Buy a MacBook they said, high quality they said

buy a MacBook they said, high quality they said....

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Who said? Reddit?

>high quality they said

literally no one said that except for the same shill. should have got an iMac or a chromebook or some other shit.

OP fell for the Apple meme.

I have one and I think it's high quality. I'm confident that the sort of people who post on Sup Forums on during the middle of a weekday will agree with me.

Yeah, mine's great.

>falling for Apple shit

I'll admit I've been there......I'm horribly ashamed and embarrassed about it but yeah I was young and dumb and didn't know anything about tech at the time and fell for all of Apple's planned obsolescence and "innovation" bullshit.

I hope you learn from your mistake OP


t. pajeets w/ pennywaves

Nobody told you to do this OP

>using a device after its 4 year end of life date

Sup Forumshetto niggers don't deserve apple products

Replacing those feet costs $5. Stop being mechanically challenged

my macbook pro's scratched to hell and back but still works (apart from the trackpad i spilt wine on)

It was not made for apes

Holy shit that thing is dangerous. I've always found Macbooks to be disagreeably hot to the touch, but this takes the cake.

>muh build quality

Literally only shills and people who need facebook machines have said that.

My work just bought around 20 new macbook pro touchbar models.
We've had to send back around 12 of them for major issues, including bad nics, a motherboard with blown capacitors, a screen whose backlight died, a dead keyboard, etc.

Compare that with the 100+ something dell latitudes we got around the same time. I think we've had 1 hardware failure out of all of those.

This is only counting hardware failures and not user issues.

I've heard literally the opposite about them, in that they get hardware failure all the time.


I have a MacBook Pro and a Latitude and both have performed well. The Latitude is enormous, though.

Have you already posted about it on Facebook?


>getting salty over a post on Sup Forums
Have you told your mom about it?

>be me
>have autism
>notice that people are allowed to have different opinions and preferences than me
>this upsets me because I am objectively a more rational and intelligent being than those dumb neurotypicals who make different decisions than me
>my supreme intelligence leads me to come up with an idea
>I google "broken Macbook pictures"
>post these pictures to Sup Forums to show those dumb macfags how dumb they are and to virtue signal to my fellow Sup Forumsentooman
>feel satisfied after receiving so many (you)s
>mommy makes me tendies and milkies
>go to bed a happy boy

>literally having down syndrome
Have you signed up for the Special Olympics? Retard.

dont buy consumer models

I have an air and no clue how something like that happens.

Even the consumer models. The XPS is very well built and you can actually change the hardware on the thousand-dollar computer you bought, unlike the MBP that uses glue to hold down components.
On a 2500$ laptop.

>be reddit fag
>not understanding greentext
>not understanding personification

Just leave.

I don't understand how the fuck you even do that?
I own a 2011 and a 2012 macbok pro and both of them have all their feet just fine

This is obviously a user error. I've had all kinds of Thinkpads, Elitebooks, MacBooks, and various other craptops and never once had the rubber feet fall off.

>being this mad
>not understanding shitposting

Just kill yourself.

Just throw it away and buy a new one.

>blown capacitors

Do they still use liquid caps?

I can't believe those multi million dollar airplanes use GLUE to hold down components.

Fucking idiots around here. It's not the glue that's the problem, it's the difficulty in servicing that entails.

It's a wincuck who took the feet off himself to try to prove an invalid point

No, they don't.

include me in screencap! viva la reddit!

fuck off

Apple did have great build quality for a while, but those days are gone along with Jobs. Tim Cuck has no eye for quality, only $$$.


I'd rather the feet fall off than the whole thing coming apart like my old asus did.

What laptop is that? Please give name or model number.

This! ASUS is garbage.

Enjoy your dogshit keyboard

It's a late 2016 Envy x360 but it's identical to an early 2016 Spectre x360 and not like any other envy model, so I'm calling it a mislabeled Spectre

I can't say the keyboard feels quality but it has a nice initial force to push it, it's somewhat tactile, and it was extremely pleasant typing a report on it this morning so I guess that's what matters

Ok, Im really not a huge apple fan, own no apple products, and just generally think they're a gigantic waste of money especially when looked at along side comparable products hardware-wise. but come on man, complaining about the little teflon pads falling off is pretty shit tier. They probably give you replacements with the laptop

There's so many other better reasons to hate apple prducts

Bad word choice, but something with voltage regulation fucked up and it burned up a few of the capacitors on the motherboard. Not sure how it happened but that was the worst failure we've had. Applecare just sent us an entirely new macbook.
I can only speak to my experience at my company, but I think that was probably true a while ago. Our 2012 Macbook pros were complete beasts and had pretty much 0 issues (other than the batteries losing capacity) until we refreshed them a few months ago.
Generally we are on a 3 year refresh cycle but those kept holding out too well.
Our Latitude e6520s were average as far as hardware issues but the build quality was shit and we had a lot of user damage with those
Our M4700s were average as well.

We've switched everyone besides design dept over to E7450s and M7510s now and they've been completely solid

>got the shitty envy instead of the spectre
LOL whatever envyfag

Enjoy your 1080p screen in 2016 and dongles in current year