Heh robots wont take your job within the next 10 years

>heh robots wont take your job within the next 10 years
>heh we are at least 20 years away from robots being able to do manual labor

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heh must suck to be you

Weren't robot created to do manual labour in the first place?

>tfw we are a month into the Trump administration and there still aren't any new jobs

Heh. He's gonna bring the jobs back. R-r-right guys?

Call me when robots can slug 80-90 lbs bags of cement mix up 5 flights of stairs all day.

OK I'll call you in 2 years.

Literally not long.
>All day
You talk as if the robot will get fatigued like a human or something lol.

He's a solid 5 years from actually being useful

lol theres gonna be so many riots. My god. Just imagine the smell.

Millons dollar robot,only work on lab conditions with dozens experts checking.

Best place for robots in next 20 years, are on factory.

Are you one of those people who think that robots make job disappear?

let me know when these robo-faggots can do more than 2plate

I think we're all going to have to come to grips with government issued cheese. because the robots are coming for our jobs. there will still be robot operators and enginerds and mechanics but robots will replace a huge percentage of the labor force. Frankly I'm glad I got an arts degree because in 25 years thats what most people will be doing. We've obviously surpassed a level of economic efficiency that allows people to be lazy and not work, its only a matter of time until the majority of people fall into that category.

>only 10lbs

fucking weak fag

uhh its called a service elevator
they've been around for hundreds of years

they won't use humanoids in a factory, assembly lines and wheeled robots are cheaper and more reliable.


and how, pray tell, will a person acquire goods in this new society? where shall his income originate from? what will happen to the people who have amassed massive fortunes? Will they just give that up? How will the uneducated poor get anything?

yep. ai will achieve better than human intelligence by 2039, and be a serious threat to jobs in only 5-10 years

>that's a nice job you have there

>mind if I sssssssslide in?


yep, that's exactly why BD made that thing
walking robots have advantages, but on a factory floor wheels are far better

I'm sure the quadrupedal ones will have their own purposes, especially with how small they are now, but you do have a point

Let's put those on wheels too


unconditional income
It would be like that failed proposed legislation in Switzerland where everybody would be given a very small income every month. The idea being that most people would want to still work and there would be less poverty

I think it makes sense and it will be necessary when manual labor isn't a human job. Most people will still have jobs that cant be replaced by robots or automation, but the huge portion of the population that are displaced by machines will be mostly living off their government income, probably supplementing a lot with odd jobs and creative work.

In the future there will be less "real" work available than there are able minded workers to do it, of that I have no doubt
I'm pretty sure we've already surpassed that milestone, considering that we keep growing everywhere and there are more and more people that don't contribute all the time

A big advantage of a quadrupedal being is moving through rough terrain, it would be pretty pointless to put wheels on it

That's not a completely off the wall idea, but it has problems. As you're saying, most people receiving a free wage would be able to live off it, not comfortably though. That being the case, most people would not work if they were able to live off of a free wage. Therefore putting all the stress of funding such a program on the ones who do work. This will only serve to make a huge class divide and incite conflict at the same time.

Not really no

>more legs give more stability
>doesn't have to be engineered as hard to balance
>broader frame is more suitable for transport, handling or other uses
>could still possibly walk and climb depending on the mechanism, as well as jumping while rolling

At that point it's effectively a car with legs, but still

you'll need supervisors to watch over the robots and logistics

the moneys who do the heavy lifting will be out, bottom feeders

they already make robots that are 4 wheeled with scissor lift platform and onboard conveyor belt.

yeah I think the Swiss were being pretty damn optimistic when they proposed that bill. I think a lot of people would sit on their ass and only spend what they were issued and not a penny more. However I believe this type of model is unavoidable in the long term.
We probably need to overhaul education before people can even be comfortable with the idea of not working to make enough money to eat and sleep inside. There are other meaningful ways to contribute to society that a person can explore when they have the kind of free time an unconditional income could afford

>Call me when robots can slug 80-90 lbs bags of cement mix up 5 flights of stairs all day.


option 1) give a bunch of worthless people a lot of money
option 2) have less people

which one makes more sense? 2

robots must be eradicated

This already happens but not with robots that can walk because it's useless for warehouses.
Anyone that does manual labour in warehouses will lose their job if not already.
You only need couple tech guys instead of lots of people.

>what are elevators

Dude, most residential elevators can take up to 2500 pounds or more.

>option 1) give a bunch of worthless people a lot of money
if everyone else around you is increasingly worthless, what makes you better?

>what makes you better?
perhaps nothing, which is why we need to destroy these fucking robots

>implying my job is lugging around crates

I wasn't pointing out that flaw to be an ass, though it was baited

If we're going to be living with robots, (we will), and if we're going to be living with AI, (we will), there's no room for meritocracy anymore.

We're all becoming increasingly obsolete.

There is plenty of work to do however who will currently pay for it is the problem, funding is a big problem.
Infrastructure is a mess at some places here and nobody wants to invest because it doesn't earn more money, there are also non profit orgs to work at.

what flaw? what I said was totally consistent, you just randomly took something out of context and made stupid implications

Robots are good at other things than humans.

But things all humans are good at, are pretty much worthless skills because everyone can do them.

They aren't moving Tyrone from the warehouse hot to robot maintenance. But no, I guess a job still exists.

>implying i'm scared of some dyel robot

Can't do them for 24 hours a day
Can't do them perfect
Can't do it for less then food and shelter cost

Guess what can.

Wall building requires many men. Let's just hope mexicans are a minority, those fuckers are like roaches.

The "robots are going to steal everyone's job meme" is getting old, CGP Grey.

>Humans won't have jobs because robots will make robots that make robots that make robots infinite regression! It makes sense guise!

>Robots will start taking everyone's job, so even though companies will have nobody to sell their products to and will lose money, they're still going to replace their human employees with robots because I failed out of university and need this to come true

>The luddite fallacy doesn't matter, economists don't know what they're talking about!

>The current definition of technological unemployment doesn't matter, economists don't know what they're talking about!

>muh AI will make everything different please believe me guise, technology is gonna replace jobs it's gonna be different this time.

>guise please

>guise I don't want to work please

robots taking peoples' jobs is a shitty meme perpetuated by the unemployed

can u fuck it though

> all day
Robots never get tired.

nah mate, less useless people now. Eradicate the humans. CLANG