Windows 7

>New direct3D is slower than old direct3D
>Offers no new features since 9.0 glass functions
>11 was just tessellation which opengl had for years
>windows 11 will come out very soon and have forced windows store and forced logins

Hey son, are you vulkan yet?

ltsb 2016

There will be no Windows 11


Happend around 2013 when the first ransom-wares appeared. At first this was no problem because of updates, but when I had to turn them off (because of the agressive Win10 upgrade shit), I formatted all my disks and switched to Fedora.

I doubt this will happen, read the recent article on techpowerup regarding dx12. I'm hoping the gpu manufacturers comes up with some new shit to end the microjews bullshit.

No, they'll probably call it Windows Infinite. Because it will so good you cant put a number on it, or some stupid shit like that.

Trust me, they will make a new os.


You should look up what "redundant" means.

It's already happening

>implying Microsoft could get rid of binary files.

>Haven't updated windows 7 in ~2 years now
I'm guess I'll keep using this on my main desktop until the end of time