Untouched android

>untouched android
>monthly updates
>sturdy case
>good camera
>$240 / 229€
Is Nokia, dare I say, back?

Looks solid, but we will have to wait for reviews first.

>non-replaceable battery
>no information on how sturdy it actually is
>no camera reviews yet
>very slow SoC

Are the nokia shills back?

The battery is replacable, you just need to disassemble the phone for that.

OK, but the performance will surely be bad.

>Generic chinkphone with a nostalgia logo slapped on it

>chink phone


>Snoopdragoon 430

haven't heard that name in a while

>doomed to have no real innovative designs but to spurt out such "omg it's perfect", dullest designs ever

>snapkek 430

I will buy a redmeme instead of this.

If it hasn't got Qi it goes into the thrash.

It's just a chink company pumping out generic phones with a Nokia badge.

Not that this won't work. I have had 2 completely different people both comment "Nokia is coming out with a new phone, it looks good" or "New Nokia phone, Nokia is a good brand"

It's just a shame we won't see any of those crazy Nokia designs. No crazy gimmick. No ridiculous camera module poking out the back like a tumour.

It's a Finnish company founded by former employees of Nokia's mobile phone division. they design the phones and Foxconn manufactures them, same type of arrangement that Apple has.

What exactly do you need a faster processor for?

You really don't besides epeen and maybe gaymen.

>no usb C

what the heck?

but anyway, if they really provide regular updates that's pretty nice.
also do they support usb host?

How bad is the cheapest version?

>no malware

not a chinkphone

You fucking idiot

It's not a chink phone, it's by hmd which is Finnish and with the Nokia brand

Even the design is still very Nokia like

You want further proof that it's not chink shit?

The rom doesn't look like some iOS clone shit jury rig coded together by pajeets and and it doesn't look like an iphone

A SD 430 on a light build will still run smoother than your bloated chink crap running chinkMIUI

>it's finnish not chink
finns are chinks

>Is Nokia, dare I say, back?
I have yet to see any of the new shit they put out for sale anywhere. As of right now, its fucking vaporware.

>.t retard

>untouched android
>changed status bar icons, changed lockscreen clock font

Finns are proud Mongol warriors.

Who are you quoting?

>SD430 on their best phone

It is chink now m8, just face it

If they could produce the same sexy devices like the Lumia x30 and below (not that abomination x50 line) or anything near the good design of N9, I would purchase it.

I fucking hate MS for killing the good old Nokia.

A brick. No thanks.

Miles better than these chink Nokia phones. At least they innovate previously.

Go fuck yourself with your round, thin, bendy phones. Watch your phone flat from bottom to top, I bet its not 100% straight. Just give me a fucking sony/lumia design hybrid thicc brick with a 6000mah battery, im so fucking sick with slim phones, I wear a case just because it feels better in my hand these days.

>snapdragon 430

>ships with anything but play sotre in terms of gapps

>It's just a chink company pumping out generic phones with a Nokia badge.
Pure retard right here.