What is the best file manager? Thunar? coreutil
File managers
>mfw gahnoo slash linox has worst file managers than macs and windows
if configured properly, finder
Holy shit this guy. I remember being so triggered by his awesomewm review.
Just use the terminal
Finder >>> Nemo > Nautilus > Thunar > rest of Linux FMs >>> Windows Explorer.
C-x d
Supports opening your files in applications of your choosing! Simply press the RETURN key.
There's also Space Commander or whatever it's called.
Nautilus = Dolphin > Terminal > Rest of Linux FMs > Managing files using a magnet and an electron microscope > Windows Explorer > Keeping one file per storage device, labelling them and organizing them physically > Finder
What's wrong with Windows Explorer?
Can it toggle hidden file visibility? Is the merge-means-replace-everything fixed?
you've obviously never used Finder. Nautilus is just a shitty copy of Finder by some of the members of Mac team.
anyway, post less, retard.
my vote goes to pcmanfm
I like Thunar except for the shitty bug where it randomly crashes when renaming files. I guess therefore nautilus.
Dolphin. Literally nothing on Earth can even complete.
What is the best KDE distro?
Windows Explorer
There's no such thing.
Also arch.
linux don't have it so its shit
You can install KDE on any distro.
Admittedly, Windows explorer in Win7 is actually pretty fucking good as a File Manager. It loads files containing thousands of items way faster than any other FM I've seen linux do, and is actually really good about presenting useful, easily available options (making new folders, sharing, etc) and doesn't get in the way too much
that said, I think on Linux Nemo or Dolphin are far and away the best that i've used.
I should also add to this.
I cannot understand why people like Finder
I used it for years on older versions of OSX, and it was a hot pile of garbage then.
Of course, this is now, and I still think (while it fixed a lot of issues I had with it in the past) it's still pretty shitty and obtrusive, disregarding even the fucking retarded facebook integration
hey guys
There are some things wrong with Finder, but it's far from unusable.
There is no such thing.
But, Slackware ;-)
Dolphin! Has a lot of features
>what are scripts
and yes, long ago
coreutils + occasional ranger
Oh so I'm not the only one
It can't even open another folder in a different tab or open a folder in terminal (or in this case cmd) like Linux FM's can for the most part. Not to mention how slow it is on average
>It can't even open another folder in a different tab or open a folder in terminal (or in this case cmd) like Linux FM's can for the most part. Not to mention how slow it is on average
I used an add-on to bring tabs to explorer. I also used one to colour-code folders and stuff could be sorted according to colour then. That was a neat little add-on that's still lacking in linux land.
You are not. It's been a bug that's been known about for more than a year. Supposedly it's fixed in 1.6.11, but I haven't gone back to it to check.
>>It can't even open another folder in a different tab or open a folder in terminal (or in this case cmd) like Linux FM's can for the most part. Not to mention how slow it is on average
>I used an add-on to bring tabs to explorer. I also used one to colour-code folders and stuff could be sorted according to colour then. That was a neat little add-on that's still lacking in linux land.
Ok, apparently Dolphin can do the colour-coding with an add-on.
>Is the merge-means-replace-everything fixed?
Why are you still continuing this meme?
total commander (w/ autohotkey) or far manager (internal macros) on windows if there are tons of files to deal with. terminal on linux/osx to simplify common operations with shell scripts. sometimes im lazy and just use filezilla (ftp) instead of ssh to connect to local linux box to manage media. i find windows explorer and finder acceptable for light use otherwise.
Windows Explorer
i like nautilus
> terminal on linux
You know there's midnight commander on linux, which is basically the same as total commander and you can open a shell in mc y pressing Ctrl-O
Me too. A very aggravating bug in an otherwise very capable file manager
Volkov commander
pcmanfm blows them all out of the water
No File Manager > Ranger > Thunar > Dolphin > PCmanFM > Nautilus > Finder > Windows Explorer > Nemo
>can't even expose the entire file system
Spartys Cup of Linux
Any file manager that let me configure and use as a bookmark network places? Dolphin can do that, but looks like shit in XFCE and thunar can't keep the bookmark.
when i check the properties of an hdd with thunar it takes ages to show the left space and it doesn't even display the type of file system
Is there a program that copy and automatically check hashes in linux?
>Nautilus at the top
>Nautilus anywhere near the top
Nemo when it doesn't crash every 5 seconds
I use Explorer mostly. It Just Works
Thunar keeps crashing all the time when I rename files
Is there a way to fix this?
Sure. Just look at the source code and find the bug.
Update, the latest version fixed it for me.
>open a folder in terminal (or in this case cmd)
shift-right click
open command window here