How to break Windows 7

If you don't want stupid "backstory" just start reading at the dashes.

My brother has been running a cracked copy of Windows 7 for a very long time. This autistically enrages me, and I want to force him off of being a proprietary software cuck.

He's expressed before that once he can't use Windows 7 any more, he won't be able to bear Windows 10, so he'll convert to Linux. I've convinced him to install it on a partition, but he doesn't really use it.


He's been getting notifications recently saying that "Windows is not genuine," and his wallpaper is permanently black. He's a moderately tech-savvy guy, so how can I brick his Windows install without him getting suspicious.

The best case scenario would be for it to look like Windows had finally given out and forced him to buy a license, since he doesn't know that Windows 7 will run indefinitely without being licensed.

Thanks, Sup Forums

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Run KMSpico on it once then never touch it again.

Leave his computer alone you fucking sperg
If he doesn't care neither should you

I want it the other way; I want it to _stop_ functioning. I want his Windows to break and look like it's a licensing issue so he has to use Linux.

leave his computer alone nigger

Upgrade to Windows 10 obviously

This is peak autism.

Grow the fuck up, you childish piece of shit.


just go through the upgrade process for him.

>I want to fuck up other people's property because they don't use the software I want them to
Holy fuck please check into a pysch ward.

Grow up

I don't want to fuck up his property, per se
I want his files to be fine, just not his OS

Everything else that he does uses FOSS anyway, so he won't have any *real* issues

It's microsofts property :^)

I mean it seems obvious, but... Delete system32

Kids, this is what happens when you can't get a girlfriend and spend all day obsessing over operating systems. don't let this happen to you.

Nice, really nice. I like it a lot.

Wouldn't that be too obvious?

Delete some system files, eventually you'll hit something critical.

>doesn't really use it
clearly not interested in your OS hipster shit, leave him alone faggot

get the fuck out

Fuck off and grow up.