Old thread: What are you working on, Sup Forums?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
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not a god damn thing
>pentium pro
f0 0f c7 c8
delet this
i am C shady
the real C shady
all you other rust fagets
are just imitating
Active Intelligence (A.I) by way of a self propagating software systemic Organism . You?
Not much of a programming, but I made a cronjob to run cat /home/user/pdf/books/SICP.pdf > /ev/null every day. Automated SICP reading is best SICP reading.
delet this
Does that PPro machine run Linux yet? I'm working on AES-192 and SHA-256 encryption, and I want some benchmarks to compare the machines against. I'm going to be running my FX-6300, Core 2 Duo laptop, and Raspberry Pi A+ and posting the results in a real /dpt/
I'm thinking of making a web app that relies heavily on WebSockets.
Should I use Node, Go, Elixir or Java? Those seem like the only reasonable options for a WS backend. I already know Java and Node there's that but I don't mind learning Go or Elixir if I have to.
Whenever I have a variable of a specific type in my class it's saying that the standard constructor of the class is deleted. When I remove said Variable the standard constructor becomes usable again. I'm working in c++ does anyone know what could cause this?
made a nodejs program to sort and transfer my downloads from one external hdd to another.
What are some /compsci/ books to read ?
Recruiter for Major Corp. here
I'm in the market for hardcore C programmers who know that managed languages are for toddlers. We share that opinion and would like to offer you a job. The pay is $500k / year. However if you create 1 security hole that would've been prevented by a managed language, you have to pay everything back.
Any takers?
I already get paid $600K P.A. to write FizzBuzz in Python.
Anyone know any good examples of ordering the components of a transformation matrix?
I've got all the components I need (translation, xyz rotation, projection, scaling) but I don't know how I should arrange them for multiplication.
This is probably in a tutorial somewhere, but the tutorial I'm looking at right now is written with a strange set of assumptions, for example it assumes that the matrix will not be transposed and thus all the components are transposed instead.
>trying to set up a new build environment to build and debug my dos program
>doing it the hard way using visual studio
this involves visual studio ssh-ing into local msys2 shell and calling make
then loading my program into virtualbox somehow, or copying it to a remote dos machine
then using visual studio's built in gdbserver support to debug the program remotely over tcp
I'm stuck on the first step already, for some reason when VS opens the SSH connection it doesn't run /etc/profile and it's left without a PATH. And of course it works fine when I manually ssh into it...
Also not sure how to get my binary into virtualbox. I was thinking floppy images but then gcc binaries with debug symbols don't fit on a floppy. PXE maybe? idk some ideas would be appreciated.
I made a program in java that alphabetically lists the items in a specified directory and marks them as file or directory. Defaults to the current directory. It works, but I have a feeling that it is a shit implementation.
import java.io.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class ListDirectory{
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Default directory
String path = System.getProperty("user.dir");
// Check for path argument
if(args.length > 0){
path = args[0];
// File objects
File folder = new File(path);
// Check if directory exists
System.out.println("Directory does not exist.");
// Create array of File objects
File[] fileList = folder.listFiles();
// Array to hold strings of file and directory names
ArrayList filenames = new ArrayList();
// Variables for counts
int dirCount, fileCount;
dirCount = fileCount = 0;
// Add strings to array
for(File file : fileList){
filenames.add("[FILE] " + file.getName());
filenames.add("[DIRECTORY] " + file.getName());
System.out.println("DIRECTORY: " + folder.getPath() + "\n");
// Sort alphabetically and print
for(int i = 0; i < filenames.size(); i++){
// Print counts
System.out.println("\nAMOUNT OF DIRECTORIES: " + dirCount);
System.out.println("AMOUNT OF FILES: " + fileCount);
Just finished my first python project, anyone wanna give me some feedback on it?
God I hate modern python
>He doesn't use reactive extensions
What's your excuse /dpt/?
There's NO REASON in 2017 to use async tasks.
OO was a mistake.
>Doing file system stuff without a single try-catch
Hacking together a lispy shell in Haskell.
Going to base it on a language called Kernel; uses fexprs for syntactic abstraction.
Who /android/ here?
I applied for a job as an android dev and they wanted me to make a weather app as a part of their technical interview. Just now finished it. I just need to add comments and tests before I submit it. First app I've done entirely using Dagger2 and RxJava. I was skeptical at first about Rx but now I'm a full blown convert. Never making an app without Rx again.
Once this is done I'm gonna start working on my education app I'm making for my university's app contest.
We need another schizophrenic like Terry to program an OS, except this one will be based on lisp where you can edit the source code of everything on the fly. Someone find a NEET that meets this description so we can fund it.
Will you post the source when you're done?
>two threads
I literally just typed format C: in my debug VM
instead of format D:
This is only in the p5 cpus, not in the p6 core.
Thanks for bumping the invalid thread, you fucking idiot.