Homescreen thread.
iOS fags not welcome.
Homescreen thread
For anyone wondering:
Icon pack is urmun.
Nova launcher.
Clock is also from urmun.
Wallpaper probably the same.
>2 clocks
>one of them is massive anal clock
1/10, you tried
Looks gay
why is there a woman in leash
not that i care otherwise but why would you have it on your homescreen, lmao
Well, analog clock is there just so fi the space. Why is g so triggered about two clocks? If they are both digital then I could understand.
Also, snapshit is casper client with this icon.
>trying to justify 2 clocks
>using snapshit with any client
Because she's a qt
I enjoy it, it's clean. Also, icons are folders. Swipe up to open the app with the icon.
Snapchat is for occasional nudes, but well, you have to know someone to snap with.
Suggestions for a widget to take up the empty space?
>lineage os
Off yourself
Also maybe a weather widget.
>>lineage os
>Off yourself
It has no Google apps and just works. There's not a single thing wrong with it and it's more resource efficient than CyanogenMod was.
>Also maybe a weather widget.
And you're the one telling me to kill myself. Lmao.
Want to add a clock then :^)
Nothing really works
Fucking normies, I swear it's like they've never seen music, system toggle/monitor, search bar, or folder widgets.
What Rom do you guys use? I'm on a modified version of ZUI right now.
Like this a this?
How do you find anything in that cluttered mess?
Nothing really don't use it much
LineageOS. It's stable, secure, gets frequent updates, and it doesn't even use 800MB idle.
No. I don't care about minimalism and pink is my least favorite color.
How's Resurrection Remix?
don't encourage him, he's here to b8 and take cocks up the ass
Nice pape
>IOS fags not welcome
Uh bigot much?
Comfy has everything I use. Has Lineage gotten full OBS support btw?
What do you mean by OBS? On board storage?
I meant OMS(substratum) my bad
I'm not sure actually. I wouldn't use it if it was supported.
t. Mobilefag
no one's wondering because your homescreen is dogshit retard
I love IOS
I miss being able to do this on android but ios is just what I use these days.
Thinking about picking up an s7 when the s8 drops just for a 2nd phone to do fun homescreens with.
What Nova setting makes icons transparent like that?
Get off my board you fucking normal fag
It's an icon pack, not a Nova setting. Probably "Lines Free" (just look it up on play store)
Its basic and ugly, no one cares
Am i accepted now.
>2 clocks
Hey I made thag
Looks like someone doesn't leave the basement very often
LOL feels good having a functional phone that doesn't crash after 1 year of use. Also, keep crying poorfags, your $99 phone is shit.
>casper client
Did not know about this user. Snapchat doesn't play nice with my camera (while literally everything else does).
It's nice, camera works and all but no convos, so that's gonna be hard to explain.
other phone
Wait, is that really the res?
Why the fuck would apple do that?
R8 & h8
> implying everyone else who doesn't sit on here all day shitposting $99 phone home screens actually cares about screencap quality
Music widget, RSS reader, or weather
Good icons
Beat this niggers
I am one with the botnet
You literally can't stop me
I don't know about no IOS user. Anytime a thread related to technology used in products/made by Apple is made it becomes filled with hate and the topic divulges into bad memes. I think I'll post where I'll please
Could I get that wallpaper please
of course dude, you go it
Why aren't we welcome?
what the fuck is that still a thing
I don't even know how they work, but they used to be everywhere
fight me nigger
If I do, your screen will crack.
rate plz
A bit clustered, but I only use the one screen.
You're one to talk kek
Not a pixel phone
Thanks bro :)
I only use it for wallpapers and Vaporwave
>good battery (?)
only if you spend it looking at the wallpaper all the time
Yes it does support substratum.
>All these fags with 2 clocks
r8 me:
My icon pack is Glim
My wallpaper is a daily wallpaper from Jewgle
I'm using Nova Launcher
>berates people for 2 clocks
>has barf-worthy homescreen design with lots of folders
Is that Google Ultron?
>5 folders is a lot
Gee wiz kid, maths sure is hard!
What icons senpai?
fuck you
I am minimalist.
Nova Launcher and moonrise icon packs.
Color bars at the top are for battery temperature, CPU usage, and signal strength.
inb4 two clocks, disabling the clock on the status bar is retarded because then you can only tell the time when your on the home page. The clock widget is purely for aesthetic that I can press and instantly go to my alarms.
bretty gud
couple of those icons are getting a bit drowned out by the background
Honestly you could just get a background that utilizes the space. I just have my clock widget as an easy button for changing alarms.
Just edit that background to be darker, widgets look difficult to read.
>vaporwave app
>AdVenture Capitalist
otherwise beautiful
Why are you trying to play hide and seek with your icons.
busy looking imo
Wouldn't those be easy to reach if you just made it lower on the screen?
Is that your lock screen?
There's almost no point in that background at all imo
What if I want to tell the time when I'm actually using an app?
Hard to read the date, nice otherwise.
>making Android look like iOS's less retarded older brother.
>some dude weed lmao app
Nice utilization of the background as framing.
Hello again
>What if I want to tell the time when I'm using an app?
That's easy, see pic.
Because you can't iOS dillsuck
What's in your weeb folder