Hey Sup Forums

hey Sup Forums,
I just installed Arch Linux and have some problems ...

how to I take a screenshot?

also when I run screenfetch I get this error
zsh: command not found: screenfetch

what do

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Uninstall arch now because its not for you. Its for people who can figure out problems by themselves.

thanx for the nice memes

>how to I take a screenshot?
Install Gimp and then
File -> Create -> Screenshot

>I just installed Arch Linux and have some problems ...
That's normal.

I sure hope you're just meme-ing. That's a shit ton of packages for a screenshot.

You have to calibrate your video drivers first. Zero it out with 'sudo dd bs=4M if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda; sync' your disk right now.

Arch is only for hardcore hackers and serious professionals

It's not a meme, that's literally the purpose of Arch

That's why I said this ;
OP will give up on arch soon enough with his attitude though, so it really doesn't matter.

>Its for people who can figure out problems by themselves.
>needs fuckhueg Arch Wiki written by others

"""installing arch teacheas you about linux"""

Nigga what are you doing?

The ArchWiki is a resource to make things easier. Documentation is just that, what you do with it is your issue.

this is my favorite meme

so you admit that using arch means reading the wiki every day in order to fix stuff after running pacman? perfect

neofetch --scrot_cmd

No, and that's a terrible strawman argument. Please read what I stated again.

9 out of 10 hackers choose Arch for a reason.

people install arch because it's cool amoung 15 year olds, not because its good

What does the other hacker chose?

Install gentoo

Try again when you've got a bit more experience.
Arch is for seasoned veterans.
You WILL get there.
Believe in yourself.

found the newfag

Kali Linux, and he's the one who makes something out of his life.

>arch is for """advances users""" only

nice meme

even retards can install and use arch, guess why it's so popular fagget

it's what 12 year old install when gentoo is too hard

You're not a retard.
Don't get down on yourself.
Arch is the distro for you.
Just not yet.

Install Void Linux. Then tell me about a good distro.

Or heck, Fedora with your DE of choice. Even if it is systemd, it has the_best kernel support in the community. Why? Nearly 90% of the kernel devs run Fedora.

>Nearly 90% of the kernel devs run Fedora.
Are they all too stupid for Arch?

Why are you using zsh

this, fuck off if you can't even pacman -S

nice b8 m8, I r8 8/8

On the contrary, they're too intelligent for Arch Linux. See: lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-general/2015-July/039443.html
If you take this kind of conduct lying down from the devs, you're stupid and ignorant, aka the average Arch user.


type 'curl raw.githubusercontent.com/KittyKatt/screenFetch/master/screenfetch-dev' > /bin/screenfetch'
then 'curl github.com/dreamer/scrot/archive/master.zip > a.zip && unzip a.zip && cd scrot && ./configure && make && make install'
From there you can use screenfetch, for screenshotting type screenfetch -s.

When you're done type '/dev/random > /dev/sda #zsh allows that'.

I think you mean dev. Specifically, the worlds most butthurt dev.

thanks, works on my mac