Boston dynamics at it again

Boston dynamics at it again

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Why do these robots always seem like they're in some sort of agony?

they're testbeds, they're usually tested until they break. then after they break they're rebuilt only to be broken again.


I was waiting for someone to kick it down

Should I try to intern here?

This is fucking amazing. I'm glad google dropped them.

they were put on a short lease while owned by google, apparently. told to work toward non-military projects

you should try to kill yourself

General Grievous, you're shorter than I expected.

fucking lav sum star wars memes friendo :^)))

Ah yes. The nightmare inducing robot.

Impressive. Very nice.

This version already kicks back.

It won't be long before they'll be patrolling the US border

>what's the point of this not like those little wheels can cli-

I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.

needs rocky montage music

make it manned, add some weapons and we you already have a decent mecha.
>Google is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace and is an affirmative action employer.

out of date, BD is no longer google owned

Something... to surpass Metal Gear.

>that last jump

Why is nobody kicking it?

All the technology in the world and we use it to pick up and move around boxes.

imagine if it network tethered with a quadcopter that had FLIR and could scan the area for all humans, allowing it to calculate a perfect strategy to exterminate all of them at the utter limit of machine speed, accuracy, and efficiency.

now imagine that there was 32 of these bot+quadcopter combos being generally operated and instructed by 3-4 people in a command vehicle that possesses long-fire remote missles, basically javelins that can fire off of the bots optics, and some of the bots had TOW missiles where most of them had .50BMG cannons, which, don't need much ammo because they basically don't miss.

you're looking at a robot battalion that would be capable of completely destroying a traditional enemy division. it would rapidly become something that can not be fought against. and it's not like nukes, where there are hard limiting factors to their use.

now visualize the continuing growth of neural networks and machine learning, as it continues to break barrier and barrier between what we have and strong AI.

wew lad.

Oh my God, that 80's-style freeze-frame end shot is hilarious.

But Jesus, Boston Dynamics, you can make an unnatural, self-balancing abomination, but you can't figure out how to use both audio channels?

they'll replace my home depot jerb ;w;

What are you 15?

More like knightmare , we geass now

>and some of the bots had TOW missiles where most of them had .50BMG cannons, which, don't need much ammo because they basically don't miss.
by the time you make a helicopter large enough to carry that, you might as well use a single rotor.
... which is exactly what the MQ-8 Fire Scout is.

No. You know their cheetah robot? Because of high vibrations they used a USB flashdrive for storage. Because of high vibrations the flashdrive would fall out, so they HOTGLUED and kapton TAPED it in.

Boston Dynamics: worlds most advanced robots.

What's the difference between an elevator and boston dynamics' robots? Nothing really, only an elevator doesn't have legs.

Boston Dynamics: world's most advanced robots

so now that this faggot is going to replace me in my forklift job
should i get a degree in computer science or computer engineering
which one makes more money?

Go ahead and kick that robot monster. It'll beat you up

the quadcopters aren't armed. they're just sensor platforms that accompany the bot seen in the OP video. the bot seen in the OP video is already capable of carrying a TOW, a .50BMG cannon, and 75 rounds of ammunition. this could essentially be implemented today.

Hold muh beer.

someone didn't pass the BD's job interview and is salty salty!!!

>No. You know their cheetah robot? Because of high vibrations they used a USB flashdrive for storage. Because of high vibrations the flashdrive would fall out, so they HOTGLUED and kapton TAPED it in.

who gives a fuck? are you implying they can't print or mold a plastic holder for the drive? these are prototypes, and how they get the drive to stick in there is irrelevant. it's not a problem. production models, once they have a customer, would have all of these trivial problems worked out.

boston dynamics robots are actually mostly brilliant because of the physics programming they carry.



>this could essentially be implemented today
it is. as long as the machine can interface with the mesh networking used in the JSF and larger unmanned units. the larger units can communicate to satellites commands from US bases.

Where you based forkie user?

What's the endgame here?

Now that they have gone and made legged and wheeled robots, I want to see flying robots.

I've been thinking about this. Once robots takes all the jobs and universal basic income is the norm. How will an individual make money? Make data? Or will AI take and do that too?

if you add satellites into the mix, now you can pilot/command these babies from nevada just like they do with the Globalhawk drones.

>This guy rolls over and spanks your gf in the butt.

What do you do Sup Forums?
What do you do???


kick it down

assume the stance

>>You mean.....


>> production models
Name a robot Boston Dynamics sells and has made over 10 of.

They'll start shooting skater videos with fish eye lens next time.

>universal basic income is the norm

>thinking this will happen

What will really happen is the people who control the robot manufacturing will create armies and fight over resources. They'll probably kill off the majority of the population for being dead weight.

ddos it with my botnet

[X] Genuflect


that's top secret

Jesus christ


>tfw when you realize you were cucked by botnet that bought you

Well Trump did promise.

He mentioned something interesting: Cipher is pursuing new research. He claims that what they're doing in Africa is the missing piece... A weapon to surpass Metal Gear.

name one other company worth buying robots from when the time comes to buy robots.

if/when the military and police start down this road it will be boston dynamics that they buy from. right now they're just honing their craft.

unironically yes

Jesus Christ .... I'm retarded or jesus christ.... that's frightening?

Boston Dynamics is already a DoD contractor. One of the many reasons why google dropped them is because they didn't want any direct ties to DARPA.

as far as we're allowed to be aware, they don't have service models yet, they're still developing their plan on how to implement them.

кoжaныe yблюдки

Welcome to your globalist technocracy future plebs. These will hunt you down *if* you survive the "natural" plague.

They have sold 6 atlas'
Fanuc, KUKA, ABB, Yasakawa, Mitsubishi, Kawasaki

>robots can now jump without stumbling over
The robot age is here


Walking is just jumping from one foot to the other

that's deep bro

Lets see it deal with this.

it can fucking climb mountains.

it's a roller derby battlebot
the endgame is der terk er jerbs

Those 5 inch wheels can't make it over 1 inch of gravel.

No wonder that google pulled the plug. Imagine being a google manager and see this shit happening with your money.

so much this, dumb neets and people with manual work think they have a place in the automated future


it clearly shows them rocking and rolling through snow and obstacles as diverse as 3 feet different on one wheel rather than the other.

this robot can and will move over areas such as this at 3-4mph

>starts mass producing batteries
>has plans for mass producing robotic weapons with military intent
does no one else hate the path this world is taking us down?

bad enough the united states of Aids gave us a war on drugs, god only knows what the fuck they'll pull once they have robots that can own your ass.

or maybe once those robots become mass produced they wont need so many randoms to do all the boring jobs and ww3 will finaly start.

fuck yes. I have been training all along.

Really impressive but equally quite scary. It's like I'm watching something from Robocop 2.


PKD Second Variety

Well I guess this renders warehouse workers obsolete? I'm guessing robotics is the precursor to a communist uprising.

>diverse as 3 feet different on one wheel
All smooth. To ride over rocks, it would need to lock the wheels and walk, It would fall over, or get its leg stuck in between some rocks. Why are you dickriding this glorified science-fair project so hard when a single drone is singularly more significant than hundreds of these toys could ever be?

>when it clenches its robo-cheeks to lift that crate

sick moves