Windows 7

How many years will it be until Windows 7 is completely unusable, due to it's redundancy?

I'd give it another 6 years at least

>it's redundancy

nigger what?

win7 is perfectly usable. install, update, disable scheduled tasks, and you're done.

no forced udpates, no telemetry horse shit, no new """features""" every two weeks.

For as long as something similar to it is maintained, which is a least 2026.

You know what ((Microsoft)) are like. They'll make .exe redundant and kill the platform.

When all games move to the new directX

literally this


January 14, 2020 is what they have listed as end of extended support for 7, January 10, 2023 for 8. Dont know where you got 2026

I couldn't install it on my 6700 system.
Too many bugs to get it running.

>New direct3D is slower than old direct3D
>Offers no new features since 9.0 glass functions
>11 was just tessellation which opengl had for years
>windows 11 will come out very soon and have forced windows store and forced logins

Hey son, are you vulkan yet?

ltsb 2016

There will be no Windows 11


Happend around 2013 when the first ransom-wares appeared. At first this was no problem because of updates, but when I had to turn them off (because of the agressive Win10 upgrade shit), I formatted all my disks and switched to Fedora.

I doubt this will happen, read the recent article on techpowerup regarding dx12. I'm hoping the gpu manufacturers comes up with some new shit to end the microjews bullshit.

No, they'll probably call it Windows Infinite. Because it will so good you cant put a number on it, or some stupid shit like that.

Trust me, they will make a new os.


You should look up what "redundant" means.

It's already happening

>implying Microsoft could get rid of binary files.

>Haven't updated windows 7 in ~2 years now
I'm guess I'll keep using this on my main desktop until the end of time

The only reason I don't use XP is it lacks the ram for serious multitasking

Dumb animeshitposter

>have win 7 forever
>get win 10 for free as student
Should I finally upgrade?

I don't see why. Windows 10 isn't good. I have 10 on my surface and 7 on my desktop and if I knew how to lowjack my tablet to use 7 I would.

Aside from the needless clutter and bass-ackwards interface 10 really does hijack your device and installs needless updates whenever it wants while 7 just sort of sits here like a good boy.

Imo the only usable version of Windows 10 is LTSB; anything else is going to force updates and break itself. Nothing wrong with Windows 7.

believe it or not, there's still people out there using windows 98

Use Windows 7 iso to make DVD, boot tablet from USB DVD drive, diskpart/format hard drive, install Windows 7. Most important part is diskpart to destroy the Win10 boot partition.

I'm still using Windows XP