/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

Old thread: What are you working on Sup Forums?

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Daily reminder why Rust will never be popular

> Rust is currently unable to call directly into a C++ library

Java is the best programming language!

Not even C++ can do that at times

What is the best anime?????

Polite reminder that the popularity of a language doesn't matter. What matters is YOU! So be the BEST that you can be and use whatever tool you feel best fits the great things you're trying to do!

Master of Martial Hearts, probably.

Im that guy trying to make a non jew spying simple to use password manager.

I've come to the conclusion that the safest way is to export an encrypted text file which holds all the passwords and that if you delete this file everything is gone so its advised to keep a backup somewhere.

Can it get any safer than this? In any chance some bits become corrupt in the exported file I will implement a CRC.

Is this as safe as it gets if you assume theres nothing wrong with the encryption algorithm to produce an encrypted plaintext file?

What do I make?

>his language doesn't have a package manager

I don't even have a language, user. That's a little advanced for me.

Go into the directory where the Makefile file is and do the make dance:

make clean && make && make install

a Makefile, or makefile (we prefer Makefile though)

>make install
and end up with files cluttered allover the system

ok, here it is anons


Thats actually the activity you're asking for when running make install.

>I've come to the conclusion that the safest way is to export an encrypted text file which holds all the passwords and that if you delete this file everything is gone so its advised to keep a backup somewhere.
literally how else would you make an encrypted password manager

>can it get any safer than this?
Make sure you handle the keys properly

Aside from the "community" faggotry, can we all agree that Rust is dogshit as a programming language that adds no beauty, terseness or usefulness to the current ones?

just pip it

Learning C++
Tried making a Palindrome Word Checker.
Rate, criticize and help me learn.

It's a fine language for its specified problem domain.

>implying pip is safe

Just wanted to make sure

In django, how do I call the filename of a file uploaded through an imagefield?

writing a serial port interface.
should I write it like std::iostream, or just use get()/put() functions?

>make; make all; make sure

What is Rust's specified problem domain?

> problem domain.
cis male patriarchy

Rust is the best language I've ever came across. Just makes sense to me.

Now that I am getting used to Rust, I cringe whenever I try to code in other languages aside from Erlang

Making codes of conduct.

are there any Sup Forums cli clients? or any dead ones I could play around with?

I bet you also like to program in Go.


Go wasn't really that bad. I like goroutines as well. Problem is it's currently focusing on web server application development and I am not interested in that.

post quines faggots
every programmer should have written at least one quine

However I liked D better

Use the API and make one yourself.

Both, define the stream operations in terms of the functions/methods.

Here's mine:

It probably wouldn't be that hard to make yourself, but the only problem is captcha.
You would need to have a Sup Forums pass, or try and work something else out.

at least one quine

The language is H9+
Hello, World!

GNU bash

Only brain dead freetards that cling to half a century old technology to look hip and retro like C


boku no pico


can confirm aria is gud

Can I get her lewds?


They're for my eyes only boy

Every month there is a security exploit out in the open in Linux and almost every fucking time it's a C developer forgetting about safety checks.

Linux is shit because C is shit

>watching dmd/ldc compile
How do they do it

>The product is shit because producer is shit

>implying there aren't superior Java, C# or C++ to choose from

You are aware that that Windows', MacOS's, FreeBSD's, OpenBSD's and basically any OS that people actually use's kernels are written in C as well, right?

linus is actually a retard, but linux is nice

>that the popularity of a language doesn't matter
Totally false, I know it's super important to use the right tool for the job, but a language that is highly adopted means that exists a lot of libraries and frameworks to make development easier.
Install-package japanese

I see you forgot to add in Rust to that list.

>not being capable of writing your own libraries for everything that you want to make

See beginning of thread

Implementing things is fun, but sometimes you need to use a library just to get the job done. It's like standing in someone shoulders.

Yes, that's right. If the product cannot be used perfectly by a producer it's trash

if hash tables are so good then why not use them for everything?

>Nonsense rambling of a freetard
You showed him

>hurr durr

Isn't the entire point of libraries to share commonly used routines?

Why would I rewrite things that others have done just fine?


>what are you working on
brainfuck compiler

After languages like Rust will take over the role of C and everything has fewer security holes, will the infosec industry slowly die?

Trips raise good concern

>After languages like Rust will take over the role of C

Never. Too much legacy shit is built in C for C to be ever replaced.

Where will Rust be 25 years from now?

We are all waiting for you to make an OS based on Rust so we can leave C behind.

I don't know, but I'm pretty sure it still won't have HKTs.

Python surprisingly is fucking 26 years old. So unless a major company decides to invest in Rust. I don't see Rust going anywhere.


In state like sml is now or worse.
People already know some language and there's no point to learn rust.
Schools teach c++/java/python so it's unlikely new people will learn it either.

The standard webengine Servo is using Rust
Firefox is rewritten in Rust and it has less exploits
Rust becomes the main language to write desktop applications on Linux

I fucking hate Debian why did I even agree to install this shit
I need my GHC8

>wishful thinking

>People already know some language and there's no point to learn rust.
top quality argument there, just the kind of mindset that hipster retrofaggot shows to justify to hold on to old garbage

Should have installed Gentoo

Haskell is shit.

If you want security you must use Java.

>Rust becomes the main language to write desktop applications on Linux
Until linus rewrites linux in Rust, Rust will never take over C. Much less on Windows.


C isn't used anymore, Linux is dead and Redox becomes more secure than OpenBSD

What does Linus has to do anything with desktop applications?

I don't think you know what you're talking about.

>>Rust becomes the main language to write desktop applications on Linux
>Until linus rewrites linux in Rust, Rust will never take over C.
Explain what Linus has to do anything with userland software

The kernel is written in C.

Your point?

I have, it's clearly not the solution. I need to switch to Nix on this PC but I haven't had time to migrate everything over

So long as the Kernel is still written in C, Rust will never replace C as the de facto language.

Why don't you go onto the Linux Kernel Mailing List to try and convince him then?

What relation exists between the kernel and the userland?

Rust is a systems programming language, or claims to be. Why use it for userland when there are so many better alternatives? It's intended for stuff like writing kernels.

Well you see user, the kernel must NEVER BREAK USERSPACE
Fix your approach to kernel programming.

>the kernel must NEVER BREAK USERSPACE
Yes, and how does kernel determine anything in the userspace?

Why are you dodging my question?

I was making a bad reference