks to your kind.

>criminal activity

lol ...

I used to think the same. But have you seen the number of Jewish people who have campaigned for progressive politics, especially the ones higher up who have the power to influence government? They are hugely overrepresented. Of course a lot are just normal people who don't care. But a great many hate white people, because of what the Germans did, and want to destroy white identity to stop that from ever happening again. People like Barbara Spectre have openly said this is their goal, you can look it up very easily. I'd get the video for you but I'm on my phone.

Bull shit he didn't.

Also gyps got it much worse, but nobody mentions that because by no objective measure are they actually human.

Actually the German army did kill/rape a lot of Russians.
Its a well known fact.
Then again so did the Russians to return the favour, so to speak

He killed lots of jews on the battlefield too.

Or aren't you counting the people he starved to death in leningrad?

I can actually give you that the 'attrition' of civilians through land that armies go through is just part of the game, but hitler was genociding the entire city of leningrad, on purpose.

>admits to being a phone poster
>is retarded

>He did not round them up in camps on the basis of their race/religion. He killed them on the battlefield.
Not that guy and certainly not a holocaust denier but I was under the impression that the Nazis slaughtered slavs as well because they didn't fit the Nazis definition of white. They weren't priority one but they were certainly on the murder list, as we're most other ethnic groups.

My grandfather was half Sami. He was in a prison camp of some kind but the exact circumstances are mired in myth at this point because he enjoyed telling tall tales after one whiskey too many. Most of said tales paint him as a Nazi killing hero. While I doubt he was the rambus of the 40s, he definitely did something to avoid being purged as non white.

>He did not round them up in camps on the basis of their race/religion.

Yyea, killing based on race is better than rounding them in camps based on race!

>Killing enemy–Ribbentrop_Pact

Only an enemy would sign non-aggression pact! Germany did perfectly fine when it attacked USSR! They were enemies!

Ducking auto correct. Rambo, not rambus.

>tfw it's incredibly fucking easy to derail any thread on Sup Forums just by baiting Sup Forums
We're 65 posts in and Intel was barely talked about. Nice autism you guys got going.

People don't support intel or support amd.
Company politics are rarely something anyone care about.
Intel have made the better processors, end of discussion.
amd could not match intel in speed or power consumption.

Hitler definitely had plans to wipe western russia of the slavs for space to put germans in.

Except there were several times AMD made superior processors at a lower price, but Intel beat them through marketing and "unfair"market practises.

Saying 'unfair' is misleading.
They bribed OEMs to not buy AMD products. They lied to developers saying that they would have to work harder for 'amd compatibility'.
They bribed producers of software to not include that their products were compatible with AMD processors.
And now they're bribing retailers to send Ryzen prices up.

This intel/nvidia are evil AMD is all good and pure is fucking hilarious bollocks. Its bordering on insanity with some of you lot.
You realise most buyers of the products generally choose for a reason.
Some go for the best, some go for what their budget allows.
Others buy what they can afford then shitpost about the better stuff as theyre bitter about other people having it.

The free market at work :)

Antitrust commisions exist for a reason.

There's a difference?

>This intel/nvidia are evil AMD is all good and pure is fucking hilarious bollocks.
nobody claimed such a thing. but let us know when AMD is involved in multiple lawsuits over shady business practices.

But really both were Jews all along.

Nobody fucking cares about the politics and the ethics. People just want good shit that works that they can afford, no matter who its from.

You autists will never get this simple fact of life.


>And now they're bribing retailers to send Ryzen prices up.
[Scoure needed]

>Brand Loyalty

Ryzen confirmed for second shoah

AMD was king of the world before Intel released Nehalem.

Athlon 64, X2, first iGPU... They had problems when they invested in a cpu-design software instead of trusting engineers but they are back on track now.

I won't need a new CPU for a while but This AMD comeback is just showing how Intel was dishonest and abusive for so long.

Well you'll see when it comes out in the next anti-trust suit.

>capitalism at it's finest
>blame marxist jews

frig off randy

Fuck off kike, go back to sucking Tyrone cock.

newfag here, holy shit this redpill is srong

Jews are horrible creatures, they're always trying to either:

A. pressure you into guilt

Or B. after money.

My dad has this printery, still gets owed a lot of money from his customers. This one time there was this jewess who even wrote a letter how she was getting pushed into suicide in order to make my dad tear their bills, of course my dad didn't give in to tha
t jew cunt. She's still alive and owes a whole list of other companies loads of cash.

It's that jews aren't that violent but boy are they sub-human trash.

Quick, check the commits for clang and gcc sent by intel.

once games start releasing their source and lets me compile them for other architectures I am jumping ship

>"supporting" companies

you are all children

I literally had to double-check which board I was on


when you realise that both amd and intel are rooted in isreal and both are jewish, but based nvidia is not.

Unless you plan on stealing their products you have no choice but to support a company if you want their products.