Kan you kode yet, Sup Forums?
Kan you kode yet, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>like a kloss
In my native tongue, "kloss" means a clumsy person.
it reminds me closet
Mandatory post.
>posts picture of a toilet
toilet means "klozet" in mah language
How does Sup Forums feel about a female celebrity pushing kids to get into programming? A special tingling of the jimmies i imagine...
Post the picture. You know the one I'm talking about
Ah, I see.
A Kloß is a meatball in German.
Is she holding up a literal cardboard computer? wtf
No, I can only develop software.
>ancap meme
In the ancap utopia, there is no society
god damn it why does she have such a stacy face
I don't see how this meme is about utopia.
Women have no place in technology. It is a serious field for the thinking man. I rather have a pajeet programmer than a female whose sole purpose in life is to find reasons to feel oppressed.
you should check old bell labs vids. wymyn did the programming when it was a low prestige job, not just boring.
flush toilets used to be called water closets and watercloset can still be used to refer to a "bathroom" with just a toilet, no bath
That is why old feminist were respected because they actually fought for equality when it was necessary. Problem is that they already won and now women enjoy more privileges than men but the rabid bat shit crazy new age feminists want to sterilize and eradicate the male gender.
>all this wc talk
i want to have sex with karlie
she is a 6/10 at best. the modeling industry is out of touch with actual preferences of men. we like cute girls who are thicc with a sense of humor. They offer us high maintenance skeletons who can barely give birth without flat lining.
This. I'm only interested in HIGH TEST female programmers
Humanity was a mistake. Darwin was wrong after all. Natural selection does not work.
>the modeling industry is out of touch with actual preferences of men
The modelling industry is primarily ran by homosexuals designers (who want the women to look as androgynous as possible) and other women (who project their past experience as models on to new models) and then some top notch rich blokes who secretly molest little 12 year old girls and boys with no gender specific traits.
>"You're the HTML to my CSS
Natural selection works, the problem is that humans don't procreate according to natural selection, but rather artificial selection.
For some reason I have noticed that most girls of this generation are genetically inferior. They are short, have skinny bodies and flat chests. They can easily pass as boys with the right haircut.
Healthy thicc women are becoming rare.
It werks, just slowed down for humans. Look at Musk.
I was watching a documentary where scientists have concluded that human intelligence is actually a glitch. Darwinian evolution does not favor higher intellect, only enough brain to survive and reproduce. That is why sharks after 400 million years still have the same brain size and intelligence.
We were never meant to exist. I am starting to believe in the theory that aliens actually intervened and gave us self-awareness.
I get the feeling your life must have been very hard so I wont argue with you.
>which of these two planes is higher?
>lol 5 I'm so random
>planes crash
clothes look like shit on thicc girls. Same reason there are so few thicc pop bands or buff ones even. Tall and slim is just more fashionable
time to kill myself.
Fake and gay, and the code on the left was written by a hack who couldnt erase a hard drive without googling it
>Darwinian evolution does not favor higher intellect, only enough brain to survive and reproduce.
This is not entirely accurate. Darwinian evolution does not "favour" anything or another. Evolution is essentially random mutations + sexual preference (aka "natural selection") + time.
Human intellect has obviously given us an advantage from an evolutionary point of view, as generalists almost exclusively are more prone to adapt and survive over time than specialists. For example, homo sapiens sapiens and homo sapiens neanderthalis lived side by side for approximately until 40,000 years ago, and neanderthalis was the dominant species in Europe and Asia because it was better adopted to the cold climate that existed here. When the ice age slowly moved to an end, the specialist neanderthalis didn't have an advantage over the generalist sapiens so they eventually were outcompeted by sapiens.
There's also evidence that sapiens has encountered at least one case of near-extinction and this is the same time as more refined language (previous homo species also had language capabilities, but very limited compared to modern humans) and cave paintings evolved. Scientists argue that our ability to not only form abstract thoughts, but also successfully communicate them to others gave us a huge evolutionary benefit over other homo species that existed at the same time.
For example, homo ergaster/erectus used about 1 million years to perfect their stone spears and knives, sapiens were now able to do improvements on tools and then tell others how to do it themselves.
>That is why sharks after 400 million years still have the same brain size and intelligence.
Sharks are specialists, but very robust. They've survived because their environment has remained more or less the same over millions of years and favoured traits in sharks hasn't changed much.
Interesting. I am very curious as to how our ancestors survived extinction. The asteroid that wiped dinosaurs shrouded the earth for a long time blocking sunlight with extreme temperatures. It was a global event. Then we have ice ages, floods and huge earthquakes.
The fact that we are alive today means that our ancestors were pretty fucking good at being alive and surviving. All that knowledge and information is latent in our DNA but we can't tap into it.
>There's also evidence that sapiens has encountered at least one case of near-extinction and this is the same time as more refined language (previous homo species also had language capabilities, but very limited compared to modern humans) and cave paintings evolved. Scientists argue that our ability to not only form abstract thoughts, but also successfully communicate them to others gave us a huge evolutionary benefit over other homo species that existed at the same time.
Could you refer where to find more info on this? Genuinely interested.
I wonder if she's capable of writing hello world in any language.
echo "Hello World"
thanks karlie
Question is: how did she take this picture? With the phone in her mouth?
.string "Hello world!\n"
.globl _start
movl $4, %eax
movl $1, %ebx
movl $hello, %ecx
movl $13, %edx
int $0x80
movl $1, %eax
movl $0, %ebx
int $0x80
>I don't have friends or anyone that is close to me so how could she get a friend to hold a camera?
how hard can you actually project?
During the worst of the Ice Age. Not him.
>The asteroid that wiped dinosaurs shrouded the earth for a long time blocking sunlight with extreme temperatures.
Yes, and the big dinosaurs were specialists and poorly adapted to the new climate. Some dinosaurs did adapt though, which is why we have birds today. The modern hen is actually a relative of the T-Rex.
>The fact that we are alive today means that our ancestors were pretty fucking good at being alive and surviving
Indeed, but you are also the product of ~3.5 billion years of artificial selection from your parents all the way back to the early strings of amino acids that clumped together into self-replicating RNA strings in the primordial soup.
>All that knowledge and information is latent in our DNA but we can't tap into it.
Well, you actually do "tap into it" even today. When you're cold, your natural instinct is to put on more clothes or wrap yourself into a blanket. This is something most other species are unable to do, because they don't grasp the concept of clothes = keeping warm.
The reason why you aren't currently dying of a bunch of sicknesses that previously wiped out large parts of humanity (e.g. the bubonic plague [aka black death] and the spanish flu) is because some people developed genes that were immune to those so those sicknesses couldn't spread anymore. However, this does not mean that all humans have them. Just enough humans had them in order for those sicknesses to no longer spread effectively, and in some cases your ancestors may have had the gene but necessity no longer meant that offspring that didn't have the gene died, so the gene wasn't inherited by the offspring.
Probably the community manager that told her it would be a good idea to appeal to the devs took the picture.
>Take a picture of my retarded commands on the screen but make sure to also get the food and drink on the picture
>oh and also be sure to not be on the screen's reflexion
>also people need to be barely able to see my code cause I'm actually bad at this
>can use git
>has zsh
>can't operate basic shell functions
This world needs to be burned to ashes in a nuclear fire
>Troll thread about Karlie Kloss and female programmer memes
>evolves into an informative discussion about human evolution (and not the usual Sup Forums crap about j00s and niggers)
Faith in Sup Forums is restored.
>emacs vibrator
I'm unsure if you're a wikifag or someone who actually knows their shit. either way that was a good read, thanks
$ echo"Hello World"
echoHello World: command not found
$ echo"Hello World"
echoHello World: command not found
$ echo"Hello World"
echoHello World: command not found
$ ech "Hello World"
ech: command not found
$ ls
[dude there is no echo here]
$ cd..
cd..: command not found
$ cd..
cd..: command not found
$ cd ..
$ ls
[no echo here either this is bullshit, why is programming so hard]
>she needs to join our start up
gets me every time
I'm a wikifag in the sense that I often read wikipedia on various topics for fun, but I'm also genuinely interested in evolutionary biology (especially for humans) and I've spent many hours watching documentaries, reading books and even trying to stay up to date on some research (however, as a non-biologists, I can only do this in a very limited way).
I'm probably interested because I come from a family that were hardcore creationists and had me believe in creationism well into my 20s, which I obviously realised was faulty once my views were confronted (at an adult age).
I'm glad you found it interesting though :)
Thanks, though the majority average modern humans in the wild would rather die than survive due to sudden extreme changes in lifestyle if I'm not mistaken.
This would be the case with anyone who doesn't know how to survive, they wouldn't know how to by instinct.
It makes me wonder and compare humans to domesticated wild animals, as this might be bullshit but some wild domesticated animals might have difficulty getting back into wildlife, right?
Take a human who can't cook because they're used to having food made for them in restaurants, can't craft stuff, be that woodworking or generic pottery - and expect them to survive on their instincts alone, they won't.
What makes me wonder is how quickly would someone like that adapt and learn, given they have no source to information as such.
Some might and some would rather commit sudoku, but that's expected.
Of course, knowledge is helpful, but there is the saying "necessity is the mother of innovation". Even if you have no idea how to cook, most people have some concept about what a campfire is, so you might be able to learn it somehow. Also, most people have a concept of berries and roots and whatever so you might survive for a long time. No one immediately starves to death, so if you're not at risk of dying from exposure, you might survive for a long enough time to learn yourself some skills.
But yes, many people would probably die if put out in the forest without any clothes or food or means of getting back to civilisation.
>as this might be bullshit but some wild domesticated animals might have difficulty getting back into wildlife, right?
Some do indeed struggle, but many do alright, especially when they're prepped for it (like most do, by gradually releasing them back).
Btw, since we're talking about cooking: Fun fact of today is that humans are the only known species to prepare their food by cooking (making it easier to digest) which allows humans to spend time and energy doing other things.
We're also the only species where the males eat their cummies for funsies.
If anything, I'd say this is definite proof that we are not designed "intelligently" and have evolved some pretty useless traits.
You seem to know your shit, any documentary or book recommendation about technological evolution and it's effect on modern human?
Also, if you're into sci-fi, an interesting book about evolution/space/extra-terrestrial beings : We Are Legion for the We Are Bob series by Dennis E. Taylor, it's a recent book and the sequel is coming in March
I know, I made it based on a true Sup Forums story.
>const float threehalfs = 1.5F;
for what purpose
>true Sup Forums strory
I would facefuck her if you know what I mean
Couple of days ago some feggit started a thread about using emacs with foot pedals and from there it went downhill to deldo pretty fast and I think one of the last posts was some greasy description how he used deldo to use some emacs IRC client...
Chuj ci w dupe
I'm afraid I don't. Please elaborate.
fucking kek
she's a gitlet
That's because in a world of high calories it's a slippery slope from healthy thicc to obese.
Is that assembly brah?
< i check out kodewithklossy.com
< the whole top half of the page is a picture of a model
< no list of projects or code or publications or anything
< obviously the work of a trendy web page designer
< then i go to an actual coder's website
< catb.org
< no model pic. just plain html, and a list of dozens of projects
>can't into greentexting
well it's both a form of attentionwhoring
< jelly of innovation
i'll overflow her vaginal buffer if you know what i mean
>the whole top half of the page is a picture of a model
Apparently this person is a model, so that may be why.
But if she wants to "empower women" maybe she could take a hint from ESR. Not spazzing out all over his pages, but focusing on the actual subject matter probably does a lot more to empower spastics in tech than if he made it all about being a spastic.
>I come from a family that were hardcore creationists and had me believe in creationism well into my 20s
What European country is this? I thought evolution denialism was mostly an American thing. I guess there could be small sects that are adamant about it in many European countries, but it just surprises me you were sheltered in a Creationist bubble into your 20s.
She must be doing SOMETHING right, if it gets all the neckbeards triggered so, so hard
so whats the butthurt about, looks to me like its just someone trying to get more women into coding. it's no different from a guy trying to get more young men interested in engineering or whatever. or did she specifically pull the whole 'women are better than men' attitude?
yes i mad, when will the normies die?
The view is a bit offset to the side, so someone just stood next to her and snapped the picture
If you can't figure out why les neckbeards mock her, you're too stupid/ignorant to be on this board.
>tech billionaire pays famous supermodel so that she'll be a rolemodel to get young girls interested in coding
>brain-dead autistic virgins froth and rage, because they were superior in doing that hello world tutorial and she's a total poser and not a TROO NERD
Nah, she must REALLY be interested actually, she's bored of being a top supermodel and really wants to be koder, but we must mock her because she's so bad at it!
sure friendo, creating a new thread every day complaining about women getting into programming makes you a REAL programmer
>What European country is this?
I'm curious about this as well. Somewhere in the Huguenot belt?
I have no problem with creationism as it appears in the creed, but this anti-intellectual approach to the mere studying of creation that the modern YECs display goes directly against a lot of older Christian philosophy.
>else if (a > b && b < a)
But why? If a is bigger than b, b is necessary smaller than a.
Netherlands. Btw, orthodox Jewish community, not Christian. Yes, there are creationist Jews too.