>machine learning
Meme tech phrases
>artificial intelligence
Code of Conduct
software engineering
Terms and conditions
H1B Visa
"Intellectual Property"
code artisan
Copyright 1991-1994, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
For details type `warranty'.
women developers
>code bootcamp
VR Ready
Lightning/Blazing/Insanely phast
fuck all of these
unix philosophy
The Cloud
>fidget cubes
Fuck this shit
Lennart please leave
"Big data" and "data scientist". Those two buzzwords really fucked up the analytics industry.
>in ear monitors
>Just werks
How did terms "fuck up" the analytics industry?
t. shill
Fuck off
The Sharing Economy
Artificial Neural Networks
Biased Algorithms
Wearable Technology
Augmented Reality
artificial neural networks
It's only going to get worse man.
>The Sharing Economy
>artificial neural networks
Whoever came up with these phrases needs to be shot.
>ethics in gaming journalism
>gaming journalism exists
that's a good meme phrase too
Are you mad that sports journalism exists too?
The whole "ethics" thing people fight for is because the 1982 Video game crash was caused by shitty vidya magazines publishing bullshit reviews and people who care about video games don't want that to happen again
Oh my god, STEAM is the most pathetic.
They saw the academics get together and the arts people were like "b-b-but we're smart too!" (when in reality you know they're nothing but a bunch of rich cocksockers).
Also a way to try justifying high school arts students, and try baiting them into joining your local uni's worthless arts degree program instead of doing crack cocaine in some random alley.
Yeah, my lesbian dance therapy course really advanced my intellectual capacity!
>-bi prefixes
>gaming PC
But Artificial neural networks are a real thing. They're functions that map input to output through a graph (network), can be trained to perform better, and are based off of a crude understanding of organic neural networks.
I'm triggered
It's still a meme user.
Big Data and botnets both mean something quite precise, but people abuse the terms until they don't mean anything.
Can you tell me what an AI is? fine, now give me a definition that corresponds to what people actually use the term for. Good luck.
this tbqhwyfamilia
Bayesian inference
AI is supplanting actual human intelligence with computer based mimicry. The example you requested is targeted advertising and search results optimized to maximize your profitability to each company involved in your internet usage. You interact with AI every day and it probably shapes your internet usage by choosing for you what to click on, buy, etc..
Nothing wrong with this
Well for some reason many retailers advertise their laptops or desktops with this as one of the main features. The problem is this is inconsequential because it can be so easily changed and is usually part of the customizable options.
>digital nomad
>xy is a web designer, microbrew enthusiast and part time author living in wherever his van leads him
Cloud computing
"Micro-" prefix
The Uber of X
And of course, the memiest meme of all: Framework.
how can you be sure it didn't?
it's mostly bullshit but you can't just outright dismiss it as frivolous. that isn't fair nor is it truthful.
>deep learning
>domains ending in .io
What good does any of those shitty, useless arts degrees do? Other than generate sjws, marxists, fags and general degeneracy.
Companies chase the things that data science promises without building foundations first. It doesn't make any sense that a company that hasn't had the ability to do any sort of reporting thinks that they can hire somebody with an R background and produce the kinds of predictive and pattern-detecting results that a Google, an Amazon or a Walmart can because Hadoop came along and told them that they can just store everything in an unstructured data lake and everything would be fine.
99% of companies need to take the first steps to cleaning and creating a proper data warehouse and creating a good information culture in their companies first, or all their "big data", "data science" projects will become huge money pits with few to no lasting results.
The biggest problem is that analytics is an industry geared towards business people - not other tech people. The companies that make this shit and publish their marketing papers talk about the wonderful insights that they're making a big companies with strong data cultures, but don't focus on what it took for those companies to get there or the fact that those companies have been working on traditional data warehouses for years. The buzzwords make their way up the ranks, and the next thing you know, CTOs, regardless of their company's data maturity level, are looking to eat up as many people as they can who want to call themselves "data scientists" even though nobody really knows what the background of a data scientist is and have a wide variety of possible types of tasks that this person would fulfill.
Is a data scientist a person who works with Elastic? Hadoop? A person who does SQL and a little R? A person with a strong statistics background, or maybe even a degree in stats? A person who is a traditional science degree (physics, chemistry or biology) who is looking for a change of pace and wants to apply scientific rigour to testing data theories? Is this person a software developer? Who the fuck knows
I don't know.
I've never delt with them. but i'm not going to dismiss them without actually thinking about them.
have you considered that most people are just stupid anyhow? no matter what degree?
"Fast" as applied to browsers. Stop saying that shit. Unless you have 512MB of RAM, what browser you're using doesn't determine how fast a page loads. Your internet connection does.
Dumb frogposter go back to facebook
Alex Jones thinks the internet of things is an organized "globalist" plot to track people and things
I can see that because the website of every major semiconductor manufacturer has the exact same obligatory comment about muh IoT(c). If anybody is a globalist at all, it's whoever is in charge of these expensive fabs with alien technology.
And if you think about it, the push for IoT has been by standards organizations facilitating cooperation between these giant EE companies. All of these nameless elites would have gotten together and decided to shill for the internet of things meme together
>This triggers reddit STEM faggots
It's the gift that'll keep on giving.
Even Stallman was on InfoWars talking with Alex Jones about the government spying
I've learned about history, bits of psychology, writing (especially technical writing), publishing, linguistics, etc.
t. english student
I'll probably end up an editor or a tech writer for people who did STEM work.
College level lit classes actually teach quite a bit.
install gentoo
>mfw because of that meme phrase im my net worth is in the 7 digits
>mfw i still don't understand how it actually works
Artisan Keycaps
AI learning
Deep learning
>mfw i still don't understand how it actually works
Thats the beauty of it.
Free software
Machine learning is not a meme and at core it's very simple.
> getting his news from people that believe lizards rule the world.
jesus fucking christ the internet has turned stupid
it used to be ALMOST stupid until ~2010
> turing complete
> functional
> monad
> micro services
>> turing complete
>> functional
>> monad
How are these buzzwords? These terms have an unambiguous and clearly defined meaning in the area where they are used, and were not invented for marketing purposes.
is only joke. lots of reddit clowns throw these terms around when they poop out their next left-pad node package.
why doesn't he just say it's the illuminati
he's right btw
>Start Up
>if 8 bits is a byte what is 4 bits
>a nibble
>that pic
lost it
This term is used as an intentional joke, it's not a marketing buzzword.
Also, big data encourages some seriously unethical behavior, namely vacuuming up sensitive personal information of your customers instead of disposing of it properly.
> internet of things
Non-Disclosure Agreement
>tfw I signed one this week
Single core performance
>t. didn't go to college
Don't embarrass yourself, user.
Growth Hacker
Underrated post