/guts/ thread
Changing case/messing with the build yet again. Can't stop won't stop
/guts/ thread
Changing case/messing with the build yet again. Can't stop won't stop
what case is that?
thinking about upgrading from dual 270xs. any suggestions? running 2x 1080 monitors.
Vega GPU's shouldn't be far away, AMD's new stuff. I'd say wait for that first.
Lian Li PC-O11
First build
dat axe
New build on the horyzen
Watercooled for your first PC. Nice.
This has a very 2012 look about it.
Sweet microwave 8)
Danks m8. It was a gift.
Looking awesome my dude really like the Lian Li.
If you want to stay AMD get a rx 470 or 480 i suppose or a gtx 1060.
Kinda dark can't see everything but looks good with hard tubing.
Same as always super throw down custom loop.
I have always liked the Node cases probably should have gotten one over a Corsair 240.
Here's a pic with some more lighting
Looks pretty good what are the specs on it? Also i like the pci ssd don't see them very often.
Had enough of my POS laptop, so I decided to go all out
>Fractal Design Define C is 30% off right now
>don't really have any need to upgrade my case until next pc rotation
>but my Core 1300 doesn't provide any sound isolation or dust coverage
I really shouldn't, right?
Of course you should.
Get that case you will not be disappointed.
need a higher resolution to push that GPU user
Have dual monitors now, looking to go triple in the future
Very nice mobo block.
I think I'll (finally) get white extensions for the 24-pin and PCI-e cable sometime this week to match the 8-pin EPS one.
So you intend to play your video games on all 3 monitors then ?
Perhaps, but I do a lot of software development and multimonitors are a godsend
Well like the other user said, you need a higher resolution to push a 1080. Higher resolution doesn't mean just having 3 monitors and using them to multitask while playing your vidya, but actually rendering demanding shit at a higher resolution.
If you want to make use of the GPU performance you've paid for, you're gonna want to run your vidya at a resolution somewhere between 2560x1440 and 3840x2160. A 34" ultrawide at 3440x1440 would do well, but 5760x1080 should be appropriate too though very few games have proper multimonitor support and the novelty of it wears off after a while, especially at such a "small" size.
I completely agree. But going from a shitbox that can run games 25fps @ minimum to something that doesn't even turn on its fans is a godsend. Really just tried to future proof™ a bit
I don't think that have to be true. A GTX 1080 will be fine for games at 1920x1080 a lot longer than lesser cards that are just good enough for 1920x1080 right now. Depending on the game.
You don't have to upgrade often when you get high end cards like that and pair it with a 1920x1080.
Thanks! Do the predators come with the PE series or XE series rads?
If you do cables, get a full sleeved replacement kit. Extensions would look a little cheesy I think, since your bottom cables are exposed.
Here's another picture of the block for you, I took recently.
They're PE series. I was a bit surprised when I first got it with how huge it actually is, the pump and res add a good 5 cm to the length of the radiator. Was a bit difficult to get into my 750D.
I wish they'd have put some longer tubes on it, but I'll probably just do that myself somewhere down the line.
I don't think extensions would look that cheesy, though I think I will make some kind of PSU cover eventually. Either that or just get a new case, cause this one's got noise problems up the ass. Shit rattles like a motherfucker if the windowed side panel is on. Sometimes without the side panel too, though not nearly as badly.
Im pretty drunk right now but I'll post my guts
look at this fucking shit i got leds i'll burn my house down
damn it i din't even post my gutsu fuck me
So many water cooled systems ITT.
A few questions:
-is water cooling risky due to the possibility of leaks?
-does water cooling require a special fluid or do you just put plain water in?
-at what point does one need to add water cooling? Like, how do you know fans won't do the job?
-how much have you guys paid for water cooling devices themselves?
I could easily Google that last one but I thought I'd ask since we're already talking about it.
>-is water cooling risky due to the possibility of leaks?
Yes, there's always a risk.
>-does water cooling require a special fluid or do you just put plain water in?
Distilled water with certain additives.
>-at what point does one need to add water cooling? Like, how do you know fans won't do the job?
The fans do the job. You don't stick fans on radiators because it makes them look pretty.
But really, no one ever NEEDS water cooling, high-end air will let you overclock nearly as much, and the same goes for graphics cards with proper aftermarket coolers.
Water can however provide better acoustics and look nicer.
>-how much have you guys paid for water cooling devices themselves?
I've paid 300 USD and a lot of time with EK's support for my Predator 360. Custom loops can easily run over 1000 USD but can also be more reasonable.
Leaking is pretty unlikely these days. Still there though.
Plain water is a no, it gets moss and shit growing in it.
Watercooling is never really needed until you start doing super high overclocks. However, corsair's latest coolers are priced about the same as a comparable fan cooler, but look better, and sometimes cost less.
100$ for my h100iv2.
>SSD mounted to the rear exhaust vent