Other urls found in this thread:
>literal paid shill
>legit review
Good one
There are a million threads and another fag like that fag isn't needed.
He's also clueless about hardware.
>intlel doesn't want to do anything with him atm
>needs maximum shilling to get any new equipment
LinusShillTips isn't Sup Forums. It's .
He is a dumb label reader.
He doesn't know even basic physics, math, or coding.
He doesn't have, and never had, a legit tech job.
He doesn't have any tech related degree/diploma/course certification.
His Linkedin is full of management bullshit, swimming instructor, and boyscout.
Yet in spite of all of this he acts as if he knows anything, and as if he represents the tech collective.
He is a fucking marketer. His hardware reviews are about as informative as reading the fucking PDF.
The average Joe is more likely to get fucked over by listening to his idiocy.
His "humor" is 9gag level.
He is so fucking tech illiterate that he had to employ a special writer for his TechQuickie channel because he's too stupid himself.
The same faggot who tried to push a spiritual book as a solution for Carpal Tunnel or something.
His group is a marketing group, not a tech group.
He had to Internet beg for money in order to move to an office, which he managed to get ripped off on because he is a dumb faggot (admits it).
A fucking hotel cleaner in Las Vegas who gets paid on average $2400-$2700 a month can sooner or later afford what Linus has to beg for on the Internet, or beg to the manufacturers and labels.
He depends on his wife's BJ income, and she looks like those roach monsters from Terra Formars (pic related).
He pays his faggot employees minimum wage [admitted in the WAN show discussion between him and Luke], his ad revenue has halved in the meantime, and YT revenue is shit in the first place.
If you want computer case angles and proper feature description with objective reviews, you watch those faggots HardwareCanucks, who even go as far as reviewing fucking dust filters.
If you want to post on-topic Sup Forums related YouTubers, you post people who actually have tech jobs, tech education, and practical application; like Wendell from TekShitdictate, or Louis Rossman for board repair and reading blueprints.
Fuck off to . fag
Meanwhile OC3D uploads an hour long review
Utter incompetence.
Fucking dropping an entire computer off a table.
Having to overnight a motherboard because they are too stupid to prop a simple pc up for video
>Posts 4K benchmarks to make Ryzen look as good as Intel's CPUs by hiding the worse CPU performance with GPU bottleneck
Literally a shill, nothing to see here.
At least he dared to show 1 bench of CS:GO where 1800X is literally 50% behind 7700k.
>That pic
I've always thought that Asians were bug people in disguise but holy shit, this is actually disturbing.
>intel shill
>legit review
Advertising on Sup Forums is against the rules.
Worse yet when you are advertising a marketing channel, which is this thread.
Please delete your thread and move it to where it belongs.
Thank you.
The best reviewer is a one with no stake in what he is reviewing. tbqh you sound like reddit poster.
Does he overclock it? Reviews of ryzen below 4.2 GHz don't count for gaming
He dropped the computer on purpose to inflate views.
Not gonna lie, former AMD supporter here. It's been hilarious watching RyZen crash and burn. In all seriousness we cannot let this CPU get the nuclear codes.
The funny thing is he lurks Sup Forums and laughs at you tards
He lurks Sup Forums, sees that someone has 8 hours a day free to do whatever they want with their life, after finishing a secure job whose stability and income they don't have to think about, with an ensured pension, and then cries after realizing how much of a lifeless slave he has become.
Desperate to the point where he has to break shit to earn some company brownies via YouTube while tarnishing his own image in the process.
You know how also maybe browses Sup Forums and laughs at Linus?
Notch the billionaire who doesn't need to sodomize himself on YouTube to get beggar money, and can do whatever the fuck he wants with his life 24/7 without thinking about anything.
Notch is a giant faggot and his game sucks, though.
>all of this projecting
>being this jelly of true success
>jelly jelly and a big hairy neck belly
>being this jelly of true success
But I'm not jealous of his success. Good on him for making it. I just think he's a giant faggot with a shitty game.
He's also a cuck who decided to cut his balls off because his wife said so
He's a giant billionaire faggot with a shitty game who can do whatever he wants for the rest of his life,
while Linus is a giant faggot desperate for money who needs to sodomize himself to make shitty YT videos in order to make due on his giant bills.
Now we came back to the starting point.
I didn't say whether or not I thought Linus was a faggot either way. I just said Notch was a faggot. I wasn't even the guy you were originally talking to.
So what do you do for a living? Give Notch his daily rimjob?
His wife knew he would leaver her once she started becoming an 80 year-old-looking grandma at 40, so she cut his balls to cut off his escape.
I am Notch. And a good part of my revenue came from Sup Forums and its spectrum member. Thanks :3
>once she started becoming an 80 year-old-looking grandma at 40
That's not how Asians age
Linus is the shamwow guy of tech
I wonder who's behind this post.
You are right. Most start even earlier.
Did he really get castrated or is it just a meme?
It's just a meme
it's a meme, you dip
Are you a meme?
Gamers nexus are currently the only sane and technically competent reviewers on youtube.
couple months ago:
>linus is a retarded intel/nvidia fanboy, fuck this shill
>only person who really understands why AMD is the best company on the planet
Oh my god I'm crying from laughter right now. You can't make this shit up. Fuck everyone on Sup Forums, you're all retarded hipsters.
so he took the bogpill
What kind of a fucking retard drops his test bench with a Titan X?
He had his tubes cut.
that's not castration
My name is Maximus Castrato and i say it is.
vasectomy is not castration no matter who you are and what you say
I love ho much Linus reveals the True face of Sup Forums. One month ago was an Intel still, now in THIS thread he suddenly is an AMD fanboy, even if someone still call him intelshill even if the rewiew was pretty positive on ryzen. Not to speak the immense butthurt this guy creates here, just because he found a good selling strategy. Everybody says he must die and noone here follows him, and yet we have daily threads full of butthurt. Stay mad Sup Forums
everyone here is fucking autistic
Nah. We just don't like when rules are being broken.
Advertising non-tech channels is against the rules,
and advertising marketing channels is against the rules.
Linus falls into the 2nd group.
He doesn't create technology, he doesn't teach you anything about technology that you can't read off a specs tab on newegg or Amazon or whatever,
he doesn't teach you about managing your technology (he breaks shit all the time which showcases his illiteracy, and his words are often incorrect).
He's simply not Sup Forums.
>Linus falls into the 2nd group.
>He doesn't create technology, he doesn't teach you anything about technology that you can't read off a specs tab on newegg or Amazon or whatever
neither does 90% of the other "tech youtubers"
god damn assburger niggers just KYS
>it's autism to follow the rules
Why aren't you posting porn everywhere on Sup Forums to show how non-autistic you are then?
>neither does 90% of the other "tech youtubers"
And they don't get posted.
At least when that Louis Jewman gets posted, something educational gets posted.
Or Wendell.
Your post makes no excuse or justificaiton.
Your post was equivalent of staining your pants and whining "I DON'T AGREE >:(((((
i actually report lewds and other shit that breaks the rule, but it doesnt really make a difference since the janny here only give a shit about his own chinkshitgeneral thread.
and Ryzen benchmarks arent educational? top fucking kek, keep posting more retarded shit
he doesn't review though, he just reads a spec sheet and tells you how cool something is. it's like a review for a 5 year old.
No. Ryzen benchmarks aren't educational. Least of all when they are done by someone known to be incompetent, who lacks understanding of CPU and GPU architecture and how it works.
There are professional sites for that, the "10%" the other post implied.
It also takes a single driver update or game update to render them obsolete. Which is why they should be rarely relied on, and only those who emphasize this should be followed in regards to benchmarks.
Take the Conan Exiles benchmarks (running on an early access product).
hope you complain just as much when any other youtube link is posted then otherwise you should actually KYS
>Wendell from TekShitdictate
You need to update this pasta.
No. Let the retards who seriously reply to it, but don't notice this, reveal themselves for the newfags they are.
exactly. gotta love retards. I have a computer organization and architecture textbook sitting on my desk and the reality is none of that is actually relevant. The reality is you don't have a huge variety of hardware and software. It's as simple as making the most cost effective purchase for whatever end use you have. That really has fuck all to do with the underlying tech.
Gamers Nexus > Paul > the rest
Jay is literally a vlogger now who is just into PC building
Linus hasn't done actual quality reviews since 2015, also the year where he sold out completely, Luke should start his own company and let Linus become a total hack like Austin Evans
The other guy who piggybacks off Paul is a complete hack, Paul should just sever himself from the guy
I'm sure there are other tech reviewers out there that are carving their niche but for the big ones those two are the only ones worth listening even if they are shills themselves
The Chinese guy from Maximum PC back then would instantly shit on all of these guys
If CPU isn't limiting factor here why does a "weaker" CPU do better all else equal?
check m8 intel shills
Who the fuck is that?
The guy who made Minecraft, got rich, and got even more rich by selling the IP to Microsoft puling him into the billionaire list.
Ok so what does he have to do with Linus?
I had a search it seems he's a rich guy who would brows Sup Forums gather than Sup Forums
He's more relevant to Sup Forums than Linus since he at least KNOWS some technology, enough to code a game.
It's Linus who is more tier shit.
The only legit review
They skew benchmarks with bios settings you can't now unset.
Wait for NDA to be over.
The chips are shit.
>Level 1 techs
Nice. So happy whenever they have a decent video out