

Is hot

I don't understand why you let this bother you.

It's a homo

People on this board don't have hobbies which is why they make up discussions around irrelevant bullshit like which browser to use or the fact that females are using a computer.

Except not

Filthy low test frontbutt plebs not liking flat chests are the exact reason why all the qts turn into crazy feminists

>inb4 that's not how the meme goes
the meme is a lie. fat is bloat that gets in the way of working in a kitchen. alpha males prefer their women to follow the UNIX philosophy.

that box is a total rip off

cd code



see: Changing directories and memorising a few markup tags

Oh look, a thread created for the sole purpose of shilling this woman, while it is devoid of any meaningful and technical discussion relating to technology.
A thread being made daily about the same woman by a bunch of 13 year olds with a hardon for a random advertising model, and using her company sponsored "i need to look like i code" skills as an excuse to post her on Sup Forums and only talk about her without any other technology discussion.
A thread about advertising a woman, and then only discussing excuses as for why she should be allowed to be advertised on Sup Forums. Instead of being posted on or since the content of these threads are pretty much the copy paste of threads on aforementioned boards.

Great going Sup Forums. I can see why you are posting this woman over and over again here. It's to infuriate enough people who get tired of seeing your threads into shitposting on her social accounts, and creating another Anita Sarkeesian.
I approve Sup Forums. Oh i wholeheartedly approve, and i shall even contribute by referring her to these threads on Sup Forums and shitposting along. Maybe i'll draw some porn of her getting fucked by horses, watermark Sup Forums/g/ on them, and spam her digital life with the art.


Why does she look like a male gypsy in drag?

who is this bitch and why do you give her so much attention?

I wouldn't mind CD'ing into her pussy directory, know what ! mean?!



The "o" looks like a dick.

just another bitch shitting up the industry with lies and no ability


>she needs to join our startup

>be the problem glasses


>pretentious food
>pretentious water
>pretentious kode
oh wew

>make up discussions
more like shitting up this board with one word content threads between fapping sessions.

Someone actually sat in front of their computer and typed this post.

If you don't understand, you shouldn't laugh


They aren't writing a single line of code at all. they are changing the directory a million times to make it look 1337 man. Koding!!!!!111!!!111!11!!!!

She's not taking your or anyone else's programming job, she's not releasing harmful software for the masses. What's your problem?

desu the effort is good, maybe all the girls will gather in the ruby community and we won't have to deal with sjw drama in other languages

>I have no problem with disingenuous liars

She will clog the ranks with her nerd army. I guess you want a legion of Klossies.

she's a SJW
she invites retarded SJWs into our programming world
she's ruining entire programming culture.

cd ..
cd ..
cd ..


Taytay's pussy broke her

That's a cute laptop I'd watch anime and play RCT on it

>kode like a kloss

so.. code terribly?

Holy shit, guess they just want the pussy or are just as retarded.

What am I looking at?

As someone who doesn't know how to code
What's the cd thing mean

It's a simple command. .. sends you to the parent of the current directory you're in.
In short it's not even fucking code, it's barely even a script.

Just saying ">she" is not a topic for discussion. Take your trap pandering somewhere else.

Sup Forums is for the discussion of technology and related topics
Sup Forums is for the discussion of technology and related topics
Sup Forums is for the discussion of technology and related topics
Sup Forums is for the discussion of technology and related topics

I guess to be fair. If that fraud can inspire a couple of girls to be actual programmers, then maybe the net worth of that picture would be positive.

it's just using windows without using the explorer UI

nah treadmill desk senpai

i also type one handed and curl 75lbs with the other arm and use vim

lol, don't be such a triggered cuck