Install Unity 8

Install Unity 8

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> Kevin

You're a disease, Kevin.

It seems like it will look good when it gets finished.

But Sup Forumstards will always complain because gentoo and muh tiling wm which makes me look so hacker.


post the output of sudo lshw -c video pls

Why it's literally the objective worst de. I'd rather use a completely text based gui than that garbage.

It even looks like trash still after years of development. Xfce looks better and that's saying a lot.

Fuck off Kevin.

Can I purge the sidebar in 2017?

> 1.1GB

What's so different from Unity7?

it's not. it's actually clean and fast, you can navigate easily via keyboard and rice it a little. if you want to have a workcentrik linux desktop, unity is top tier, if you want to look cool, get whatever obscure retro wm is en vogue right now.

>install unity tweak tool
>hide sidebar
takes about 20 seconds of your time.

I refuse to use Mir since it's holding back and harming the development and implementation of Wayland

show us these filepicker thumbnails

wayland is shit though

Yeah. Mir is the future.

My nvidjew drivers don't support 8 so I'm stuck on 7 until my laptop breaks

Not gonna use the nouveau drivers because I'm not a JUST

Someone answer this

The best thing about Unity 7 was that it only needed about 400mb ram while the other shitty DEs like Gaynome needed 1.5GB


You don't even need tweak-tool to hide the sidebar. On Display Settings there is an option to auto-hide.

You could have at least showed an intuitive and lightweight DE (ie: MATE)

What happened to Solus?

If Mir does not replace X and deliver good performance, I am never touching Linux again. I have a usb with Windows 10 ISO on it just waiting to be installed.

this except rip ubuntu touch

Amazon will watch you fap.

Waiting for Sol and Budgie 11 to come out.

500 years later

Yeah, like that fucking matters with the amount of RAM he has.

Unused RAM is wasted RAM.
