Why continue supporting the money grubbing shills at intel anymore?

I got my Sandy i5 when it was clear Intel had left AMD in the dust and its been a beast for a long time but everyone can agree that after Sandy Bridge intel stopped caring about CPUs. Even now at 4.6 Ghz i can match single threaded performance of their newest i5 (at stock) 6 YEARS LATER.... That's an eternity in tech. That GTX 580 was released 2 months prior... Look at how far GPUs have come in that time.

BF1 has proven too much for my I5 to handle and i'm in need of an upgrade and there are literally NO reason at all to go for an intel CPU now that AMD has RYZEN.

Time for VEGA

>Why continue supporting the money grubbing shills at intel anymore?
Intel are still in the lead in terms of IPC and i don't give a shit about having 16 cores when nothing i run takes advantage of more than 4.

t. babby redditor gaymer manchild babby faggot normgroid

Assuming IPC is close enough you should support AMD just to spur competition and keep them relevant.

you belong on Sup Forums

i dont know whats worse being a faggot gamer or being a faggot spec whore buying shit they dont need and can barely use

Back to Sup Forumseddit with you, gaymerscum.

thanks for proving my point, Sup Forumsirgin

>I got my Sandy i5 when it was clear Intel had left AMD in the dust and its been a beast for a long time but everyone can agree that after Sandy Bridge intel stopped caring about CPUs. Even now at 4.6 Ghz i can match single threaded performance of their newest i5 (at stock) 6 YEARS LATER....
So your 4.6ghz can match a 2.7ghz i5 in single core performance? Congratulations..?

>That's an eternity in tech. That GTX 580 was released 2 months prior... Look at how far GPUs have come in that time.
Yeah but what's that accomplished? Compare fallout 4 to the original crysis to see how far computer graphics have come in the last 10 years lmao.

Because even the 1800x can only OC to 4.1GHz

Considering how much of shitshow the Ryzen will be I think your choice of image was perfect OP

>so many unsure faggots wanting validation
If you so sure you made the right choice why do you seek validation you hypocritical fag
It's obvious you don't believe it yourself
go seek validation by actually not being a stupid shit at technology faggot.

Fuck me if this was a post about intel or nvidia thread be a sea of shill kike and jew,
Its bollocks theyre all as bad as each other

2nd best locked ivy @ 3950 can match a 2nd best locked kaby at 3600.

>living in 1997.

Get on the time ship grandpa were entering 2017 already...



Because Intel's CEO is white and was born in America and AMD's CEO is a disgusting chink born in Taiwan.
Intel is also investing money in a new factory in the US.

>Intel is also investing money in a new factory in the US.

This is why I'm going to continue to buy intel. Fuck these poo in the loo AMD shitheads.

You're one to talk AMD shill.

"I have an Intel CPU which means I'm not an AMD shill"


imaoing @ your life

Ryzen is awful for gaming, pic related

You don't get tired of posting that fake do you?

Remember the RX 480?
This is part 2

>see shill threads on AMD
>check best buy's AMD laptop category
>all of them have terrible specs
>all the old ones with good specs have old processors
>all the new ones are expensive as fuck, moreso than the same laptops with intel processors

wow guys, nice job! While you all go fuck your own asses out of your savings, i'm gonna post on my $450 laptop with 8gb ram and an i5

Not sure if I should upgrade
My FX8350 works just fine and Ryzen 5 1600x + board + DDR4 RAM would be quite expensive

>Intel are still in the lead in terms of IPC
No they're not faggot, AMD is killing it.

Remember Bulldozer?
This is Part Deux

>Sandy Bridge intel stopped caring about CPUs
Intel was trying so hard to compete with arm lmfao

Wait and see what Intels response is going to be like, if you waited this long for Ryzen trhen a week or two more should't hurt.

>white and was born in America and AMD's CEO is a disgusting chink born in Taiwan.

>inb4 you're a retarded nvidia fanboy too

i don't care whether or not ryzen is shit but
>buying a gaymen laptop

good thing i'm not a gaymer faggot and have no interest on gaymen

I guess you love Feminist Frequency then too.

>still no ryzen laptops

You'll probably have to wait until next year


>see add for 4790k system
>Ask if he take my 2500 system and 250 shekels
>Agreed we both test systems
>Everything fine and we do the deal
>4 days later PSU dies + mobo
>Call this pajeet "the number your calling is not in service"
>Go to his house empty nothing inside

And that was the time I got pajeet'd

What would you expect him to do? When you buy used you buy as-is and assume this risk.

> Because Intel's CEO is white
Polan is white? How so?

^ that one is form a fake video you fucktard

My system with its 2500k is on its 3rd gpu, bought a 6850k to replace it.

I wish I'd never bought my i7 4790k and stuck with the 3550 (I needed more threads, wanted overclocking and needed a new motherboard anyway. Plus I got a semi-decent deal at the time.)
At least going from the 3550 -> Ryzen 1800x would've been justifiable.

I want Ryzen so bad, I actually really do.

i'm still using my 2500k since it was released at 5ghz. looking at the 1700 as an upgrade, maybe 1700x depending pricing.

On the plus side, you get to wait for Zen+ or the successor to that before you have to upgrade, which means the money saved from going to a new CPU can get you Vega or something.
Imagine what it'll be like when they release the successor to Zen+ and you're about ready for another upgrade, along with whatever comes after Navi too.

Uh, OP, that photo you used... This is a joke, right?