What do you do on your thinkpads?
What do you do on your thinkpads?
Learning to type with my toes.
Shitpost on Sup Forums
I don't know OP. In a few hours I will find out if DHL ain't shit
I own a latitude OP. And i use it for nearly everything. I only use my desktop to play my vidya
Helps train your fingers for extracurricular activities.
School work
I do video editing on my x240
muh jerb.
Rice Arch, learn Lua, Ruby with a side of python and Go and read Sup Forums
love the keyboard.
I hackintosh it.
Same here.
shitpost on Sup Forums and play runescape.
what else would they be used for?
I can confirm DHL a shit.
I mostly use mine to use the internet to buy and sell more ThinkPads.
Buy them on eBay for $X.
Jerk on the keyboard.
Sell them on eBay for $X*1.1
Serious real work things
Shitpost and mess around with ganoo plus loonix
I compute
same here, except i take the keyboard out, shoot a hot load, then i put it back in. to keep a reasonable smell i get a cheap air freshner and place it on the keyboard and keep it over night before i send it to the buyer. sometimes i'm not in the mood to jack off so i pee in a jar and i blow my nose in the same jar then i get a small paintbrush and paint the inside of the laptop and the backside of the dvd drive with my peesnot. sometimes i take out the trackpoint and place it under my balls and sit on it all day long.
thinkpads are fun.
I would pay extra for these services
watch anime
listening musik
same as desktop except game.
T420 best waifu
Everything. School work, hobbies, Internet, Chinese comics and cartoons.
Stupid dumb faggot
It's the pc I carry around the campus and mostly everywhere, My x230 is so comfy and smol. I do photoshopping, writing, browsing, video editing and some light prog.
>its another "faggot quotes the entire fucking thread" episode
I bought a dock, so my X230 is now my go-everywhere computer. 13 hours of battery life, no need to plug and unplug peripherals, and it's reasonably compact.
I still have my XPS 13 that I use for number crunching in my research, but it having only 5 hours of battery life makes the X230 a better everyday computer.
>13 hours battery life
>what is a minimal distro and 9-cell battery?
I use it for DnD character sheets and handbooks. Also to watch stuff in bed.
fuck off
My x220 gets about 12 with a minimal distro and an after-market battery.
>bought a thinkpad
>realize i just stay home all day
>nothing to use it for
>dont even use it in bed because its not as comfy as sitting in a chair using my desktop
Work from home, and watch porn before bed.
Hey guise
Are the newer models as good as the meme series? I always liked the older thinkpads, but i'm wondering if i can justify the expense of getting a new one. Basically call me a poorfag and tell me to buy one.
buy a meme. the xx20s and xx30s are under $200 and work great as a daily driver.
This is a nice post.
Any specific models you can recommend?
I love my x230. It's powerful enough that it handles everything I throw at it (haven't tried gaming tho), yet it's old enough that it's cheap as fuck.
>Minimal distro
>Literally interfacing with nothing but a terminal for 12 hours
Creampie on them
Shitpost and watch anime.
Everything, I don't have other laptops/desktops.
And sell them on eBay
I have a data cap at home
When I'm out and about I torrent the TV shows and stuff that I want to watch or listen to
I've got a 2560p, the elitebook equivalent to an x220. I installed UbuntuGNOME on an SSD and use this laptop to do my coursework in Office 2010 and Photoshop using WINE. It's the only computer i own and it's faster than every other PC I've used... ever.
>laptop only posters
I think
Neat! Awesome xD, Haha, YEAH!!
p.s. hehe;)
x220 is the perfect school companion. Right now i'm spending valuable lecture time shitposting on Sup Forums, what would I do without it?
honestly tho it's great for longterm word processing and comfyness when i'm away from home. I'm more familiar with the built-in keyboard than my home tenkeyless cherry red board. I run Ubuntu on purpose so I can't play too many games at school, but when I had wondows my x220 could tackle most like 2006 era PC games like source engine games/etc. removing the battery and plugging in a monitor helps.
Are Thinkpads actually good or is it all a meme?
This is a good answer. T420 hackintosh is goat.
shit keyboard
>What do you do on your thinkpads?
Open up a browser, go to www.apple.com, and buy a real laptop.
>. T420 hackintosh is goat
Turns your 420 into a hot noisy crippled piece of trash. Enjoy your ohee s ten experience.
>he can't get his thermal settings configured properly
Oy vey
Keep trying m8
Anything from the *30 line
Any problems with screen/keyboard are fixable
I use it as a heatsink for my MBP.
Masturbate furiously to soviet-style 2D drawings of girls drawn by oriental slanty-eyed peoples over and over until I'm exhausted and just wanna cry myself to sleep.
Spend hours ricing arch, try to update properly, fuck up, reinstall and stick with stock look, watch some anime, get bored and start ricing, repeat.
>cpu perma-choke-throttled to 800mhz
>dude my trash is so cool
because for shitposting while listening to music you need 8 cores and 16 threads right
480p anime
>shitposting while listening to music
I'd be surprised if the standard sound and wireless cards work while hackintosh'd
or fn keys
or esata port
or hdmi audio
or sdcard reader
or vga port
or trackpoint
or proper sata3 speeds
or more than 57 minutes of battery life
seriously lmaoing @u right now to be completely honest.
Watch me henti pornography and my rape porn
Play erotic games of underaged anime girls.
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>Sup Forums - Technology
> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)17:12:35 No.59182028▶
>Stupid dumb faggot
> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)17:12:35 No.59182029▶
> (OP)
>It's the pc I carry around the campus and mostly everywhere, My x230 is so comfy and smol. I do photoshopping, writing, browsing, video editing and some light prog.
> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)17:13:19 No.59182036▶
>>its another "faggot quotes the entire fucking thread" episode
I use a T60 to look up words I don't know while watching chinese cartoons.
Again, as with most things here, it totally depends on the user
me? I loved my dankpad so much I actually sold my desktop entirely, not even the case is left
>I haven't used the thing but it's bad
>CPU choke throttled
what is speedstep
Honestly I didn't know you could get those. It does looks like my touchpad divided by zero.
my chocolate human
>I haven't used the thing but it's bad
if only there was a medium where you can look up certain keywords and read experiences/screenshots posted by 5,000 different people saying the shit doesnt work.
it doesnt even report the fan speed, lel you cant make this shit up.
I started reading programming books. For some reason, it wasn't natural for me to do it on a desktop. Now I just sit on a couch with x240 on my lap and read.
anything you do on any other laptop
why is every working person using ubuntu
What do you do on computers?
I do school stuff on mine and use it as a second screen
school, write bugs into code
You don't need anything else.
It just werks.
Programming and web development.
What else would you do on these beauties, 'non?
People use their time to be productive.
Not to waste an entire day to rice and install softwares that are almost non-compatible.
I use a real machine, Dell xps 13 , for almost anything except porn. I don't want to get it dirty.
That is where my T400 comes in. It is my porn viewing machine. Whether streaming or downloaded. Has a bit of jizz on the nipple and mouse buttons which I guess transferred from my hand as I was switching tabs during a fap session.