Pls redpill me on Solus

Pls redpill me on Solus
Is it the new "gentoo"?

only if youre Kevin

That guy who was shilling for Solus in the last few days, I haven't seen him post in a bit, what happened to him? :( Is he dead? Is he still alive? Did the CIA get him? Has he given up shilling?

What do you think happened?

He's getting a divorce

no he's not, he's 17 lol

NO, Gentoo and Funtoo are only distributions with choise of package version.
Thank God he is banned.

what background


Gentoo is actually useful.

Solus seems comfy but I'm waiting for more stuff before I try it out more fully.

gtfo you fat fuck!

You ripped off gnome and called it a budgie you fucking faggot! KYS

He's removing the gnome dependencies, including the vala code and porting it to C and qt.

No I mean I want background information on Solus

install solus

for the glory of kevin

The interface is nice. If it's easy to install and use and the packages are newer than Debian, I'd love to use it over Ubuntu.

The reason Solus has taken Sup Forums by storm so quickly is because it is geared towards power users even more than arch, while also being friendly to noobs. It is truly first in it's class. No other distro has been able to appeal to ALL users as well as Solus. It also runs on a wide range of hardware, with a minimum memory requirement of only 512 mb.

Arch instability no thanks.

Will literally break on you, basically an Antergos clone, which is a clone of Arch.

Enjoy your lack of security.

Literally a meme. It doesn't even use systemd.

Enjoy all of your outdated packages and shit tier package manager

A somewhat viable option, but it's not a stable rolling release distro. Also another shit tier package manager.

Just stop.

Second best package manager, but install process is what kills it.

Enjoy your bloat.


Has the best package manager (eopkg), has a great community, easy install process, perfect and sane defaults, and it's custom DE built specifically for Solus. Perfect for the people who use Linux just as any other normal OS, and also for the hard core Linux users. Literally the perfect distro.

1/10 bait

>doesnt know about unstable or testing in debian


>t. Ubuntu user
Happily enjoying the extra 10 gigs of bloat.

gas yourself kike

you're on windows 10

we know it

What a lad
He has his girl named Kali, has time to shill an actually good os on Sup Forums and has time to play minecraft with his friends
absolute legend

Where is that location on OP's wallpaper? Seems supremely comfy I'd like to move there

>Will literally break on you, basically an Antergos clone, which is a clone of Arch
Antergos is just and Arch installer + a couple of extra repos

Manjaro has a different Linux kernel and different repos than arch. Big difference.

My only experience with Manjaro was that it looked nice in Virtualbox, then kernel panicked on boot when I actually installed it. I'm not sure what to think.

>Enjoy all of your outdated packages and shit tier package manager
I don't get why everyone hates apt-get. It's pretty alright. I've had more issue with pacman than apt-get/aptitude. Pacman every once in a while stars bitching about broken packages or 404s until I refresh they keys or resynch the repos. aptitude has always just seemed to work.

I can't disagree with your points on Mint, Arch, Ubuntu and Gentoo.

Have you ever seen the Clear Linux Project benchmarks on phoronix? The main dev (Ikey) works for that project and has applied a lot if not all of Clean Linux optimizations for Solus. It's one of the reasons everything, including booting, feels much faster.

Add to that the upcoming things. They already unfucked Steam (Linux Steam Integration... search it), next things he is doing is unfucking the Optimus laptop situation and implemention clr-boot-manager.

Solus/Budgie is also moving away from GNOME (except the apps), dropping VALA for pure C and Budgie is being rewritten for QT + Wayland (with another WM+Compositor for X fallback, probably Compiz like Ubuntu).

The package manager (eopkg) will be changed to "sol" which will be C, like pacman.

All in all, it's a very promising project that is focused on getting shit done. Ikey "said" more or less that he wants to take whats best in Linux world and mash in all together into Solus.

Wrong board

>> >Void
>Literally a meme. It doesn't even use systemd.
I agree void is a meme but it actually works really great. I love it, but I hate the idea of telling people I use it.

fuck off kevin


>itt: kevinnet shillbots

I've been using it for a year, maybe a bit less.

The only thing that annoys me is the lack of printer support, but perhaps it's because I own a Brother.

Other than that, works pretty well, and looks nice on default settings, just change the wallpaper, remove firefox/hexchat/vlc and you're good to go.

Wanted to try Solus but couldn't get it working in VirtualBox to try it out. Searched for help. Official stance is they don't support being virtualized and are designed for desktop.

Deleted .iso

fuck off with your retard meme

kevin confirmed

people complaining about bloat in the year 2000+18-1

I don't get it