/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

Previous thread: >>If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

>What distro should I choose?

>What's the alternative for x?
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Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:

Other urls found in this thread:

mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg1503079.html

UbuntuGnome mustard race reporting in.

Is one of Fedora's servers down from Amazon S3 as well? Can someone test their GNOME3 software update GUI? It's giving me a bunch of errors.

Victory for liberated software is inevitable!

Any NixOS users here?

I'm starting work in an office where they only use Windows workstations, so I'm going to need a VM. I'll probably use whatever distro they run on their servers for maximum compatibility, but I've heard great things about NixOS and always wanted to try it, so I might prepare an image to have in the back pocket.

Is it suitable as a work OS, or does it require a lot of fiddling about with configs? I like the idea of declaring the entire system, pressing a button, going for coffee and coming back to a perfectly set up box that just werks, but I'm not sure if that matches reality. Also I like the idea of using the latest software, yet have rollbacks when things don't work out perfectly, but that can be accomplished with snapshots anyway when running in a VM.

Is gentoo dead?

Install Source Mage GNU/Linux.

>Source Mage GNU/Linux


Can somebody clarify radeon drivers situation for me please

There is so much stuff
amdgpu, amdgpu-pro, fglrx, radeonsi, radv, mesa

Got meself r9 390 and want to play on Linux, what should I do?


Thinking about switching from Arch to Void Linux. Any advice? Thoughts?

Expect less breakage and a better system, but also more people laughing about you.

If I'm trying to truly capture that ~1990s era feel in computing, what tools, window manager / de (that's not CDE, sadly) would you recommend?

Currently, I have the following:
1) Lynx for web browsing
2) Vi for document editing
3) Classic GIMP
4) Older Open Office version

I only really need some shitty fonts and a good window manager / desktop environment to top it off.


Void is void of packages.
There is no reason to use an arch derivative, just use arch

you could try out KDE1, which was patched up and re-released recently

>He needs to spend hours setting up his minimalist arch install when ubuntu can give you the same results in far less time
Well Sup Forums, install ubuntu and get productive. You can still rice it just as much as you can for arch linux l.

if you already know what you want, then ubuntu doesn't use any less time

i personally found it more of a pain to upgrade ubuntu every 6 months than keeping arch up to date

Use LTS my good man. If you absolutely need newer versions, use backports.

What does that look like Windows 95?

whatever you do, dont use LTS
youll end up stuck with a system you can't upgrade anymore without breaking it

I've upgraded from 10.04 to 16.04 without issues. What did you do?

sorry, i like trying out new features of a lot of programs
even the 6 month cycle can be annoying if you read about some nice thing(tm) that you won't see unless you go out of your way, but then things get out of sync and you lose the stability gaurantee

arch has been very stable, far more than people would have you believe, i've been using it now since 2012

kde1 is from 1996, that didn't look out of place back then

Meant 14.04 rather than 10.04

Anyone had any issues with cmus? Its not recognising my mp3s for some reason

you want the AMDGPU stack. it's very good. just look it up in the arch wiki.

after using pacman -Qkk and seeing a file from a package has been modified, is there any way to see the modification itself or is this just a checksum comparison?

How do you backup your system?
Do you use an rsync script? Or GUI application?


fuck off


you could generate a diff by comparing what's on disk to what's in the package


thanks for letting me know you lurk there

lol, arch kids in a nutshell

do packages keep unmodified copies somewhere? If not, there's nothing to compare it to

>not lurking unixporn
what is wrong with you

I don't feel like keeping up to date with the latest reddit trends, thanks

there's the package cache (/var/cache/pacman/pkg), where downloaded packages are kept until manually cleared out
even if you did clear it out, you can download them again to make your comparisons

You have to go back.

alright, thanks a bunch for the help

unixporn makes macfagging acceptable, which isn't acceptable

ladies first


>(hide the systemd posts, /kind/ is back)

what's wrong with systemd anyway?

It's an "init system"

>using an os that can't even run games

It doesn't have a web browser, video player and music player yet

it's lacking a kernel

you can't play tetris on it

it doesn't provide a proper filepicker

tfw chromium requires systemd
fucking why

uninstall; it's botnet

I don't have it installed, I was just wondering why it requires an init system


because of botnet

I don't know this meme

Just grep'd chromium-58 ebuild, no systemd mention. It does have virtual/udev mention. Blame your distro for not providing eudev/something else to replace systemd udev


Not everyone is a manchild.

>can't play games
>tell himself he doesn't need it anyway
that's how linux works

>repeating retarded memes
litterally reddit
there's nothing wrong with playing games and gnu/linux provides a lot of games


Linux isn't supposed to play games, it is a kernel. I thought that this was common computer knowledge?

Kernels aren't supposed to play games. That's what an operating system is for.

And yes, it can play games. Look at steam, look at the Ubuntu Software Centre, GNU/Linux has games. Guess what though? Despite the availability of these games, I choose not to play them.

No, some AAA games don't play on GNU/Linux.

If you don't want to use GNU/Linux for this reason, then don't. I don't care. But don't come to the thread dedicated for users who wish to give GNU/Linux a try (or those who need help with GNU/Linux) and shitpost in it.

Here, discuss video games. It's clear you've come here due to the Ryzen/Intel threads that are banned on

undefined variable

how to make bash history not printing timestamps in its file? or can I cange it to another format than unix time?

what do you have for HISTTIMEFORMAT ?

its unset, but it shows in the terminal the normal date, but in the file epoch
will try defining the variable

no changes after setting it to export HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T'
Only the format displayed when running "history" changed

my SMB share mounts automatically, but if I want to use the terminal in the shares folder it's a pain in the ass. I can't just right click "open terminal here" for some reason. I have to cd to the mount point, the cd to the smb share, then cd into the right folder etc etc it ends up being

cd /run/user/1000/gvfs/smb-share:server=,share=USBcopy/media

Is there a way to streamline this, somehow save it in the terminal so I can type a shortcut and quickly get there or something? it's always mounted to the same point and has the same IP on the network.

Have you tried setting HISTTIMEFORMAT=""; ? Are newly executed commands stored without timestamp?

Uhh, alias?

how long will it be until arch linux no longer supports X11? I haven't found any good desktop environments for wayland yet so I need to use X for now.

also do nvidia cards still not support wayland?

holy crap, it even works with mv

>mv filename.{png,jpg}

Okay I figured it out all I had to do was
set history = 0
Then I set it back to
set history = default#iforgot

>mv filename.{png,jpg}
i surprised this works for other reasons


X will probably be there for longer than you think

make a png into a jpg

It's just renaming the extension, not actually changing the filetype (or at least it shouldn't be). Running 'file filename.jpg' should say it's a png

>mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg1503079.html
>tfw rebuilding modules

that won't, but this will;
convert picture.{jpg,png}



It is right and proper to mention the principal contribution first. The GNU contribution to the system is not only bigger than Linux and prior to Linux, we actually started the whole activity.

However, if you prefer to call the system “Linux/GNU”, that is a lot better than what people usually do, which is to omit GNU entirely and make it seem that the whole system is Linux.

does /fglt/ have unix beards?

fyi, the {1,2,3} thing is expanded by the shell, and will work for any program
% echo test{ing,er}
testing tester

at some point you are finished configuring some config and go into the bathroom, accidently look into the mirror and there it is, you didnt even expect it, freedom is growing allower your face
high tech - low life

>standing up
>no pissbottles
found the normie

Microsoft is sabotaging Linux with bugs

Red Hat is sabotaging Linux with bugs

Anonymous is sabotaging /fglt/ with shitposts

Faggots are sabotaging OP's ass with cocks.

What is the graphics card with the best linux support? Relatively new graphics card, I should say, for a new ryzen build.

More importantly: what's the best desktop GPU that works without any blobs?

Go nvidia if you want the most performance with proprietary drivers. AMD for free drivers with decent performance that's only getting better. Also possible virtualization support on the RX480 to end dualbooting.

Nouveau lost its purpose when Nvidia gave them signed blobs, so you are left with the RX 480. I think it's the fastest card while on free drivers. I don't know if it has blobs.

I've only had problems with AMD cards regardless if it's the open source or fglrx, don't know how well the new amdgpu drivers perform. Nvidia will be problem if you use nouveau, official drivers occasionally have hiccups but it's nowhere near as bad as fglrx can be.

Why isn't "less +F" documented?
>works like tail -f